Date: Sep 29, 2012 07:16 am Title: Chapter 36
I knew that Janet and Steve liked each other! They were trying to front and shit! I know that Emily is annoyed that Mike is textin a lot. But she needs to let him handle his business and chill lol XD
Author's Response: Ikr but they make such a cute couple! Yeah she should understand before jumping the gun lolz
Date: Sep 29, 2012 07:03 am Title: Chapter 35
O_O Those visions are scary! There's got to be some way to stop it from happenin. And you added The Rock! I loved how you made him a music teacher w/connections.The Rock is one of my favorite wrestlers and actors. He is so sexy and yummy lol XD
Author's Response: Omg yes them visions :/ but they gotta find a way to stop smh. Ooohh yes I love rocky he is my favorite &cute &sexy! He's my favorite actor and wrestler too :)
Date: Sep 29, 2012 06:44 am Title: Chapter 34
O_O its about to go down! And I can't wait! lol This will teach those haters not to mess w/his girl. So he's psychic too? Cool! I wonder what that dream meant XD
Author's Response: Hell yeah it's going down lmao! Michael is somewhat psychic since I found that out in interview he had with Barbra Walters. He said he could feel when something is gonna happen or when someone is about to pass. He said he felt someone was gonna pass and it actually happened it with Princess Diana and he was so devestated :/ I hate seeing him sad. But yeah he is good at sensing things :)
Date: Sep 29, 2012 06:32 am Title: Chapter 33
Dayum! Mike was a real bad ass! Smokin and drinkin. I can't wait to see what he has planned for those bitches and that fuckhead lol XD
Author's Response: Ikr he was he was a bad til ema made him into sweet cuddly puppy *snif snif* lolz Yep knw one plays with mike when come down with fuckin with his peeps. :D!
Date: Sep 29, 2012 05:26 am Title: Chapter 32
Lol of course she's going to feel sore after getting smashed by Dickzilla! Finally Kim let Emily know what was going on. Lmao! #ICant She's smokin weed! Can't wait to see how it affects her powers XD
Author's Response:
LMFAO! Dickzilla??!! i like that one. that weed would make her levitate everything around her loolz
Date: Sep 29, 2012 05:03 am Title: Chapter 31
I can't beleive that they are engaged now and the lovemaking was very hot and steamy. I can't think of a better way to make love than in a shower w/the water falling all around you. Brings back memories lol XD
Author's Response: Ikr there finally gonna get married in the future :)&wooo yes that was steamy I'm jealous of emily and any other women with him period lolz I'm jealous of bre In The Asistant she having his babies & the whole 9 lolz and there scenes were so hawttt! XD
Date: Sep 28, 2012 07:50 am Title: Chapter 19
LOOL Omg the food fight had me in stitches :'D
She really needs to learn to control her powers, but damn they do end up in the funniest situations because of it sometimes haha.
Author's Response: LOLZ I couldn't never get over this chapter :D XD. I agree she does need 2 learn how 2 control her powers &ikr hehe&thanks girl!
Date: Sep 28, 2012 07:02 am Title: Chapter 30
Dayummm he beat the hell outta of Mason!!! I knew that it was gonna down eventually between those two. But Emily...wowww the way that she caused those explosions on the highway O_O And the best part is that her bitch of mother will be gone for two weeks. I wanna read more, but I gotta go to clicncials. Will read more later XD
Author's Response: LMAO! Who's Bad?! Mike was really pissed girl lolz I knw smh she has the hardest time controling her powers sometimes. Heck yeah her annoying ass leaving for 2weeks. Ema needs a break anyway. Aww mkay I understand& thanks so much 4 all your honest feedback. Idk how you got so hooked? It's like Mike&Ema can pull people in loolz Much love <3 <3
Date: Sep 28, 2012 06:59 am Title: Chapter 18
Omg, this quote right here had me tingling all over inside-
"the only thing i could repair is your heart."
Michael is just too damn sweet now, I can't take it haha.
I'm glad the family and Michael made her feel loved.
Beautiful chapter ^_^
Author's Response: Yessss! :))) finally <3 I knw that quote got a hold of me to. It was just to deep. And omg he is soo sweet :) ema derserves the love from him and his family. &thanks!
Date: Sep 28, 2012 06:46 am Title: Chapter 29
Their relationship is growing and I love it XD
Author's Response:
amen! im so happy 4 them :D
Date: Sep 28, 2012 06:37 am Title: Chapter 28
i'm glad that she told him. And of course he would be pissed off like duh lol But I wonder what she's going to do now XD
Author's Response:
ikr like duhh he has a right 2 pissed loolz
Date: Sep 28, 2012 06:29 am Title: Chapter 17
I love Vera. She'd make a way better parent figure to Ema than her mother ever did.
MJ and Em are adorable ^_^ I've noticed Michaels always there for her when she needs him, and even if he seems busy he finds time. Ahh they deffo have a connection :))
Author's Response:
so agreed! vera is a better parent fit 4 emily any day. she should of been the one to raise her instead. &yea i love how michael will continue 2 be there 4 her. now that's just some true love and care <3
Date: Sep 28, 2012 06:10 am Title: Chapter 27 Future Plotting and Scheming.
O_O OH hell naw! I have so much to say about this update. First, Tatiana and the rest of those bitches are so fuckin pathetic. And they really need to chill. But I already know that won't happen, so I can't wait for them to get what they deserve. Mason is a dickhead. I can't believe that he hit Emily! He needs to go down too! Kimberly is being so selfish and she needs to tell what she knows or pay the consequences. And Emily needs to go tell Michael that fuckhead hit her. Instead of cutting herself. Now that was SMDH
Author's Response:
i can't stand them bitches either from day one since they picked on emily. mason is just a loser 4 even putting his hands on her hope michael beats his ass once ema tells him she better tell him. yeah cutting not solve shit... i agree that was this whole chapter was no loolz and kim better open up her mouth.
Date: Sep 28, 2012 05:53 am Title: Chapter 26
The flashback was so painful. What a horrible way to die! Doing a good deed and then getting killed for it. Lol! Soon the sexual tension between these two will get to be too much and they will have to act on it one day. I can't wait for that cuz I know that its gonna be hot and steamy. But I still don't want her to be friends w/Mason cuz I don't trust him. But we'll see what happens XD
Author's Response:
I knw this chapter really touched me to it was such a horrible way to go. that was rough :/ oooh yess they need sensual moment with eachother ;) don't worry gurl! u getting there lmao! mason dont deserve her frendship hell naw. lolz &thanks!
Date: Sep 28, 2012 05:47 am Title: Chapter 16
Damnn!!! Thats all I can say, hope Michael can find her before she gets even more vexed and the whole place blows :P
Awesome chapter, love! :3
Author's Response:
yes michael better hurry his ass up before everything gets demolished!