Reviews For The Verge
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Reviewer: mrsmj2011 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2012 04:20 pm Title: Chapter 43

Mason and Star are not to be trusted. they ned to go kick rocks lie for real lol XD

Author's Response:

lmao they need to go somewhere far away there becoming annoying girl! xD!

Reviewer: sugacream2525 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2012 04:12 pm Title: Chapter 51

Damn it Vera should of kicked Sandra's ass yo!
Don't let me come in the story and do it myself lololol -____- that stupid bitch she is hypocrite Vera is right on point.

Author's Response: Loolz everyone wants vera 2 kick sandra's ass XD! I bet u would fight sandra. Lolz

Reviewer: mrsmj2011 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2012 02:37 pm Title: Chapter 42

I can't stand haters!  Why can't ppl leave Mike and Emily alone?

Author's Response:

jealousy can do alot smh. bahh

Reviewer: mrsmj2011 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2012 10:06 am Title: Chapter 41

Ugh!  Why did Sandra have to come back?  She's such a hateful bitch!  I can't wait for her to get what she deserves!

Author's Response:

i hope she get hers in due time to after hurting ema so much like that. 

Reviewer: MJrulzBiebersuxs Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2012 06:34 am Title: Chapter 51

Oh shit Vera was about to kick Sandra's ass damn and in a way i was kinda hopeing she would do it to but im glad she didnt. I hate seeing Ema sad and down but Michael has to tell her what had happend between Vera and Sandra and i know that if Ema starts freaking out Michael is going to be their for her and he will help her through this. Im really Really glad Michael has been ignoring Star but he has to tell her very soon that he doesnt want her. But that time will come. Maybe Vera and Michael should beat some sense into Sandra but i know that wont be a good thing to do. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.

Author's Response: I agree maybe they could knock some sense into sandra if she only listens. It seems she only see's things her way :/ But that's unfair to emily tho. &yes in due time he will get star once he helps emily with her situation. Haha I'm glad he put star on the back burner and put emily first like he suppose to. I think vera was trying 2control herself omg imagin a fight between them two? But yeah michael will help ema anyway he can. &thanks girl! <3

Reviewer: mimi Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2012 06:56 pm Title: Chapter 51

Emily's mother is such a prick. If she don't want Ema then she should let her live with Michael or Vera at least they really care for her. Sandra is so fucked up. I can't wait for more.

Author's Response: Ikr if Emily move she'll most likey live with Vera or Michael. Atleast she got them If her crazy ass mother gonna be like that. &thanks!

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 30, 2012 03:15 pm Title: Chapter 27 Future Plotting and Scheming.

0__0 Such an eventful chapter omg!

Kimberly has basically lost her place popularity wise so she should deffo fill Michael and Emily in. I know her life is also put at risk but she can't just stand down to the bullies.

And omg Mason only wanted to use her!? Smh, I thought he actually liked her, all he wants is to screw her over. AND HE HIT HER, THE FUCK-TARD. If Michael finds out, he'll whoop his ass which is what I actually want. Smh omg this whole chapter was saddening, self-harming is not a release/ way to escape troubles. Can't wait to read more when I have the time :)) , <33

Author's Response: Yea iknw so much is going on all at once smh.. I agree there's around this 4 kim to do this without losing her popularity gosh that sounds so selfish righ there. Kim needs to think wisly. Mike&Ema won't let her lose her popularity once she tells them. They could take care of this on down low. No on should ever self harm no matter how bad the situation is I've learned that myself. Venting and talking to someone helps eases the pain&hurt. no prob I'm sooo happy your enjoying. :) <3

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 30, 2012 04:55 am Title: Chapter 25

Thanks for the shoutout at the start of the chapter (even though I'm reading this late haha) :P

Omg she's gonna share the story about what happened to her dad? Can't wait to read this. Its great how Michaels still treating her so nicely after what happened with the Mason drama.


Author's Response: Lolz girl! I had to because u did read my a chapters 4 awhile & I appreciated that a lot to :) yeah it's sad of what happend 2 her dad :/ & yep michael can't help hiself he loves him so emily. :) <3

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 30, 2012 04:18 am Title: Chapter 23

Damn if only she could go back in time and tell Michael about Mason. >,<

By the way, I love Steve as Emily's best friend. He always has her back haha

Author's Response: Ikr smh.. yes steve is a wonderful bff :D

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 30, 2012 04:02 am Title: Chapter 22

Emily should tell Michael about Mason ASAP, I hope Michael doesnt flip because he should know Emily only loves him. 

Omfg he's gonna propose to her!? Sweet! :')

Author's Response: Yeah hurrt up ema b4 all hell breaks loose,& michael shouldn't flip cause she only wants him. Ikr :)) that's a shock!

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 30, 2012 03:52 am Title: Chapter 21

Her mother is BONKERS omg.

Its so sweet how Michael was at her aid, I love how he said she's welcome to him because she is his all, even family. Awee :3


Great chapter :D , <3

Author's Response: She's very bonkers. I'm always happy that he's there 2 help her. He gives her the kind of love she deserves. <3 &Thanks :)

Reviewer: mrsmj2011 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 29, 2012 05:31 pm Title: Chapter 40

lmao dance really does inspire sex. she really put it on him lol and hopefully her mother will be happy for her will read more tomorrow XD

Author's Response: Lolz I agree & she did put it on him. Yea I hope her mother is happy 4 her 2 without her acting insane lolz Btw I 4got 2 give u the name of the girl from the picture XD he name is Bianca Lawson. But if you used Vanessa Morgan 4 me I definitly done mind :) <3 & that banner is hot!

Reviewer: mrsmj2011 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 29, 2012 04:38 pm Title: Chapter 39

I wonder what is wrong with her. I hope that she will be ok. And she and Mike are so cute ^_^

Author's Response:

idk whats up with her either and i still tries 2 figure what's her symtons are? i think her powers be messing her up sometimes.  ikr #Team Mike&Ema :) <3

Reviewer: mrsmj2011 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 29, 2012 01:51 pm Title: Chapter 38

Poor Mikey!  He's so worried about Emily and its stressing him out. Star needs to fall back. I bet that she's not even pretty lol. The scene with the marshmellows was so cute XD

Author's Response:

yes poor mikey you can tell he just loves that girl 2 be worrying about her so much. lmao!!! star is a bitch once you get to know her lolz ikr toasting marshy's could be fun sometimes but with mikey even better ;) lolz

Reviewer: mrsmj2011 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 29, 2012 12:23 pm Title: Chapter 37

Woowww maybe he should have told her about his plan. And now it looks like she's sick. What's going on w/her?  XD

Author's Response: He should of but maybe he just wasn't thinking right. I knw ema just has so much going. I can't figure it out either lolz

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