Reviews For The Verge
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Reviewer: Annie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 26, 2012 01:19 pm Title: Chapter 22

Jesus Christmas, Michael admitting his love for Emily to Katherine is just...

Author's Response: Loolz ikr!!

Reviewer: Cwooten Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 25, 2012 10:52 pm Title: Note I will continue with this. 70

:( so sad you are discontinuing the story I loooooved it!! Especially since they just got back together.

Author's Response: I know..well I'm not gonna discontuing it. Just on this site I'm not anymore but if you would like to continue reading it you'll have the choice 2 either read it on crazyovermj or on my tumblr I'll post the link up soon after I post the chapters up. But I'm still debating rather I will continue on this site I'm gonna think real hard on this one & thank you 4 sharing your thoughts. <3

Reviewer: michaelfan90 Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 25, 2012 05:50 pm Title: Chapter 1

plus after what they did to dri, i dont think i will associate with a site like that. but i wish you the best hun. i hope you come back one day.

Author's Response: Aww yeah dri told me & that was a shame on what she had to go through just because of her comment. & yeah I'll always be around on here & like I said before I will try to debate or reconsider rather I will keep the story on here or me continue writing on here period. & I actually made this not to any new readers out there who would like 2 find some intrest in this but looks like they dnt like this...but if anything I have my tumblr 4 official backup. & thank you girl 4 responding Much Love! <3

Reviewer: michaelfan90 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 25, 2012 05:25 pm Title: Note I will continue with this. 70

dang thats too bad cause i only read stuff from here. wish you would reconsider, but if thats your final answer then i guess thats that. hope you nothing but luck on the gonna miss it.

Author's Response: I'm just very insecure about my writing & lack of support on here only you & a few ppl actually liked this. I guess not many use 2 a story like this but I'm debating rather 2 continue on here or not if not then I'll post in my tumblr & leave the link up here 4 y'all to continue reading this & thank you 4 sharing your thoughts. <3

Reviewer: Dri Signed starstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 25, 2012 03:33 pm Title: Note I will continue with this. 70

Too bad because I canceled my account at CrazyOverMJ site. A moderator (the same person who invited you to post your story there;I know she has an account here and changed her name.I'm not fool!) did not like a comment I made and she banned me and insulted me on her twitter... I was un-banned but then I was not feeling well there and asked to Kiya to cancel... If you stop posting here I would not be able to read anymore.

I'm not feeling confident to comment on stories because of this incident ... I hope I can solve this somehow in my head ...

But if it's your final decision's okay.

Take care and thank you for sharing this story with us.

Author's Response: Oh wow I didn't know you went through that on there 0.0 I'm sorry to hear that:/ well if anything I may continue this on my tumblr & I'll just post it up 4 y'all since y'all still love it & girl you comment all u want! Everyone has a right 2 opinions & it was wrong on how u were banned like that. Sorry you had to go through that. But if anything or either way I'll continue this but I'm not sure about this site tho I'm having many insecurites & very discouraged by this site so yeah I will probably continue this on my tumblr whenever I get a chance & I'll leave the link up so y'all can continue to read. & thanks for leaving your thoughts here. & Much Love!

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 25, 2012 12:38 pm Title: Chapter 50

Heeeey Sabrina the teenage witch jokes?! Haha i had to point that out. :P 

Damn there are so many things trying to get in their way but Michaels and Emas love stands up to them all. Im too glad her cousin was there to listen to bitch Stars and dumbass Masons convo. Like foreal they need to get lives lol -_-

Haha I loved how you ended the chapter positively. I have less than 20 chapters till I catch up. Can't wait XD

Loving it so far =)) , <33

Author's Response: Loolz that was my favorite show :P yea ikr they have so many things going on but they overcome it all. Yes sometimes I hate ending chapters with bad endings:/ xD &thanks so much 4 your review!! <3 <3

Reviewer: God4thepeople Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Dec 24, 2012 03:26 pm Title: Chapter 1

make a wish:

Author's Response: Ok wish more ppl would like this story. Lolz

Reviewer: Annie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 24, 2012 10:19 am Title: Chapter 1

YAY! You updated ;) I don't even remember what was the last chapter I read LOL

Author's Response:

I Think you left off chapter 8 i think im not even sure either LOLZ it's just waaaaaay to many chapters on here.

Reviewer: mimi Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Dec 15, 2012 04:44 pm Title: Chapter 68

Aww at least Emily still trying to work it out with Michael. I hate seeing Michael hurt though. And your chapters are still great really hope they get back together in due time. Continue soon!

Author's Response:

Hopefully they will when Emily stops listening to this misterious guy but smh he got her where he wanted and it's gonna take awhile 4 mike & ema to be back toghther. & ikr i dnt like seeing them apary either but something gotta give and thanks so much! <3

Reviewer: mimi Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 12, 2012 06:33 pm Title: Chapter 67

Nooo :( this can't be... why why?? I hope this doesn't last for to long.

Emily and Michael belong togther. I hated to see this. And michael is so hurt I feel so bad for him well the both of them that is. I hope Ema goes back to him. But I'm sure Michael will find a way to get her back some how. I can't wait for more.

Author's Response: I know:/ but I'm sure love will find it's way 4 the both of them. Emily just has to re think this soon & michael will never leave her out of his sight cause that man frecking loves her so much. & that mysterious guy maybe a little jealous now he maybe sabatoging there relationship 2. But what he dnt know is he can't stop Michael & emily from loving eachother cause there love is so deep & nothing could break them. This maybe 4 awhile but not 2 long tho will see how this all goes. & thanks!

Reviewer: mimi Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 11, 2012 09:10 pm Title: Chapter 66

NO! Why is she listening to that jerkoff? I know that strange ghost guy that looks like Michael would get his way -____- why would Emily listen to him?! I'm angry right now. I feel so bad for Michael poor Michael :( Please for Michael and Emily for ever. I hope Ema doesn't really go through with this. I can't wait for more.

Author's Response: Bah ikr she shouldn't put all her trust in him so she decides 2 listen 2 him. I hope she doesn't listen to that guy either but he could be so convincing & on top of that he's sexy to, I kne I feel bad for michael 2 :s he doesn't deserve this. Hopefully it won't last 4 to long. & thanks!

Reviewer: Cwooten Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 11, 2012 08:19 pm Title: Chapter 66

New reader! I absolutely love this story! :( I can't believe she's going through with the break up! So sad but your writing is amazing :)

Author's Response: I knw:/ she shouldn't go through with this. Hopefully this won't last to long. & thank so much!! I'm glad your enjoying this. :)

Reviewer: michaelfan90 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 11, 2012 06:56 pm Title: Chapter 66

WHAT????? WHAT!!!!???? i can understand her going back home but LEAVING HIM!!!!!!!no why would she do that? UGH!!! no no no. she just left the one person who truly loves her for who she is. EMILY, girl do you know you just made the biggest mistake of your life???!!!...........great chapter by the way. update soon. lol

Author's Response: Ikr. -_- going home is one thing but leaving michael?? 0.0 I agree she is making a big mistake but that won't stop michael from getting her back cause he loves her that much. Watch in future chapters he won't give up. & thanks girl!

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 09, 2012 02:46 pm Title: Chapter 45 Give into me.

LOOOOOOL This chapter had me CRACKING UP! :'D

The parts where Star kept thinking of her cousin as "bozo the clown" I couldnt stop laughing in real life. XD

And when Raynna was like "that Rupaul looking bitch better be a friend." I was crying with laughter. :')

But omg damn, Michael better not be giving Emily such things to worry about... He should have atleast text her. Damn lol. But I'm glad they were cool by the end of the chapter. :P

I'm gonna try and catch up this week, this story is amazing. ^.^ 

, <33

Author's Response:

ikr i had so much with chapter! xD yeah thw red hair is like bozo & the star with her tall blonde tanned self compaired to rupaul loolz 

yeah mike better get it together cause he could really lose ema because of dumb ass star, 

yeah im glad they made up to but ema may have some trust issues with michael though.

& thanks girl! <3

Reviewer: sugacream2525 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 05, 2012 09:29 pm Title: Chapter 65

I noticed he's gonna be annoying as cute as he is I know she better not fall for him and hurt Michael. He looks like Michael lololololol this shit gonna be crazy! continue!!!

Author's Response:

oh heck yeah it's gonna be crazy lol & thanks! <3

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