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Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 23, 2012 09:08 am Title: Chapter 21: Michael vs Tommy

Losing a friendship because of a girl, it's really something sad.

I wasn't expected it would go that far though.Not with them, fighting like this.

I wonder how all the things will turn out for the 3 of them.

Reviewer: ShellApple Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 22, 2012 10:22 pm Title: Chapter 21: Michael vs Tommy

That's a lot of nooks and crannies going there. A lost friendship over a girl. michael a stripper is so sexy Contine pls thank u

Author's Response:

Haha Michael as a stripper IS sexy. That's why I did it lmao! A girl can dream.... *sigh*

I most definitely will! Expect another update in probably two days...

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 21, 2012 09:13 am Title: Chapter 20: Kissing Crisis

Wooow things are going to turn bad for Tommy and Michael.

I can't to see what will happen between them!

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 19, 2012 02:01 am Title: Chapter 19: Confrontation Time

Poor Tommy, I feel sad for him. he loved Stephanie for so long. But like her, I think he shoumd have told her before that he had feelings for her.

I don't know what Michael want to show Stephanie...I need the next update to know ;)

And yes, I really enjoy it so far!

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 18, 2012 01:56 am Title: Chapter 18: Maybe Cheating?

I'm waiting for their confrontation...I don't know why but I feel that Michael will see them and will be wonder about them...

But Stephanie is right, they have to talk about what happened.

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2012 09:48 am Title: Chapter 17: I Love

I think that Tommy went a little too far...Kissing her and see how she reacts before to tell her why he did this, ok...But he was really agressive in a way.

I think Stephanie will try to understand his move a little better once the "shock" passed and maybe spoke with him. Michael won't be happy if he find out and his friendship with Tommy could be in danger.

Reviewer: soldieroflove Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 15, 2012 11:03 pm Title: Chapter 1: My Story

She is Stephanie Haynes and Im Shania Haynes what a coincidence

Author's Response:

Haha omj seriously?? That IS a coincidence!

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 14, 2012 09:02 am Title: Chapter 16: Tommy's Confession

I was sure that Tommy liked Stephanie a lot and like Michael I think he's not completely sincere.

I wonder what will happen next but I hope Michael won't change his attitude toward Stephanie or Tommy now.

I didn't know about this too, in the statistics.I'm gonna do it right now...After reading your update on Gay factor of course ;)

Author's Response: Yeah! The thing in the statistics thing I thought was really cool! I always wondered if there was a way to find out who has favorited your story, and now I've found it! Yay!! Haha I was really haply that I discovered that for myself! XD Thanks for all of your reviews by the way, I really appreciate how you leave a review at the end of each chapter for both this story AND The Gay Factor! :)

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 12, 2012 02:16 am Title: Chapter 15: Killer Kisser

I was sure that Tommy could have developped feelings for Stephanie...It's too bad cause he is a good guy and will be probably hurt seeing Michael and Stephanie together.

Please update I love this story girl!

Author's Response: We'll be seeing a bit more of Tommy in the future I'll just say that... Thanks for all of the reviews! I'll either put a chapter up tonight or tomorrow night! :)

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 07, 2012 11:47 am Title: Chapter 14: Forever

I'm happy they finally revealed their feelings to each other and damned the sex scene was hot.

I loved the part when Michael showed her the pole dancing...Their bodies glued together...It was so sexy and sensual...A dream to do that with Michael!! lol

But I think that everything won't perfect for long between them...

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 02, 2012 11:42 am Title: Chapter 13: Now Or Never

Fiery Dildo Guy!! So funny!! I love this nickname lol.

She's gonna say everything to him, at least try, well I'm in a hurry to read the next chapter.

I think that Tommy had maybe develop some little feelings for her...

Great chapter as usual :)

Reviewer: sugacream2525 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2012 12:13 pm Title: Chapter 12: Backstage Bang

oh... no michael didn't he acting all boss and ish disrespecting her club just to get her back. woo that's low down. lolol bad mike haha plz update soon! Thank You

Reviewer: Mj cuteness Anonymous starstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 31, 2012 09:01 pm Title: Chapter 1: My Story

I like this

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 31, 2012 07:08 pm Title: Chapter 12: Backstage Bang

LOOLZ omg! Michael! that's pretty harish righ there geez ouch right in front of her in her club to? that's insane and michael is such a smart ass. can't wait for more.

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed starstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 31, 2012 01:28 am Title: Chapter 12: Backstage Bang

Oh I can't believe Michael did this!! He's so crazy.

I love how he is in this story...I just can imagine him naked, saying all those things to Stephanie...It could be a great scene of movie lol.

I'm addicted to this story girl, update soon!

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