Date: Apr 22, 2016 01:44 am Title: "Why Do You Have To See Him?"
I saved this last week, not knowing the day I read it would be the day Prince died. I Love them both.
Date: Jul 06, 2012 01:53 am Title: "Michael I Don't Deserve You"
oohhh im so hapoy mike wasnt sad and that its a happy end cool story priya :-D
Date: Jul 06, 2012 01:47 am Title: The Second Visit
oh can she do that to michael o_O
Date: Jul 06, 2012 01:39 am Title: Headlines
oh nooo stupid media fuuuck poor michael
Date: Jul 06, 2012 01:36 am Title: "What Took You So Long?"
so happy that this was with michael and not with prince
Date: Jul 06, 2012 01:31 am Title: "Michael Who?"
wow you cab really write in 1 chaoter a new person prince and he seems to.have character already you so good love you
Date: Jul 06, 2012 01:26 am Title: "Prince Wants To See You"
oommggf ahe wont cheat on michael oh god not she cant do that ahh i have to read more so bye
Date: Jul 06, 2012 01:23 am Title: "It's Not Like I'm Cheating On Michael"
did prince really wear high heels when you were at his concert priya?XD
Date: Jul 06, 2012 01:18 am Title: "Why Do You Have To See Him?"
go on girl.awww haha is that from the way you make me meel right? haha i wouldnt leave mike.a second for a princ concert XD haha actually not for anything