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Reviewer: MichaelManiac Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 07, 2012 05:01 am Title: Chapter 3

Aww, I know Michael is going to be a great father! Love it!!

Reviewer: MichaelManiac Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 03, 2012 10:36 am Title: Chapter 2

Aww, poor Mike. I wonder, who's Samantha?

Author's Response:

I would describe Samantha as his childhood sweetheart. When I get more into the stroy I'll probably do a flashback describing her and Michael's relationship.

Reviewer: MichaelManiac Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 30, 2012 08:00 am Title: Chapter 1

This seems pretty intresting!!Please write more!

Author's Response:

Thanks. I will be writing a lot more. :)

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