Date: Jun 30, 2012 03:00 am Title: Chapter 3: What the hell?!
Loool she didnt want that dream to end. XD
I love her badass attitude, wonder how she and Michael will be brought together! :D
This is a great story!
Much love, <3
Author's Response:
Lol! Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it! :D
Date: Jun 29, 2012 01:20 pm Title: Chapter 3: What the hell?!
Justice needs to face facts, she loves her some Michael. And I don't blame her!
Author's Response:
I know! But the problem is she just don't want to. Stubborn as always. :)
Date: Jun 29, 2012 01:13 pm Title: Chapter 2: He What?!
What the hell?! Sierra and Michael? That's Justice's little sister! What's wrong with him?
Author's Response:
Girl, I don't know, but I think he's doing it for a reason. A good one at that. ;)
Date: Jun 26, 2012 04:04 pm Title: Chapter 1: First Day In Hell
loved it yhu should continue <2
Author's Response:
Thank you! I will! XD
Date: Jun 25, 2012 05:23 am Title: Chapter 1: First Day In Hell
Girl, this was good. Michael, I can't believe him (But I still love him). He's such a dog (A sexy dog, lol). Keep up the good work.
P.S:Be careful to space out your words, so they won't be all jumbled together.
Author's Response:
Thanx! Yeah next time I'll try to remember that. ;)
Date: Jun 24, 2012 07:42 am Title: Chapter 1: First Day In Hell
Great story so far doll. Lots of love
Author's Response:
Thanx so much! XD