Date: Jul 03, 2012 09:46 am Title: Sorry,blame it on me
What a beautiful chapter!!! Your words are so moving... So touching. You're one of the best writers on this site simply because you write from the heart!!:))
Ohhh where is Allyina going? Her character is amazing, I wonder how Michael will link into her life!! ^_^
Amazingly written, and I LOVE that song... Akon is awesome. I also love his song Mama Africa... One of my favourites. :D

Date: Jul 03, 2012 07:35 am Title: Chapter 1
i got the pepsi can for a dollar, so i bought twelve. everytime i drink one i feel like moonwalking and screaming HEEE HEE lol. but Michael didn't really like pepsi anymore since they cut him off because of the charges. but NOW they wanna celebrate him? im comfused about that. but i bought it anyway.

Date: Jun 27, 2012 06:52 am Title: Chapter 4
This was.... Beautiful. There's so much wrong with the people of the world today; stupid is the right word to describe them. We should be wanting a change; all this suffering that is going on is so shocking. It pains me so deeply to know its happening in OUR world.
:( This chapter was so touching, you have a way with words that capture feelings so deeply... So inspirational! YOU'RE AMAZING. =)
Much LOVE, always!!!

Date: Jun 27, 2012 06:42 am Title: Chapter 3
Omg! So how does she recognise that girl??
This story is so mysterious; I love it! And that artwork was amazing :)) I knew she would win... ;)
Alina; your heart is SO pure and it shines through your writing. Its amazing how much you really care for the world and children; just like Michael! :')
I can't wait to read the next chapter! , <3
Author's Response:
Hi Sabrina!
First : Love your name more!
Awwww :D :D :D Glad you love it! I am trying to make it mysterious for a reason.
Uh,she doesn't recognizes the girl,I mean it was the first time she saw her in her life,but when Allyina paints or raws,she always does what she feels and what image comes in her mind.The fact that the girl was real was new to her,but that's for me to know and for you to find out the next events!
I can't say how much I am deeply touched by your sincere words and you really don't know what they mean to me.The world.
I only say what my soul feels.I don't know if I have said it before,but I identify myself a lot with him.
Stay tunned!

Date: Jun 21, 2012 06:41 pm Title: Chapter 4
this chapter was tad bit confusing at first but its good at that same time after you explained in the author's note. nice work! sorry you're feeling so down. just remember that your readers love you!
Author's Response:
Hi Tina!
Love your name!
Oh,I know it was confusing,I am sorry if someone didn't understand ,but I hope the details at the end were helpfull.
Thank you very MUCH! Oh,it is alright,it passed away.
Love you too!

Date: Jun 18, 2012 07:24 pm Title: Chapter 1
Oh I missed you so much!
Author's Response:
I love your name!
Really?..WoW...I feel so....HAPPY !!!
I am so glad you are enjoying my stories!
Would love to hear more from you!

Date: Jun 17, 2012 01:16 am Title: Chapter 2
Giiirl this is great so far!!!! :D I can't wait to see what twists and turns it has xD
Omg about the Pepsi cans- they havent released them yet in the UK :( I dont know when they will but I'm sure in America they have lool
I dont like Pepsi that much but the cans looks so cool, omg xD
Anyways amazing start love!! :D Update when u have the chance.
I love you!
, <3
Author's Response:
Hi Sabrina!
Well,you'll have to wait to see! :D
I don't like Pepsi either,in facT I don't drink juices at all,just on very rare occasions,but I can't wait to have one with him! ( or more :)) )
Thank you so MUCH!

Date: Jun 16, 2012 10:24 am Title: Chapter 1
I love it continue!
Author's Response:
Hi ! Thank you do much!
I am VERY happy then!