Date: Sep 18, 2012 08:09 pm Title: Chapter 68
Wow Cassie is a bitch. I dont know why but i have a bad feeling that Cassie has something evil planed. Wow i cant believe Jocelyn is already a year old. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: She is a little bitch. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: Sep 13, 2012 08:12 pm Title: Chapter 67
AWWWWWW Maggie is such a cuite puppy. Im glad Michael and Gabby are enjoying theirselfs. And im happy Jocelyn has a new friend lol. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: Update finally posted. Internet was down yet again. Sorry for the wait. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: Sep 10, 2012 07:30 pm Title: Chapter 66
Aww they made up. Im glad. And it looks like they are going to have some fun All Night Long lol.And im SUPER glad that Tatiana is not going to work with Michael again. And when Michael said he promiss he will change i believed him 100 %. I wonder what the sex of the baby will be. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: I am too. She was such a little bitch. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: Sep 08, 2012 09:48 pm Title: Chapter 64
Did i read that right Tatania kissed Michael and after the show he didnt do anything about it. Michael your in deep shit when you get home. I wonder what Katherine's reaction will be when Gabby tells her what had happen. Im glad Franke calld Gabby when she saw that. Wow Gabby is already 5 months pregnant and Jocelyn is now 11 months she is growing up super fast. Jocelyn was so cuite when she saw her daddy on t.v. Im just hoping all of this will be fixed i cant imagine seeing Gabby and Michael apart from each other. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: Yeah that little homewrecker kissed him AGAIN! I think Frank wanted to beat Michaels' ass as well. Jocelyn is such a daddys' girl. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: Sep 08, 2012 08:03 pm Title: Chapter 64
michael is making me angry. ugh. what is he trying to do, become an ex husband? he should be ashamed of himself for not firing tatiana. he knows gabby don't like her. im so angry with him. he is a terrible husband at this point. then he bailed on coming home to his family to go shopping? she should not be easy on him when he gets back. she is his wife and she is pregnant and she deserves respect. and tatiana deserves to get her ass beat. please update soon. i wanna see what gabby's so called 'husband' has to say to her.
Author's Response: Yeah he is not acting like himself. Hopefully after their talk when he gets home, that he'll straighten his ass up. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: Sep 07, 2012 09:19 pm Title: Chapter 63
Awwwwww cuitness factor alert Jocelyn is sooooooo cuite. Im so happy she said Dada and Momma and started walking*Claps*. I cant believe Gabby iis pregnant again i just wished she told Michael while they were both talking. I wish Michael was able to talk to Gabby, it just seems like they are becoming very distant maybe its just me. But im glad after 4 more shows Michael is going to be able to go home. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: They just need to work out their issues when he gets home. I know what you mean. Michael and Brie both miss each other like crazy. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: Sep 07, 2012 05:40 pm Title: Chapter 63
wait she forgot to tell him she was pregnant. dang it. she is gonna have the baby before he takes the time to find out lol. he is being a bad husband/father. he needs to pay more attention to his family before he he loses them. Gabby needs to tell mike how she feels and also about her pregnancy. please update soon. great chapter hun.
Author's Response: I know. He is so wrapped up in his tour that he doesn't see the problems being caused back home. She needs to tell him and soon. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: Sep 06, 2012 07:43 pm Title: Chapter 62
Ooo i bet Gabby is pregnant lol. I guess that time when Gabby saw Michael they did a little something something*Sings* All Night Long lol. I cant believe Jocelyn is 9 months already and crawling :). Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: I know. She is growing up sooo fast. I still need to find a picture of her. Anyway, stay tuned. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: Sep 06, 2012 07:39 pm Title: Chapter 62
hey girl so i just caught up on this story, and might i say i am NOT disappointed(your stories never do). im scared about mike being around tatiana. i hope he is smart enough to not let anything happen. she kissed him for christ sake, what makes him think she won't try something else....ugh...men. lol i have a question though is this during the bad or dangerous era or did you kinda combind it? anywho please update soon hun.
Author's Response: It is towards the end of the dangerous era and the start of the history era. I am very pleased you are liking my story. You will have to stayed to tuned to see what happens. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: Sep 06, 2012 03:33 pm Title: Chapter 61
Wow Gabby means business. That is a lesson for you Tatiana Dont ever mess around with Michael if you want to keep your teeth.I started to cry a little when Gabby was saying goodbye to Michael. OMG i hope Gabby is ok,I hope its nothing serous. Im thinking Gabby might be pregnant again but who knows. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: I know. She didn't want to leave but she has her daughter back home. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: Sep 04, 2012 05:52 pm Title: Chapter 61
Ooh child...miss Gabby is pregnant, lol. Damn, they worked it FAST! I am glad she went and told that go where to go, and where to keep her lips and hands. The next time she gets out of line, it's a wrap!
Loves this update @Alexis! I am glad you enjoy my responses, lol. You should see my face when I'm thinking/writing them while reading the story. Girl....eyes get all big, neck snaps and rolls, lol.
Author's Response: I know. I'm glad she set her foot down about HER man. I loved the last part of this. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: Aug 31, 2012 11:49 pm Title: Chapter 60
Oooh... I knew that ho would be nothing but TROUBLE!Fire her now Michael, and call your wife and tell her what happiness before this spirals out of control and you ruin your life by doing something stupid. That skanky ass heifer!
Author's Response: Lmao. I loved this. He does need to tell asap. Update posted doll. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Lots of love.

Date: Aug 29, 2012 05:31 pm Title: Chapter 59
This was such a wonderful chapter. I cant believe Adam's parents bailed his ass out he diserved to stay in jail for 5 years. I started to cry when Michael and Gabby was saying goodby to each other. I just hope the 6 months pass by like a speeding train. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: I know, he deserved to rot for what he has done to them. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Aug 28, 2012 08:58 pm Title: Chapter 59
Aww man, that sucks he will be gone for six months! Girl better get her a vibrator in the mean time. That Tatiana Michael better watch, that skank is up to no good!
Author's Response: You're telling me. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: Aug 24, 2012 03:32 pm Title: Chapter 57- honeymoon part 1
Wow that outfit would make any man drool. This was a great chapter and it was very steamy ;-) and i loved it. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: Thanks doll. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Lots of love.