Date: Jul 21, 2012 05:31 am Title: Chapter 3
Aww thats cute that he called her babe and how he care about her is so sweet of him.
Author's Response: Yes it is. She needs him more than she realizes. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Jul 11, 2012 05:09 pm Title: Chapter 33
OMG i hope the baby will be ok. Damn i wish Adam would just leave Gabby alone and how dare he call Michael Wako Jacko >.
Author's Response: I know, I hated writing that, but, with his personality, it just fit. Oh and we have not seen the last of Adam. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. I'll update again when I get back next week. Stay tuned. Lots of love.
Date: Jul 10, 2012 05:54 pm Title: Chapter 32
Awww this was such a cutie chapter. I almost fell out of my seat laughing when Michael said he would wait untill the baby is born to tell his family the sex of it. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: I know Michael is such a little sneak sometimes but I love him. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Lots of love.
Date: Jul 09, 2012 05:07 pm Title: Chapter 31
Aww its a Girl :D :D Im so happy for Gabby and Michael. I cant wait to read Michael's mom expression. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Lots of love.
Date: Jul 09, 2012 03:31 pm Title: Chapter 30
Im glad that Bri and Michael told her and Addams parents what had happen although they did not listin. Im so excited to know what the sex of the baby is. I know whatever the sex is Bri and Michael will LOVE it. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: I know. They are so hard headed sometimes. Update posted doll. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Lots of love.
Date: Jul 08, 2012 04:52 pm Title: Chapter 29
OMG i now hate Bri's parents and Adam parents. I cant believe Adam's and Bri's parents bailed him out of jail. He diserves to be in jail. How freaking dare Adam come back and tell Bri he has changed which i know for a fact he didnt. I just hope Michael takes care of this situation once and for all. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Jul 07, 2012 01:26 pm Title: Chapter 28
Aww Michael made brrakefast for Bri that was so nice of him. I have a bad feeling that the person who had said "Hay" was Adam i hope that i am wrong. Whenever you get a chance can you please upate,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Jul 05, 2012 03:50 pm Title: Chapter 27
Aww poor Bri fell asleep during the movie. I know that Michael will do the right thing and apologize to Bri in a huge way. Whenever you get a chance could you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: Update posted. Lots of love.
Date: Jul 04, 2012 06:33 pm Title: Chapter 26
This is not going so good. Michael u need to go home and talk to Bri she needs you cant you see that. Damn this chapter was intense. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: Update posted. Lots of love.
Date: Jul 04, 2012 09:34 am Title: Chapter 25
Awww.....poor girl..I mean mommy.....she is upset because he wasn't there...It is the hormones fault....she would understand...but Michael has to do something about his new family....he has to HAVE time for them.
And yet, you can put the blame on time.
I love it.I have told you befor.I read it since it first started.But I was affraid of what I will say in a review.I didn't think it will be what you want to hear. I'm Sorry,blame it on me.
Author's Response: No worries. I love all of my reviews. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Jul 03, 2012 09:39 pm Title: Chapter 25
Aww poor Gabby i feel really sorry for her. I just hope Briand Michael talks to eachother when they get home. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: Stay tuned. Lots of love doll.
Date: Jul 01, 2012 05:48 pm Title: Chapter 23
Aww they made love :). I started to tear up when Michael told Gabby from his heart that her scars are just scars and they tell a story of her past life and it leads up to her present life. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: I'm really glad you are liking this story. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Jun 30, 2012 05:47 pm Title: Chapter 22
Say YES for god's sake Brie!!!!!
awww!I loved Michael being jealous!Cute!
She's still recovering of her trauma but needs to trust on Michael...they need just a little more time...
Thank you!
Author's Response: Yeah he is REALLY protective of Brie. Stay tuned. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Jun 30, 2012 05:39 pm Title: Chapter 22
Aww i hope Gabby says yes to Michael's offer. Im glad Gabby is trusting Michael now. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: I hope she does too. Stay tuned. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Lots of love.
Date: Jun 30, 2012 05:35 pm Title: Chapter 22
Author's Response: Lol. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.