Reviews For The Gay Factor
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Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 11, 2012 09:37 pm Title: Chapter 70: I'm Done

lol! I was staring too ;) baby got BACK! haha! there were parts of this chapter that i liked... i liked the start with mia, and i loled so much at the part where adam and mj were kissing and cody and ashley were all grossed out! that was so funny and so true! no kids ever want to see their parents make out! I didn't like what janet had to say though... i hope their relationship will get better <3

Author's Response:

Lol! Ikr?! I stared at it for awhile too *-*

Me too, but we'll see what happens! :)

Thanks for the review :D

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 04, 2012 06:01 pm Title: Chapter 69: Valentines Day 69

lol! yeah, the whole sex scene on chapter 69 was cheesy, but i loved it! it was verrry good! i love your sex scenes! all of them are amazing! this one was especially hot because of the scavenger hunt that michael made adam do! i thought that that was just so clever! and the rings... awww! <333 so cute! and it's a shame that they couldn't get married because of that stupid law >:( it's not fair!

Author's Response:

lol! I know! But I had to! XD It's been my dream! Haha!

Thank you! I'm glad you like them! I like them too XD

Yeah, it is sad. It's sad that that's still how it is in some places on Earth :( It shouldn't be like that, but hopefully one day there'll be equal rights for everyone...

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 04, 2012 09:11 am Title: Chapter 69: Valentines Day 69

It was very hot and very well written as usual! A perfect Valentine's day ;)

The ending was so beautiful. Michael and Adam wearing some kind of wedding rings...They're so cute!

Author's Response:

:) Thank you!

I loved that actually, but there's actually going to be some significance towards those rings, they'll be referenced a few times.. and they'll become important. Not for awhile though, like a long while haha XD <3

Reviewer: Eltoie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 04, 2012 06:43 am Title: Chapter 69: Valentines Day 69

This was really hot, especially on a pool table. And they way how Michael let Adam find him... so romantic...! Too good! 

Okay, so I was kinda bored, and wanted to do something. So, I wanted to photoshop. I made like eight photoshopped photos, and one of them was this one:

Michael and Adam! <3 

Cute, huh? I hope you like it too.

Keep on writing! <3

Author's Response:

Thank you! Haha, I've had the pool table idea for awhile, I've just been patiently waiting for chapter 69 lmao!

OMJJJJJJJJ that's amazing! That's so good! I love Michael's eyes (and the rest of his face of course)!  Wow.. that's so cute! Of course I love that! It's gorgeous! XD


Reviewer: God4thepeople Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Dec 04, 2012 03:30 am Title: Chapter 1: American Music Awards

make a wish: Real Magic
Real Magic Love your story! keep it up!

Author's Response: Thank you! Glad to hear that you think so! XD

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 27, 2012 01:43 pm Title: Chapter 68: United?

I'm happy Janet and Neil are married and had a great wedding.

But poor Mia, I felt so sad for her. She misses her daddies a lot. I really hope that Adam and Michael will find a solution to work on their family and on their couple...

It's true they don't spend a lot of time together and with them working on Valentine's day...I don't know why but I feel that our little cute couple is slowly getting apart...They love each other deeply but I hope that the distance due to their work won't seperate them.

Author's Response:

Great wedding for sure! What happens after might be a bit different...

Yeah, you worded that really well! Things are falling apart, and they're not as united as they used to be. But they weren't even super united in the beginning! With having to hide it all for such a long time it was hard enough as it was, but they added kids into the mix which really stirred things up!

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 26, 2012 09:30 pm Title: Chapter 68: United?

Great Chapter Girl! :) yay!! Janet and Neil finally made it! Wooohoooo!!!! Awesome!!!!


Oh Poor little Mia :( it must be very hard for her at that age to see that both of her fathers are always working and not having to spend time I know I've been in that situation before my dad :( back when he used to work for a bus company known as Greyhound. But he's retired and works part time at Charlottle Douglas airport as a shuttle bus driver which is 3 days a week which is a good thing that way he's not just sitting in the house all day watching tv lol!


Aw... Congrats! Hooray for you!! :DDDDDDDDDD

Author's Response:

Hehe they sure did! At least for the time being...

Yeah, I'd assume it's tough. I've never been in the situation myself, but I can guess how hard it can be and how much it affects someone. My uncle works as a videogame designer (soooo awesome! I got to help design a videgame with him!) and he goes away on work a lot and my little cousin is always sad that he isn't there but when he arrived back home he surprised him in his kindergarten class and they posted a video of it on Facebook and I couldn't stop 'awww'-ing! It was so cute! He ran up from where he sat and practically jumped on him! :')

Haha! Yayy me! lmao! I survived!! XD

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 26, 2012 09:23 pm Title: Chapter 68: United?

Lol! I liked Codys comment "a mans gotta hunt" lol! Totally a guy thing to say! i feel so bad for Mia though! But I get how har dit must be for them to all spend time together, I'm sure they would if they could, but they can't. It's shame really, and especially since they won't be able to spend a day as awesome as Valentines Day together is going to suck :( And congrats on the 1 year anniversary! Did a lot in one year didn'tcha?

Author's Response:

lmao! My little cousin of five years old said that. His parents are getting married and when he got the news he looks at his dad and he's like, "But you always say that a man's gotta hunt!!" lmao! It was soo cute! XD

:( It does suck, expecially when you love them so much and there really isn't anything you can do about it...

Haha thank you! :D And omg, yes! I have a feeling that I won't write another 35 stories next year! Lol! I actually wrote more, but I deleted a few... I have some really weird ones, and some are really bad! Haha!

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 24, 2012 04:21 am Title: Chapter 67: Waffles

What a cute chapter. Mia is so adorable. I'm happy that everybody is out and they can come back to a happy family life.

But I'm quite curious with the end of your chapter...I wonder if this wedding will really be only an happy time...

Author's Response:

:) Mia <33 I love doing these quite chapters with her in it!

The wedding itself will be pretty happy... it's the aftermath that should have you worried ;)

Reviewer: Eltoie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 22, 2012 06:59 am Title: Chapter 67: Waffles

I've never reviewed on this story before, but I just wanted to say that this is an awesome story! ;)

Mikey and Adam are so cute together, and Mia is adorable <3 especially in this chapter. 

Hmm... that sentence: "how bad could things get" always creeps me out. Please update soon, 'cause I wanna know what's going to happen! <3

Author's Response:

:D Thank you! Glad you like it!

I'll try and update soon! I try to update each of my stories at least once a week, but sometimes it just doesn't always work out :/

Thanks for the review :DD

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 22, 2012 06:48 am Title: Chapter 67: Waffles

Awww.... Cute and funny chapter Lol! Mia is sooooo darn cute please continue!


     WHAT!? He touched you!? Good it's a good thing you kicked his ass never underestimate a woman because she know how to roll we are not only used as sex toys ;) we are also superior!!! Yay!! But it sucks that you have tondo what you have to do but hey at least you are helping lol ;) 

Author's Response:

Haha thanks! XD

Ya, what a creep right? God... I really hate him. Haha, I didn't get to fully kick his ass because it was school, but I was seriously about ready to and I WOULD have if there wasn't a teacher right there to see me! -_- At the same time though, I'm glad I didn't because I might have gotten an even worse punishment

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 22, 2012 06:36 am Title: Chapter 66: It's Called Media

Hey girl, awesome chapter as always :) sorry that I didn't get to read it though school has just been murdering me lately lol! But finally read it :) I hate the ******* Paps >:( they need to learn to back the Hell off. Now I'm off to read the other Happy Thanksgiving :) ;)

Author's Response:

Thanks! :)

Omg don't even worry about it! I totally understand! lol! It murders me too ;)

Oh yeah!! I forgot that it's Thanksgiving in USA! In Canada our thanksgiving was back in October :)

Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2012 09:30 pm Title: Chapter 67: Waffles

Aww! <3 This chapter was really cute! Specifically Mia! I'm happy that they're out of the hospital now and that things will hopefully start to look up :) Although, the last little bit had me wondering... The foreshadowing in this story is great!! Anyway, loved this cute little chapter! :D And wow... that guy does sound like a jerk! At least he's gone. Too bad you have to suffer for it too..

Author's Response:

:) Thanks! Glad you thought so! I thought that a cute chapter would be nice to do since I haven't done one in awhile :P

Things WILL start to look up for Jacksambert... but things'll get complicated for some other people ;)

Haha yeah, he is. But yeah, at least he's gone! At least now he can't pray on anyone else! Ugh, what a creep he was!!

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 13, 2012 09:23 am Title: Chapter 66: It's Called Media

The medias are so hmm!! I have no words...It's just garbage and bullshits lol. The journalists and their stupid questions...

I'm so happy that the kids are now really alright and they don't care about Michael's and Adam's behaviour...They're a reunited family and it all that matters.

Author's Response:

:) Family is super important, especially when you're going through tough times, so sticking together is really important.

Lmao, sorry this goes a little off topic, but idk about you but I've been dying for Adam Lambert to sing 'Underneath' live and he finally did! If you're interested in checking it out, here's the link! :)

I just thought you might enjoy it.


Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 12, 2012 07:00 pm Title: Chapter 66: It's Called Media

I loved this! I love the way the two of them handle problems that are thrown their way. They make a perfect team! I can't wait to see what else this story has in store :)

Author's Response:

Haha the whole comment you made about the 'team' thing reminded me of these gifs...

Lmao! "So you're team Jacob." Haha! We should just make up our own team, Team Jacksambert! Lmao, does this count as narcissism? Creating my own 'team' for my own story? lol... oopsie


and sorry, I hope you don't mind this but I also found these gifs which I thought were laugh out loud material...


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