Date: Feb 11, 2013 12:57 pm Title: Chapter 79: Intuition
O.o Lisa has to join us, hasn't she? ;)
Well, she hasn't done anything wrong yet, so she welcome!
omg, about the French guy... XD
Maybe you could say that you fall for guys who look and act like Adam Lambert. I don't know this French guy but wouldn't it be funny if he tries to? ;) Or then he's like: what does Adam Lambert do? And he goes checking out on youtube, watches "Fever" live performance and then dies...! XD
Anyway, great chapter! <3
Author's Response:
Lol! Let's all say hello to LMP! *slow cla[*
OMG! YES! I must say that! lol! That would be so awesome! Haha! He just comes to school with guyliner and rings on his fingers XD lol! Then maybe my answer would change ;) omg, no I'm kidding! lol! But that would still be awesome if he did do that! Haha! And he's tall like Adam too :O
Mmm... Fever... yeeeeaaah! See, that's exactly why I had to add a bit of Adommy into this story XD lol!
Haha dies? That's a bit extreme... maybe just 'turn' so then he'll stop bothering me ;) lol!
Haha thank you! I had fun replying to this! lol! Excuse me while I go watch 'Fever' live... I mean eherm... do homework and not perv on Adommy... *-*
Date: Feb 11, 2013 09:59 am Title: Chapter 79: Intuition
Awesome update Girl! Keep up the amazing work ;) :) It's look like Cody is going to do some investigating..... Hmmmm....
A boy who feels his way about a girl, should take his time and get to know that person before he just wants to have his way with her meet her in person and take your time don't rush things I'm now 18 and I have not even dated heh... I mean France!? You are so lucky even though it's for school at least you get to see the sights try new foods yummy ^.^ lol! Continue when you can :) ;)
I also even have a new story called An Angel On My Shoulder where it's about Michael in his 20's living an ordinary life in New York City and he slowly falls in love with a girl ;) I'm still doing The Dark Side Of The Jacksons though but I'm taking a little break whenever some fic ideas pop into my head, I immediately have to put it down lol I just had to sneak from doing schoolwork to read it! :)
Author's Response:
Lol! I agree with you. I think he just wants to use me because I'm canadian... This is an abusive relationship! lol!
Oh yeah? I haven't seen it in the recents, you must have just added it. :) Cool! Thanks for letting me know!
Date: Jan 30, 2013 08:59 am Title: Chapter 78: Counting Freckles, Counting Problems...
I love the part with the freckles lol. Adam was so funny lol.
I don't blame Michael for not trusting Adam completely. It took time to heal this kind of betrayal...I hate when he said he was seeing Tommy in sexual stuff with Adam, especially in their own sexual memories.
I can't believe our little Adam is already 31. When I watched the videos of American Idol, he looked so young and then I read he was 27 at the time...I was like really? lol
Author's Response:
Haha! I loved writing that part XD
Oh my gosh! I know right?! He does NOT look 31 AT ALL! If I didn't know I could have guessed that he was a 20-something! And I totally agree. He looked so much younger than he was on American Idol! 27 just didn't seem right to me either! lol!
Date: Jan 30, 2013 12:03 am Title: Chapter 78: Counting Freckles, Counting Problems...
Happy Birthday for Adam! <3
Oh, and I bought his album Trespassing. I love it, so much! Runnin' and Broken English are my favourite songs. ;)
Adam and Mike were so much fun with the photo album! XD First I was like: Freckles, on his mmpffhh... I don't get it. But then when Adam said Michael got hair on it, I went like: Ohhhh my Gosh..... >.< Haha!
I hope things will get better between the two of them. Really.
Great chapter! <3
Author's Response:
Lololol! Haha! Oh geez... aha! I was wondering if people would get it because it was never actually said. :P
Oh you did? It's great isn't it XD I love it so much too! lol! Runnin' is awesome, it was my favorite song for awhile. And Broken English is sooo pretty! I think my favorite songs off of the album are Cuckoo, Shady, Better Than I Know Myself, and Underneath. :)
Date: Jan 29, 2013 07:25 pm Title: Chapter 78: Counting Freckles, Counting Problems...
Awwww.... Great chapter girlie maybe now they will get settled and place all that was there please continue :) and I also have a new story up called The Dark Side of the Jacksons it's Rated PG-13 with some violence, language and action you can read it if you like :) ;)
Author's Response:
Thank you! :D
Sounds cool! Maybe I'll check it out :D I've been busy lately and I'll be completely busy Friday and on the weekend and probably Monday and Tuesday as well :P Going to FRANCE! <33
Date: Jan 29, 2013 06:35 pm Title: Chapter 78: Counting Freckles, Counting Problems...
I lmao-ed at the first half of this chapter! so cuuute <3 ! it's too bad that michael still doesn't trust adam, but can you blame him?? i mean, he did cheat on him, so i think he has every right to have thoughts of adam and tommy going on through his head. I just hope this doesn't effect anything in the future really badly... :(
Author's Response:
Haha! XD There were some highs and lows to this chapter.. yes haha!
Well I wouldn't have added it in if I didn't have a plan for it ;)
Date: Jan 23, 2013 09:16 pm Title: Chapter 1: American Music Awards
Okay then no Biggy
Author's Response:
Haha alright :)
Date: Jan 23, 2013 08:58 pm Title: Chapter 1: American Music Awards
:) ;) are you also a member of MJIFC?
Author's Response:
No not yet :( This is the only fanfiction site I use currently
Date: Jan 23, 2013 07:49 pm Title: Chapter 1: American Music Awards
yeah I know :) but I'm copying and pasting it there so I'm doing as much as I can.
Author's Response:
That's what I figured ;)
Date: Jan 23, 2013 06:31 pm Title: Chapter 1: American Music Awards
Yeah it's going good and I have chap 33 part 2 up :)
Author's Response:
Haha but where I was left off was at like, chapter 100!
Date: Jan 23, 2013 11:20 am Title: Chapter 77: The Question Of Trust
I'm glad that they didn't break up...for now. Adam will still have guilt for what he did and Michael won't trust him anymore. As he said, he will always wonder where and with who Adam is.
Building a relationship without trust is nearly impossible...But they still love each other and I hope they'll be able to go through this.
You didn't know this picture of Michael? It's one of my favorite. It's so beautiful. I totally melt the first time I saw it.
Author's Response:
Agreed! What's a relationship without trust? But hopefully they'll be able to rebuild at least part of what they once had.
No I didn't! I don't know how I've never seen it before! I agree though! It's so goregous! I melted too; that's why I picked it! :D
Date: Jan 23, 2013 11:17 am Title: Chapter 77: The Question Of Trust
So sad for Michael...
Not being able to trust Adam anymore is hard. Maybe they should wait a while before they take back the kids. Their relationship isn't stable enough.
I really wonder what will happen next, great chapter! <3
Author's Response:
Well put, but after being away for so long they're starting to miss them and the kids are too for sure. Aunts and uncles are great; but parents typically bring more comfort right? Haha, although I reeeally love my aunts and uncles.
Sorry, that was irrelevant.
Thank you! :D I appreciate that a lot! <3
Date: Jan 22, 2013 09:15 pm Title: Chapter 77: The Question Of Trust
Awwww.... I hope things work out for them :'( they really need to start over! Please continue.
Sorry to pop your bubble, but... I can't post anymore chappies of S.B.L due to the incest so, I'm transferring them over to Mjifc where I'm a member so, if you want, you can come be a member too and you can enjoy it again :) it's just a suggestion.
Author's Response:
Haha of course I'm going to continue! XD
Yeah, I'm aware of the no incest rule. At least there's another website for you to post the story. I'll have to go check it out :)
Date: Jan 22, 2013 08:59 pm Title: Chapter 77: The Question Of Trust
I'm glad that Michael wasn't too upset, bur this'll definitely effect some stuff for sure. I dont think either of them are going to forget this and i thibk it'll be used against adam later... :c hopefully things will get better and the kids wont have to know.
Author's Response:
Definitely. Things won't get back to the way they were with a snap of the fingers, and this'll definitely get brought up again. Imagine if Adam does something to piss Michael off, blackmail could be an option? After all, the media don't know about this yet...
Date: Jan 17, 2013 08:58 am Title: Chapter 76: Scars And Burns
Oh God, Michael nearly died in a fire...Adam too. I wasn't expect to read this.
I was happy when they began to speak about fixing things and to see they can be close again but the end came and all the things broke.
Why Michael did ask Adam right now? He couldn't wait a little longer, to appreciate the moment...Anyway, it will be hard for Michael in the next chapter and I hope they will make things work...
Author's Response:
The fire wasn't really super important. It was just there so that they could have that talk; that's why I didn't linger on that part and describe all about the fire, where it started, how it started etc...
Hopefully they'll be able to clear things up for sure! :)