Date: Jun 13, 2012 08:09 am Title: Chapter 10: Damn Tours
Wow Madonna was something on the phone with Adam lol...I hope she will not find something to betray them.
Michael and Adam are too cute. I really hope that Michael and Adam will have the chance to see each other a little during the tour.
Author's Response: Lol ya I'm trying to make her seem a little crazy and out there. :) Glad you think they're cute together cause I think so too :)
Date: Jun 09, 2012 02:46 am Title: Chapter 8: Runnin'
It's pretty worrying to see that 4 years of great love story can be put in danger so fast, with everybody becoming suspicious..
Michael's family has to stop to tell him what's good or not even if they're not agree with Michael's possibility to be gay.
I really wonder if Michael will really dump Madonna.
Author's Response: Agreed. Its sad because thats probably what someone out there might be going through. Not exactly the same situation obviously, but still.
Michael and Madonna are going to be in the next chapter :)
Thanks for the review!
Date: Jun 09, 2012 12:09 am Title: Chapter 8: Runnin'
Wow... I actually just fell in love with this story! I like how you fill out like every section (chapter notes, end notes, story notes). And oh boy... I sure hope that they're secret doesn't get out. I also can't wait for Michael to dump Madonna. But Adam should see that Michael did it for them... Great story! :)
Author's Response:
:D Thanks! Yeah, I'm really trying my best to fill out stuff and keep the story interesting by adding pictures and videos. I promise better videos later on once things start to get going some more. I have like this whole story planned out across like 6 pages all double sided. Got the whole plan ready :)
Thanks for the review!
Date: Jun 04, 2012 11:26 am Title: Chapter 7: Disguises
I'm realy happy they could talk about it...I understand Adam's reaction but Michael did this tp protect what they have...
I use this kind of things in my fanfic "Forbidden Love" too...
If Michael decided to get rid of Madonna, I wonder how his entourage will react...They will be suspicious...
Author's Response:
:) You'll see a bit of that kinda stuff pop up in the next chapter.
Because you read my story and review on it all the time I'm going to check out your story! :D It sounds good!
Thanks for the reviews!
Date: May 31, 2012 01:40 pm Title: Chapter 6: Chez Edilio's
Hmm not sure that this so called relationship with Madonna could be a good idea...What if Adam learned it?
Maybe Adam could do the same too?...For really burry the rumor...
I'm waiting for your update whenever you'll do one :)
Author's Response: The relationship with Madonna could go both ways... it might be a good idea or a bad one.. depends on how you look at it right? Its bad for Michael but good for his image. I make no promises with updates. There will be one next week though for sure! :)
Date: May 28, 2012 01:33 am Title: Chapter 5: The Park
I really love your story and I put it in my favorites.
I love how Michael and Adam are together...They're different on some points but they love each other very much.
I feel sad they have to see each other less often because of the rumour. I hope that people won't think they stopped seeing each other because they have something to hide you know...
Author's Response: Thank you so much! Glad you're enjoying it! :) Whoa! I actually never thought of that before until you said that! I guess people could think that they have something to hide... Thanks for the review! :D
Date: May 26, 2012 03:15 am Title: Chapter 4: Rumours
Wow I love the magazine! It looks so real! :)
I hope they're not gonna be caught in the part by the way! :o And indeed, what if they got caught kissing? I hope they'll be careful!
And good luck with your tournament! :) Sounds really fun!
Author's Response: I know right! The magazine is amazing! I love it so much! XD If they got caught kissing... oh man would the press blow that story up!! The tournament was awesome btw! In the next update I'll describe its aweaomeness. I juat don't feel like typibg it all now cause I'm on my phone and yeah...
Date: May 26, 2012 12:50 am Title: Chapter 4: Rumours
I hope Adam isn't followed by a reporter. If Mike & Adam love each other then they shouldn't care what other people think & come out. Even if that means their careers could be over. Now if they were got kissing... 0.0
Author's Response: Dun dun dun I guess we'll see what happens to Adam and Michael if they ever decide to come out or if they're exposed by the public!
Thanks for the review! :)
Date: May 24, 2012 12:57 pm Title: Chapter 3: Are You Two Gay?
Adam & Michael need to come out. Someone will expose them soon enough.
Author's Response:
:) I love reviews liek this, when someone leaves one about what they want to happen in the future! Thanks for the review!
Date: May 24, 2012 02:43 am Title: Chapter 1: American Music Awards
Normally I don't like gay fantasies, cause Michael was not. But something about this one interests me! :) Keep going! <3
Author's Response:
:) Thank you! I'm glad you chose to read this one! Hope I can keep you hooked! :D
Date: May 21, 2012 07:40 pm Title: Chapter 1: American Music Awards
this is a story you should definetly continue cuz it has potential and i would love to see what happens nxt so hopefully you will continue this story
Author's Response:
Oh yeah! I'm definitely going to continue! I really like this idea and it's one of my favourite's of mine. I already have 5 or 6 chapters typed up, I just need to post them. :)