Date: Jul 14, 2012 09:15 am Title: Chapter 27: A Horrible Mistake
Please update this as soon as you get the chance to! :)
Author's Response: Haha yes! I'll definitely update it soon! :)
Date: Jul 14, 2012 04:53 am Title: Chapter 27: A Horrible Mistake
I'm happy to see that Michael realised he did a mistake...Will he call Adam back and finally imposed his love to his family?
They're both sad and aware that it was a mistake so they need to talk about what they can do...
Update this wonderful story soon girl :)
Oh and now I'm fan of Adam Lambert lol...He's a very good singer. His new album Trespassing is really good.Thank you for making me discovered him ;) lol
Author's Response: :) We'll have to see... I'll update soon! And yay!!! He's so good! I love Trespassing! I love Underneath, Naked Love, Better Than I Know Myself, Shady... ahem, we'll just say all of them... I could go on forever! He better go on tour... And no problem! Thanks for reading abd reviewing each chapter :)
Date: Jul 14, 2012 04:33 am Title: Chapter 26: Cascade Of Tears
It was so so sad girl :-(
I don't know what I would chose in Michael's position...Maybe my boyfriend...You know if my family asked me to choose, it means that they don't respect who I am...They'll be by my side if I dumped who I am, a part of me they don't like...It's not loving a person if you asked her to change...
But in other way, family is family...It's hard to decide without thinking clearly about it...
Author's Response: Yeah, I think that I'd chose my partner as well and you make a good point about them not respecting you if they asked you to chose. But in the end, if I did chose my partner, I think that my family would eventually come around after the see how happy we both were :)
Date: Jul 13, 2012 07:09 am Title: Chapter 26: Cascade Of Tears
Nooooooooooooooooooo! :'( Whyyy??!?!?! Jacksambert was SO FUCKING cute!!! Oh my God! I hope it gets better!
Answering the ens notes here: I kinda agree but kinda disagree. Family is family and I understand that but I think I would have picked Adam because family should love and stick by you no matter what!! You shouldn't be obliged to choose.
Author's Response: I know :'( We'll see what happens between Adam and Michael soon...
And about what you said, I totally agree. Family should stick by you no matter what. They shouldn't make you choose. Besides, they'd probably learn to like your partner in the end right?
Date: Jul 12, 2012 01:47 pm Title: Chapter 25: Hayvenhurst Horror
O...M...F...G... Michael's family really need to wake up and smell the roses! Like God! Ugh! This story makes me feel so many different smotions sometimes! Aah! I love it!
I don't know why you only have 2 regular reviewers... you should have waaaay more!
Update this story soon please! I want to know what's going to happen with Michael!!
Author's Response:
We'll see what happens with Michael and his family very soon...
I don't mind! I usually look at the reads anyway. :) Although reviews are nice and I'm SO glad that there's you and jacksonfan reviewing! :)))))))
Updates will be soon!
Date: Jul 12, 2012 09:50 am Title: Chapter 25: Hayvenhurst Horror
I'm proud of what Adam did.Going to Hayvenhurst to face the family.But their reactions really irritated me.
Janet is really great. I laughed at the "Fuck him hard" line lol.
You're right to enjoy writing it, I would be proud of this story too if it was mine. And I really love reading it.
Author's Response: :D Thank you! I think I'm enjoying writing it so much because I know that you're enjoying it! :D
Date: Jul 11, 2012 12:02 pm Title: Chapter 24: You Choose
Aw! Thats so sad! His family should love him no matter what! At least Janet knows whats right... I hope that Michael does the right thing...
Lol at the end notes! So true!
Author's Response: We'll have to wait and see what Michael does...
And lol! Ikr?!?!
Date: Jul 11, 2012 09:36 am Title: Chapter 24: You Choose
Oh poor Michael! It was really sad to read...After sharing an happy time with Adam, his family broke everything.
I really don't understand his family's reaction.It can be hard to learn the homosexuality of your son of brother, but it's still the same person and your blood...No matter with who he sleeps with...
Anyway, I just found out that Adam was touring with Queen, my favorite rock band.He's doing great even if I don't see all the videos yet...Yeah thanks to you, I started to listen to his music and I like it now :)
Author's Response:
Yeah, it can be hard for some people to understand, and you make a GREAT point there!
"It can be hard to learn homosexuality of your son or brother, but it's still the same person and your blood...No matter with who he sleeps with..."
Very well worded AND accurate!
:D I know! He's great! I think he's really well suited for Rock and Roll! I mean, he ain't no Freddie Mercury, but he still does a great job! OMJ really?? Yay! Glad you like it! I like it too! :))
Date: Jul 09, 2012 08:44 am Title: Chapter 23: Welcome Home
Wow that was hot...They were longing for each other bodies and they got what they wanted : A good and sexy love making session.
Michael on the hood of a car : sigh: lol.
Great chapter girl and I'm happy you liked the video :)
Author's Response: :) They sure did! Lol! That would be something wouldn't it? Damn... that's something I'd pay to see... XD lol! Thank you! I'm glad you gave me the link! :D
Date: Jul 09, 2012 08:11 am Title: Chapter 23: Welcome Home
Damn! That was hot and sexy!! I liked it! You write some damn good slash!
Author's Response: :) haha thank you!!
Date: Jul 08, 2012 03:40 pm Title: Chapter 22: It Gets Better
Author's Response: Lol! Jacksambert Forever! <3
Date: Jul 08, 2012 01:41 am Title: Chapter 22: It Gets Better
Oh poor Adam!! He made me feel sad for him in this chapter...I hope he will get better soon!
I really loved the video you embeded...I love the message he gave in it even if I'm straight lol.
Changing of topic, I found this video of Adam on internet from a french radio. I don't know if you saw it already. It's a great acapella.
I don't know how to embeded a video so I gave you the link :)
Author's Response: Yes! I love the video too! I think it's a great message that's why when I saw it I thought "okay that has to go into The Gay Factor!" Omj! I haven't seen it already! It's great! I love those acoustic versions, they make the song sound... prettier. I've been listening to the acoustic version of Better Then I Know Myself a lot. Thanks for sharing the link! I loved the video! :D
Date: Jul 07, 2012 12:35 pm Title: Chapter 21: Jackson or Jerkson?
Wow Madonna is crazy!! And poor Adam! I hope he cheers up! And btw I don't mind the Adam Lambert videos xD
Btw will u please add on to your story Trapped Inside The Insane World Of Fanfiction? It's SO funny!!
Author's Response:
Lol.. yeah, Madonna is... special... haha! Glad you enjoyed the videos! I will be adding some MJ ones though for sure.
And about the story... I really don't know. I mean, I have no new ideas for that one. I kinda outdid myself with the jermaine stripper thing and the lesbian sex so uh... yeah. If I think up another good idea I'll definitely add it on because I know that alot of people liked that story! I'm glad you did though! Glad it made you laugh! :)
Thanks for the review!
Date: Jul 07, 2012 12:32 pm Title: Chapter 20: The Aftermath
LOL at the fanmail! You're doing a fantastic job girl!
Author's Response:
:) Thank you! And yeah... that's kinda what I imagine some fanmail to be like... IDK I might be wrong...
Date: Jul 07, 2012 01:54 am Title: Chapter 21: Jackson or Jerkson?
I really really enjoyed this story so far. You know that you gave me the envy to write a slash story lol
But my god,Madonna is crazy but really crazy lol. I'm really afraid for our couple.
So please update soon!!
Author's Response: Haha I did, did I? Haha! I'll update soon I promise! Thanks for all of your lovely reviews! :D