Date: Jul 24, 2012 08:15 am Title: Chapter 34: Janet Snaps
Aww... Poor Michael :( his family are always in his business!! Thank God Janet stood up for him she is the only sane one in the group please continue!! btw thanks about my penname lol!!
Author's Response:
Janet's actually got her head screwed on straight! Everyone else is kinda... nutso... lol! And no, THANK YOU for having that as your penname!
Date: Jul 24, 2012 01:51 am Title: Chapter 34: Janet Snaps
It was an intense chapter. I really liked Janet's in this one. I'm so glad she talked to the family.I was very proud of her.
Poor Michael, I feel so bad for him.He's so devastasted by everything that happened to him. He really stayed lock one month in his room?
On another topic, I just found this video of Adam that really made me laugh.The beginning is just too funny, even Tommy is laughing lol.
Enjoy :
Author's Response:
:) Janet finally stood up for her brother, and yes, Michael was so devestated he cut himself off from everyone else by staying in his room.
"I don't want that electroshock, I don't want that...MMM! Shock Me! That's why they call it a 'straight' jacket" Oh My God that actually had me laughing so hard! His voice when he said 'shock me' I like, died laughing! He has such a great sense of humour XD Lmao, I think I enjoyed that part more than the song! I replayed it like, 50 times! Wow, whenever I hear that song I'm going to think of that! Ha ha!
Thank you for sharing that! That made my day!!
Date: Jul 23, 2012 04:13 pm Title: Chapter 33: You Can't Promise
I have been reading your story this whole time loving every bit of it! I think the unknown shooter is none other than Madonna please continue :)
Author's Response: Oh my gosh thank you! So glad you're enjoying it! Thanks for reading and thanks for the review! :) BTW I love your penname! xD Love hedgehogs <3
Date: Jul 23, 2012 10:38 am Title: Chapter 33: You Can't Promise
:'( This story is so sad! I could feel Michael's pain and worry. You write really well. I love you and this story! :-)
Author's Response: Thank you! That's really nice! I'm glad! :)
Date: Jul 23, 2012 01:36 am Title: Chapter 33: You Can't Promise
Stop with this suspens, it's killing me lol!!
It was a very good update, sad, but very well written. I was feeling like Michael all along, you know, hoping Adam will be alright and stuff.
I felt like I was there with them, waiting for news.
I don't know if you saw my response to your last review on Forbidden Love so I say it again lol. I just saw that I was in your favorite authors.I'm very proud of this and I really liked the comment you wrote about me.It was very nice and really made me happy.I hope you'll enjoy more stories from me in the future.Thank you very much for your support :)
Author's Response: Thank you! Sad is what I was going for :) :D Well you deserve it! Your writing style is sooooo good I love it! And Forbidden Love is just great!! :)
Date: Jul 21, 2012 08:55 am Title: Chapter 32: I'm Too Late
:O Nooo! He can't be too late!! Adam can't die!! Noooooo! I won't stand for this! I must admit though, that was one awesome escape! :) And are you seriously trying to learn Finnish?? That's a hard language, so good luck! Unfortunately, I know nothing about Finnish so I can't help you there, but I'll encourage you to keep trying!! :)
Author's Response:
:) The escape was pretty awesome wasn't it? lol! And we'll see what happens in the net update (either tomorrow or the day after).
Lol and yes, I'm actually trying! Ha ha! It's actually not that bad. I don't know what words mean right now, but I'm trying to learn the pronunciation of the letters first and then I'll get to soem definitions and writting. It's gunna be hard because well, I don't know ANYBODY who speaks Finnish (since after all, I'm not from Finland) but I'm so determined! Lol! You should have seen how happy I was when I learnt how to say; Hey you, what's new? Lol! I was freaking out and saying it to everyone I saw! XD
Date: Jul 21, 2012 06:21 am Title: Chapter 32: I'm Too Late
I don't want to think that Michael arrived to late...Adam can't die, you hear me!! lol
On an happiest ton, I loved Michael's evasion and I laughed to the Mission Impossible theme part lol...I knew that his family would have try to turn him straight by a therapy or something...
Author's Response:
:) I'll probably update tomorrow and if not DEFINITELY the day after that for sure! :)
Lol! Sometimes life just needs background music, and that moment called for Mission Impossible lol! XP
Yes, his family is a little... ahem... screwed up right now for sure, I don't think it was much of a shocker that they did that to Michael, I think it was more expected for them to try and get him to be straight...
Date: Jul 18, 2012 01:31 pm Title: Chapter 31: Hot Tears
I begin to real hate Michael's family lol...
I think that Plan B can be to drag Michael in a sort of center to heal his sexual preference...After all, they think it was a sort of disease.
I don't really understand Janet's attitude.She should show she is on his side.
And about Adam being shot, I found it horrible and I hope it will get better soon.But I don't understand why he thinks Michael won't maybe show in this time of need as you said..
Author's Response: I have a strange feeling that you're not the only one who hates Michael's family right now... :D Thanks for answering all of the questions and taking the time to leave a review again. I really appreciate it :)
Date: Jul 18, 2012 09:31 am Title: Chapter 31: Hot Tears
Wow... his family is screwed up right now!! God.
Not really sure what plan B is, maybe his family is going to strap him down so he can't leave to see Adam. I'm not really sure but whatever it is it's gunna be screwed up.
I get Janet's point of view but I still think that she should say something soon.
Aw! The part with Adam was so sad! Poor Leila!! :(
Lol at the speeding comment, haha!
Update soon!!
Author's Response: :D Well, we shall see what Plan B is at the next update! I'll update ASAP but I might not be able to tonight or tomorrow because I'm busy lol! But as soon as I've got time I'll update!
Date: Jul 17, 2012 01:45 pm Title: Chapter 30: Red and Black
Oh my god, everything was perfect in this chapter and the end was...unexpected
Adam was shot?!! I'm really in a hurry to read the next chapter.
And for answering your question, I don't mind with your daily update at all!!
Author's Response: I know ( excpet for maybe the fact that Bill witnessed them preparing for sexual actions, but we'll forget that) ;) :) ok good. I was wondering if it wasn't giving people enough time to catch up but they'll live with it lol! Thanks for always reading and reviewing :)
Date: Jul 17, 2012 01:34 pm Title: Chapter 29: No Drama
I'm so happy they're back together and happy.I'm also glad that Adam's mother and family accepted his choice very well.
You know what, today I was listenning to Outlaws of love (beautiful song) in my car and I thought it could be a good song for "Gay Factor". Adam writing it for Michael..And you thought about it too lol.
Author's Response: :D Soon enough we'll be hearing from Adam's family some more... soon enough... lol! I have the whole story planned out from like beginning 'til end! Haha ! It's SUCH a great song! At first I didn't really like it because I'm not a big fan of slow songs but after listening to the lyrics and the song in its entirety I fell in LOVE with it! I've had the same experiences with sole MJ songs (She's out of my life, Gone too soon). The acoustic version for Outlawd of Love is also really good. Ut's so beautiful, and the lyrics really make you think... it's a tear dripper XD
Date: Jul 17, 2012 09:17 am Title: Chapter 30: Red and Black
Oh....My.....God..... wow just wow.... I can't believe that! I definitely did not see that coming! I hope it's not that serious, but I have a really bad feeling about this... Please update ASAP! I have to know what happens with Adam!!!!
Author's Response: I'll most likely update tonight and if not it'll definitely be tomorrow :) Thanks for all the reviews :D
Date: Jul 16, 2012 07:08 am Title: Chapter 29: No Drama
Lol! I've got some dirty jokes stuck in my head now thanks to those pictures. Lol! That was one BIG GUN just saying and lol wtf was Adam and Tommy doing?!?! Anyway, great chapter! Kinda wondering what the mini tour's signoficance will be... Michael and Adam are so cute together! <3 And omj I go on youtube and search that stuff all the time! Lol I love that one with Macaulay Culkin but what I really like is the pie fight with John Landis during Black or White! And lol "my tongue isn't nearly as talented as yours..." and wow i just noticed that my last review got cut off! I said some stuff about how awesome Jacksambert was, I laughed at Turtleneckalicious and I was like 'omj a duet between the two woulda been so cool!'
Author's Response: Lol! It definitely WAS pretty big and lol! Adam was playing Tommy's bass ;) They were really getting into it! Haha! Phew! I'm not the only obe and lolol the pie fight! Totally forgot about that! "John hey john john john john" "what mac?" *macaulay shoves pie in face, huge war begins* XD hehehe adam's tongue probably is more talented Haha good! I'm not the only one who though turtleneckalicious was cute! And yes! It woulda been spectacular! :) Thanks for the review!!
Date: Jul 15, 2012 07:35 am Title: Chapter 28: He's My Guy
Author's Response: <3 :)
Date: Jul 15, 2012 02:08 am Title: Chapter 28: He's My Guy
I'm so happy they're back together...They were so sad without each other...
I'm glad that Michael confronted his family and I love Janet for the support she gave him.
Oh yeah a duet between those two would have been great!
Author's Response: :) I was going to try and drag the whole break up thing but I'm really bad at that kind of stuff so I just put them back together :) <3 But now that they're back together it could lead to some problems with Michael's family... and we still haven't heard from Adam's family in awhile... And yes! It would have been so cool! :D It probably would have been my favourite song lol!