Reviews For The Gay Factor
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Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 31, 2012 10:00 am Title: Chapter 38: Madonna vs Jacksambert

YEAH! STICK IT TO THE MAN!! So glad that they confronted Madonna together :) Now I just hope that her words don't affect Michael too much... can't wait for the next update! Have fun with whatever you're doing :)

Author's Response: Lmao 'STICK IT TO THE MAN!' That made me laugh. Haha trust me, I'm gunna have LOADS of fun! Lol! Thank you though! :D

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 31, 2012 08:36 am Title: Chapter 38: Madonna vs Jacksambert

*SIGH* Madonna and her crazy shit man... I just hope Michael and Adam will set the record straight and keep living their lives please continue and thanks for liking Uninvited Guests :)

Author's Response: Haha there'll be a lot of 'setting the record straight' when it comes to Madonna ;) And no! Thank YOU for writing it! :))

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 31, 2012 01:44 am Title: Chapter 38: Madonna vs Jacksambert

I really love their little fight with Madonna...This girl is really really crazy lol.

But I don't see why Michael think about his orientation again...why he is doubting about being with Adam...I hope he won't break or think that his family was right.

Don't worry, update when you can girl.I'll be right here waiting for your updates when you'll be back!

Author's Response: :) All of those questions will be answered in the next chapter... :D Haha thank you!

Reviewer: Andrew Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2012 09:40 pm Title: Chapter 23: Welcome Home

Wha-ho-HOO! WHAT r you doing in my fantasies get outtta my head! This is so spectacular and real and urrhhmm! I love Mr. Glambert too, but to put he and Michael together just makes my brain explode! I'm glad you formulated this! (I think Michael may be pleased). 

Author's Response:

Ha ha! Thank you! And ah... Glambert... he's so fantastically awesome. Glad your liking it :D Thanks for the review I really appreciate it!

I was seriously sitting here and when I checked the reviews my mind was just BLOWN when I saw your name! I was like "Oh my God! Andrew reviewed on one of my stories!!!" :DDDDDDDDD Lmao! I almost thought I was dreaming. I love your slash stories! :)

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2012 09:21 pm Title: Chapter 37: Lambert's At It Again!

Damn.... When is Madonna going to stop the stupid shit!? Oops! Oh no!! The cursing came back!! Darn it ugh.... Please continue!! Sorry about my outburst lol!

Author's Response:

Lmao! You'll be seeing Madonna a lot throughout this story... >:)

And haha! Trust me, I don't mind the cursing ;)

I will continue! :) I'm thinking of doing another update tonight, and if not it'll be in two nights time. We'll see what happens, but I will update soon!

Thanks for all of your reviews! :D

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2012 09:06 am Title: Chapter 37: Lambert's At It Again!

Oh God... I sure hope that the Madonna thing doesn't affect Jacksambert! Update soon :)

Author's Response: :) We'll have to wait and see what happens won't we? And I definitely will! Tonight or tomorrow night probably.

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2012 01:20 am Title: Chapter 37: Lambert's At It Again!

Madonna is really pissing me off now!! Just get a life and stop stalking our 2 lovers!

I hope Michael will be cool with Adam and that this new stupidity from Madonna won't break Jacksambert...

A little video for you : ... Adam's reaction is just too funny lol.

I reviewed on Strip too, hope you will update this story soon aswell. 

Author's Response: Lmao! The coffee cup incident... I love how after it falls he just stares at it, looking at it like "You did not just fall on me..." Haha! He's so cute XD Yes I saw that! Thank you! I'll be updating it tonight (I think tonight for me is more like in the morning for you) for sure! :)

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 28, 2012 07:08 pm Title: Chapter 1: American Music Awards

So sorry that I had not been here I was cleaning the house with my mom but here I am. Madonna again? ugh.... when will this woman take a break nothing but a God **** ***** Good God Almighty!!!!! anyway great update as usual :) please continue :) and now I'm off to put a new chappie in U.G

Author's Response: Haha don't worry about it! :) I'll update either tonight or tomorrow night :D Yay! Can't wait!

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 28, 2012 08:02 am Title: Chapter 36: I Like Dicks

O.o Um... wtf Madonna? She's nutso, likz majorly nutso. I was angry reading this chapter because of Madonna, but this chapter also made me laugh A LOT! "It's part of God's plan!" *Adam smashs car* "Sorry! God's plan." LOL! So many parts made me laugh but I think that one was my favourite! :) Can't wait for another update!

Author's Response:

Haha Madonna is a 'special' one... haha! Lmao! So glad you liked it! :D Next update will be soon! (Probably)

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 28, 2012 02:03 am Title: Chapter 36: I Like Dicks

Madonna is really really crazy...It becomes to be really worrying lol...She nearly scared me in this chapter.

I love Adam's reactions, he's too funny. I love the "I love dicks" part lol. It cracked me up!

I'm totally agree with you. Enter Sandman is great, Map is a good song too.I wished it could be on every version of Trespassing.

And Scream, no words.It would have been great if they did more duets together.

Author's Response:

Haha! She's psycho in this story!

You know, in a lot of stories Madonna is always 'the bad guy'... I wonder what she'd say if she ever saw how she's portrayed in these stories... lol!

:D Lol! Glad it made you laugh!

Enter Sandman is sooo good! My mom is a huge Metallica fan so she kinda introduced them to me and now I can't get that song outta my head!

Map is great! It's a really good song and it totally should be on every version!

Ah, Scream. It's perfection. They definitely should have it would have been awesome! They should have sang Scream live together, THAT would have been a show!

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 26, 2012 02:16 am Title: Chapter 35: Craving The Spotlight

I'm so so glad that Adam is alright and that Jacksambert are reunited. they're so cute together.

Madonna really thinks she can have Adam's love?...But he's gay too, she forgot it. At first, Ithought she was the one who asked a man to shoot Adam but it seemed not...

Have a great time out of town and I'll be right here waiting for your update!

Author's Response:

:) Jacksambert <3

Madonna's definitely got some loose screws up in her head (that'll become very evident in the next update *hint hint*). Well, she thinks she's just so great that they'll turn for her (we'll see how that works out for her...) Haha! Madonna's crazy in this story, but she isn't a murderer! Haha! I was thinking of making it Madonna, but I have other plans for her; plans that involve her beign out of jail lol!

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2012 02:55 pm Title: Chapter 35: Craving The Spotlight

Thanks I really don't curse but I just wanted to let it all out I'll even post a new chapter in Uninvited Guests on Saturday if we have no where to go or nothing to do :)

Author's Response:

Haha! I try to keep my cursing to a minimum, but in my stories I kinda let it all out XP And yes! You should! I love that story! :DD

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2012 12:00 pm Title: Chapter 35: Craving The Spotlight

Yay!! Adam's back!!! WOOOOHOOO!!!! ugh... Madonna? she is nothing but a God foresaken *****!!!!! God **** her ***!!!!! Continue!!!

Author's Response: Lol! Oh yes, the God foresaken b**** is back!! Haha all of the censoring in your review made me laugh! Haha! I'll continue as soon as I can! :) Either Friday night or Saturday :)) Thanks for all of your reviews!

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2012 10:07 am Title: Chapter 35: Craving The Spotlight

Yay!! Jacksambert is back together! LOL I like how pretty much the first thing Adam wants is to fuck him! Naughty Adam... ;) Oh shizz Madonna's coming back in the picture?? DAMN! We're about to enter Dramaville, population... Madonna -_-

Author's Response: Lol! Naughty Adam indeed... and lol! "Dramaville, population: Madonna." Haha! SO TRUE!

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 24, 2012 10:05 am Title: Chapter 34: Janet Snaps

Finally!! Good God I've been waiting for the day that Michael's family realise how stupid they've been! I applaud Janet!! She was great in this chapter!! Can't wait for the next one! :)

Author's Response:

:) Janet finally stepped up in this chapter, which I'm sure everyone was happy about. Next chapter will be soon! Thanks for reviewing!

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