Reviews For The Gay Factor
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Reviewer: Andrew Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Aug 20, 2012 07:07 pm Title: Chapter 32: I'm Too Late

What a fantastic image...sweet Michael, bound & gagged.

Author's Response:

Haha! The things I'd do... ;)

Reviewer: Andrew Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Aug 19, 2012 08:49 pm Title: Chapter 26: Cascade Of Tears

I left the Mormon church because of stuff like this (aka, not being thrilled with my liking of the boys in the fellowship). I (we) can love who we want, and those who love us (family) should still love us - reguardless. We have no right to pass judgment. And, after all, love is still love. It is not an evil thing.

Author's Response:

Exactly! Love is love no matter who it is shared with. People shouldn't look at a couple's orientation, instead they should look at the love they share, because in the end, like you've mentioned, love is still love. There's absolutely no reason for it to be considered an evil thing.

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 19, 2012 07:39 am Title: Chapter 47: A Well Oiled Machine Gone Rusty

I feel bad for Ashley. It's sad that it got to the point where she wanted to cut herself. I'm glad Cody got caught, he needs help. And poor Mia!! I hope everyone gets their acts together for Mia's sake!! Great chapter

Author's Response:

They both need help.

And yes, :'( Poor Mia

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 19, 2012 02:21 am Title: Chapter 47: A Well Oiled Machine Gone Rusty

I'm glad that they would be able to help Cody stopping with drugs now.

And poor Ashley, it's so sad she was so desperate to kill herself. Teenagers are so cruel between them.They don't realise the harm they can do with those stupid rumors.

I really hope Cody and especially Ashley will be both fine and that Michael and Adam will be able to help them the most as they can.

One last thing, I hope the medias will never find out about this.

Author's Response:

Hopefully things will get better now that they've both been caught. :)

Oooooh God, the media. Haha, we can only hope...


Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 19, 2012 12:04 am Title: Chapter 47: A Well Oiled Machine Gone Rusty

Oh my GOD!!!! I don't believe this!? kids can be so cruel to one-another it's so sad to see Ashely like that well you do have some teens wanting to kill themselves over those types of kids beliefs but I hope that things will get back to normal soon :( update please

Author's Response:

It's frightening how cruel kids are to one another these days. I thank GOD that I'm not apart of any of that stuff, because it can get real bad. Especially between girls because girls are nasty :/ I'll update soon! :)

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 18, 2012 07:54 am Title: Chapter 46: Careful

Poor Ashley, I understand how she feels though. I mean, I'm not a lesbian myself, but we've all been through similar stuff. I hope that she talks to Michael and Adam about it, she really has the right people in her life who can help her. Cody's taking a bad road though. He needs help. Someone needs to catch him doing what he's doing and save him from himself. Can't wait for the next update! :D

Author's Response:

Yeah, it's something everyone goes through at least once right? I mean, maybe not to the same extent, but it happens to all of us.

Cody's definitely doing the wrong stuff. For sure.

Thanks for all of your reviews! I really appreciate the fact that you review on every chapter! It's fantastic! Thank you!

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 18, 2012 02:11 am Title: Chapter 46: Careful

I feel really bad for Ashley...She seems totally lost with who she's something we all go through at the adolescence, not only because of our sexual orientation. And rumors are the worst side of high school life...

I really hope she will have the strength to speak about this with Adam and Michael.She is in the best family for talking about this topic, she doesn't have to be afraid to tackle this topic with them.

About Cody, I'm so disappointed that he chose this way.I hope that somebody, Adam or maybe Ashley will do something for him...

Author's Response:

Rumors are the WORST xP

Hopefully soon both Cody and Ashley will be able to get some hellp :/

Thanks for all of your reviews! You have no idea how much I appreciate the fact that you review on every chapter! It's amazing, thank you so much!

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 18, 2012 12:10 am Title: Chapter 46: Careful

Aww... Poor Ashley it must be very difficult for her but I guess it's all us normal teenagers go through at this stage in our lives. Sometimes, I'm insecure myself; like when I had braces, I wouldn't smile; I was afraid to show my teeth both top and bottom I had them on so I never really smiled in pictures.

Abd about me being home-schooled, it feels like public school only you have no distractions, no interruptions what-so-ever and I'm proud of it too :)

Cody's friends are nothing but pushy people and that's what I can't stand about these mutha*****s all the alcohol, drugs, and a whole lot of bull**** that's going on with these teens today even dropping out just to be in the in-crowd ughh... I'm so glad I'm not like that. Hope you update soon girl and thanks for liking my story S.B.L :)

Author's Response:

Yeah, I have a lot of friends who have braces who also felt the way you did.

That must be nice! :) I think it would be cool to be home schooled because then you can really focus on what you need to learn, not what the rest of the class needs to learn.

I'll update as soon as I can! XD And no problem! Thanks for liking this story! Haha ;)

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2012 10:00 am Title: Chapter 45: New Kids

Poor Ashley, it's very sad that she stayed alone because of her orientation.I can understand her fear to fall in love for a classmate, but it's sad for her. But I think Adam and Michael will help her.

For Cody, he's not right. We all tried to find group to belong with at school and we didn't always chose the better ones, but doing drugs for having friends.It's the worst choice he could make.

About Mia lol, I just laughed when she asked Michael how he thanks Adam lol.

Author's Response: I agree with everything that you said 100%! Haha Mia XD

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2012 09:08 am Title: Chapter 45: New Kids

So Ashley's a lesbian... this could lead to some interesting things. I'm glad you made her a lesbian though because now I'm guessing that it'll bring the story to teenage homosexuality, and I think that's a good thing to discuss. Cody's new friends are shit (excuse my language). I hope he quickly realises how bad they are... MIA IS SOO CUTE (just to keep the chain alive) ;)

Author's Response: Lmao! Keeping the chain alive! Haha :P Thanks for the review and your opinions!!

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 15, 2012 11:48 pm Title: Chapter 45: New Kids

Sigh, first day of school. To be honest, I'm home schooled so I really don't know what inside a classroom looks like -_- Cody's "new friends" seem like trouble I just hope that Cody will realize that something is not right about it.

Ashley a lesbian wow... Well hey her new family is gay so what can I say? But she should come forth out of the closet I know this all seems new to her that's how all teenagers who are gay or a les have to deal with.

Aww.. Mike and Mia doing a puzzle together is so cute lol! Hope you update soon Miss Kourtney :) love it!!!

Author's Response:

Oh your home schooled? Oh I didn't know that! What's it like? Do you sleep in?

Yeah, there's actually this guy at my school who's now openly gay and admitted that he was really scared of what everyone was going to think and he was really scared of being bullied so he actually cut himself off from most of the school for a long time. He didn't play on any sports teams, barely participated in class, ate lunch alone... people thought he was emo for awhile or something, but then one day he started hanging with everyone again and admitted that he was gay and he realised that nobody really cared whether he was gay or not. People still treated him the same. So it turned out good for him :)

But I think that's what all homo/bisexual teens need to realise that for the most part, people don't judge. I mean obviously there are some jerks who do judge, but in reality it isn't that bad. I think what really makes people think that it's so bad is because in all of the movies with gay people all they show are the people who bully them and I think that's what makes people so scared to come out. I dunno, maybe that only makes sense to me, but I think that that plays a big factor in it all. Media influences teens a lot these days (I will admit it's influenced me too). Oh well, that's society for you...

XD He he they are cuties! I'll update soon! Tomorrow or the day after probably! Depends, I have to babysit 7 kids tomorrow! I'm in for one hell of a day watching 7 kids that are all 6 and under! Shiiiiiiiiz.... haha! Good pay though, so that's nice. And all of the kids are cute too, BONUS! Haha, and they love me. I think they only like me though because I give them piggy backs and horsey rides :/ Ah well, it's worth it.

Wow, sorry, I ramble... I'm gunna shut up now :x

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 14, 2012 07:24 pm Title: Chapter 44: Happiness Doesn't Always Last

Awww... happy family :) please continue Mia is such a little CUTIE!!!! 

Author's Response:

He he! I most definitely will! XD

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 14, 2012 09:19 am Title: Chapter 44: Happiness Doesn't Always Last

Like the two other reviewers, I'm waiting for more for knowing what the last sentence meant.

They're, for the moment, a very sweet family.And I say it again, Mia is soooo cute lol.

The guilty pleasure line was great lol

Author's Response: Haha good thing you added 'for the moment' ;)

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 14, 2012 07:35 am Title: Chapter 44: Happiness Doesn't Always Last

I liked the "guilty pleasure" comment! Lol! The last sentence of this chapter worries me, but also makes me want more! Update ASAP! :)

Author's Response: XD Glad to hear you enjoyed the chapter! I'll definitely update soon :)

Reviewer: Tarifa Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 14, 2012 07:18 am Title: Chapter 44: Happiness Doesn't Always Last

That was so good, can't wait for the next chapter ! The last words made me wondering through

Author's Response: :D Thank you! Glad to hear that you're enjoying it! I'll update again soon! :)

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