Date: Aug 26, 2012 11:17 pm Title: Chapter 52: Starstruck
Oh no, here comes the crazy shit AGAIN!!! Damn.... When will it end? Lol! Oh well, looks like we're gonna have to wait until you get back, have a good time :)
Author's Response:
OH MY GOD I JUST LAUGHED SO HARD! LMAO! "The Crazy Shit" Haha! This time around she'll surprisingly be less crazy, (if you can believe that).
Thank you! I will! :)
Date: Aug 26, 2012 08:24 am Title: Chapter 51: Venice
Oh yay! Venice is a beatiful place!! They'll love it there! But what you said in the chapter notes scares me... please update soon I'm so anxious to know! And have fun wherever you're going! I'll be waiting here... patiently.
Author's Response: Venice definitely seems like a beautiful place! Have you been? And haha I'll update soon! Hopefully I'll get another chapter in before I leave, we'll see...
Date: Aug 26, 2012 04:15 am Title: Chapter 51: Venice
Love it soooo funny the vomiting scene XD and you're writing would never be a poorly writing. I personnaly think you're fantasy is one of the best
Author's Response: Oh my God thank you so much! That's such a nice thing to say!! Thank you I really appreciate that! :D <3
Date: Aug 26, 2012 01:27 am Title: Chapter 51: Venice
Poor kids, being so sick. I never took the plane so I guess I'll be maybe like them on my first flight lol.
It's really sad they need to move in Venice for vacation, for being alone.But I think it could be good for them to really relax and take advantage of each others.
I don't like what you said about the next chapters coming...
Author's Response: Oh man, planes suck. I never got to the point of vomiting but my stomach turns and because of the altitude your ears plug up and hurt like mad!! I reaaaaaaally don't like planes! Lmao! Haha!! I felt the need to warn everybody.. build up some suspence maybe because honestly, I'm horrible at writing suspence!
Date: Aug 25, 2012 11:35 pm Title: Chapter 51: Venice
Awesome update!!! LOL!!! Oh my god!!! Tampon is like a cookie I was laughing so hard at that little Mia within 10 years, she'll know what it is not to mention (getting a period) plane sickness!? Oh Lord that doesn't sound too good. I have not been on a plane but if Inwas on it oh Jesus, I wouldn't even want to look down; I have a fear of heights so don't ask me!
Hope you have a good time where ever you go and please update soon I'm loving it!! :3
Author's Response:
Haha! I remember when I was a little kid I asked my dad what a virgin was and he said "Oh, it's someone who likes spinach..." and I'm like "Oh, well I'm not a vigrin," and then I walked away lmao!
Ugh, planes are the worst. I don't get sick like throwing up or anything, but I definitely feel like crap. The view is pretty especially at sunset/sunrise! All of the clouds are pretty colors! It's stunning!
Thank you! I'm glad to hear that! I'm loving SBL! <3
Date: Aug 25, 2012 01:43 am Title: Chapter 50: Dinner Disaster
Wow I wasn't expected it would go that far! Not talking to each other or saying some little bad remarks, yes but not fighting.
It's bad that the kids saw that.What will they think of their families now?
Author's Response:
Oh yeah! If I saw that I would be scared! Haha! I definitely wouldn't vote in favour of another 'family reunion' :P
Date: Aug 24, 2012 08:08 am Title: Chapter 50: Dinner Disaster
I knew the families would have problems with each other... it's too bad the kids had to see that. Update again! :D
Author's Response:
Oh yeah! Imagine that as a first impression! Oh God... I'll update soon! :*
Date: Aug 24, 2012 12:15 am Title: Chapter 50: Dinner Disaster
Damn.... That's all I can say Sweet Merciful Jesus!! Tsk tsk gotta love fam... Continue!! And cool zip lining? That sounds awesome!! And for the moth, I suggest you get some bug spray ;)
Author's Response:
Haha! Yeah! Ziplinging was sweet! Very fun! The first one was kinda nervewracking because it was the highest one there and I was kinda like "okk this is scary..." haha! In the end they made me go second (after my dad) because nobody else wanted to go yet! Lmao! After that it was all good though :P
AW! I should have! I have bug spray too! I keep it in my room (idk why, I never use it)! UGH! I should have! Lmao! I dunna where it is anymore, hopefully it flew away... or it's still in my room... eating my clothes... D:<
Date: Aug 23, 2012 09:19 am Title: Chapter 49: Meet The Family!
I'm sorry but Mia is really too cute.The dance party part with her and Adam was soo cute.Really priceless lol.
I wonder how the dinner will turn.I'm not worrying about the families meeting the kids.But I'm more worried about the grown ups being all together in the same room lol
Author's Response: Haha! Whenever I feel that the stoey is getting a little slow, I insert a cute Mia moment lmao! That's how I keep people reading ;) The dinner turn out will be on the next update! Thanks for the review!
Date: Aug 23, 2012 08:16 am Title: Chapter 49: Meet The Family!
Mia's adorable!! Nice picture! I have a bad feeling about this dinner. I feel the way Adam feels about it... Anyway for the sake of happily ever after, I hope that all goes well, but I highly doubt it... great job on the update!!
Author's Response: Thank you!! XD We'll see how the dinner goes in the next update! Thanks again!
Date: Aug 23, 2012 12:14 am Title: Chapter 49: Meet The Family!
Great Chapter! Update please! :) hahahha dance parties!? Oh Lord!! tsk tsk... LOL!! I couldn't stop laughing!!
Author's Response: Thank you! I'll update tomorrow (most likely). Maybe tonight... we'll see.
Haha I wouldn't mins joining in on one of their dance parties ;)
Oh my God I'm such a creep O.O
Date: Aug 21, 2012 09:58 am Title: Chapter 48: The Truth Comes Out
Awww... sweet Chappie I'm glad they both got everything off their chests :) please post more and congrats on your French Student :D
Author's Response:
xD Thank you! I'll post another chapter soon, and thank you!
Date: Aug 21, 2012 09:38 am Title: Chapter 48: The Truth Comes Out
This chapter was wonderful.
I really really loved how Adam and Michael handled the situation. Calmly, bringing them very good advices.It's how every parents should react. It really shows they're made to be good parents.
Being french, I'm really happy that you have a french student to your house.I hope everything will go well :-)
Author's Response:
xD Thanks!
Haha! I was thinking you'd like to hear about it! I think everything will go by great!
Date: Aug 21, 2012 08:08 am Title: Chapter 48: The Truth Comes Out
Yay! I'm glad that everything went well and they're all okay! I'm excited to see where you'll take this story next... update soon please! :)
Author's Response:
xD I'll update soon! That way you can find out ;)
Date: Aug 20, 2012 07:30 pm Title: Chapter 36: I Like Dicks
Ha! NEVERLND = my license plate
Scream = use it in my set list all the time
"Dicks! Dicks! Dicks! Dicks!
Dicks! Dicks! Dicks!"
Author's Response:
Is that seriously your licence plate? That is SO awesome! Haha! I want that.
Thanks for the reviews! :)