Date: Feb 02, 2015 03:05 pm Title: Chapter 1
Something about your story made me want to come back and read it again. Im so dumb, I'm like the biggest fan of Criminal Minds & I didnt even realize that this story was like a cm episode like you even said aaron! Haha great story again, really enjoyed it'

Date: May 26, 2012 11:03 pm Title: Chapter 15
Wait is this the last chapter?
Author's Response: For this story yes. Trust me, I'll still be writing. I still have one other story running called Just the two of us. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.

Date: May 26, 2012 10:57 pm Title: Chapter 14
Whoaaa that was a close one! If she wouldn't been dead I wouldnt have been a happy camper!

Date: May 26, 2012 10:54 pm Title: Chapter 13
Oh god, she better wake up or im going to be pissed! They didnt come all this way to find her dead! :(

Date: May 26, 2012 09:23 pm Title: Chapter 15
aawwww that was so cute. im glad he found her and marcus got what he deserved. thanks for the shout out hun. i love this story. BRAVO! keep your stories coming. you're a great writer.
Author's Response: Aaww, thanks doll. That means alot. I do have another one I am working on. Just the two of us. Lots of love.

Date: May 26, 2012 08:46 pm Title: Chapter 13
WHAT!? No no she can't be dead.

Date: May 25, 2012 06:57 pm Title: Chapter 12
Ahhhh ! Os he really going to find her?!!? Ai hope soo
Author's Response: I hope so too. Thanks for the review doll. Lots of love.
Author's Response: I hope so too. Thanks for the review doll. Lots of love.

Date: May 24, 2012 07:42 pm Title: Chapter 11
you did it again girl. another brilliant chapter. i was so happy she finally talked to Michael. maybe now things will get better. hope she is able to call again.
Author's Response: Thanks doll and I hope so too. Lots of love.

Date: May 24, 2012 05:41 pm Title: Chapter 11
Damnn I thought she was free at last :( but sadly no! Wahhh I hope they find her!
Author's Response: Me too. Only time will tell. Thanks for the reviews. You should check out my other stories too. Lots of love.

Date: May 24, 2012 12:51 am Title: Chapter 10
Oh lord, this is amazing! Great job
Author's Response: Thank you so much for your reviews. Lots of love.

Date: May 24, 2012 12:46 am Title: Chapter 9
Awww moment of truth

Date: May 24, 2012 12:41 am Title: Chapter 8
Ahhh this is tly good

Date: May 24, 2012 12:37 am Title: Chapter 7
Oh good, they are finally getting some sort of leads

Date: May 24, 2012 12:34 am Title: Chapter 6
Hahahahha the zombies had me dying xD oh lord

Date: May 24, 2012 12:29 am Title: Chapter 5
Aww the last line was really sad, I hope hes able to find me with my eyes open. Oh lord Im really enjoying this great job