Date: Apr 19, 2012 06:42 pm Title: Chapter 2: Talking To Myself

Date: Apr 19, 2012 04:37 am Title: Chapter 2: Talking To Myself
I like how Thriller MJ gave a fist pump. I don't know why I liked that part but I did.

Date: Apr 15, 2012 10:31 pm Title: Chapter 1: Tiny Voices
I bet she's gonna draw a life-size drawing of Mj!
Date: Apr 15, 2012 07:09 pm Title: Chapter 1: Tiny Voices
Cute start update soon

Date: Apr 15, 2012 05:59 pm Title: Chapter 1: Tiny Voices
Lol! I cracked up on the part that said, "he just wanted to help you! Now u must die!!!" lol. She's like me when it comes to science homework. Math is easy, I just don't like math word problems
Date: Apr 15, 2012 05:31 pm Title: Chapter 1: Tiny Voices
I don't know what to say, just continue the story. I like the beginning :)

Date: Apr 15, 2012 04:18 pm Title: Chapter 1: Tiny Voices
I love it already....great job...
Update asap

Date: Apr 15, 2012 03:56 pm Title: Chapter 1: Tiny Voices
I love it so far!!! :D

Date: Apr 15, 2012 03:51 pm Title: Chapter 1: Tiny Voices
I absolutely love it!! Continue immediately!!:D