Date: Oct 08, 2012 07:02 pm Title: Jokes... Part III
I told the bus driver joke in class last year !
Got sent to ISS -.-t
(In School Suspention)
But it was a *yells like Michael from That 70s Show* BURN !!
Author's Response:
Omj! Seriously? For that?!?! Haha, dang, that sucks...
At my school I get away with dirty jokes like that all the time! lmao! My TAG (Teacher Advisory Group (it's pretty much a stupid way to describe homeroom)) teacher used to encourage it and say; 'So Kourteny, what joke have you got for us today?'
The genie joke in the very first 'joke section thing' made me popular. lmao!
not really. but people were laughing about it for a long time.
Date: Aug 01, 2012 07:52 pm Title: Why Are You Stalking Me?
This was funny i liked it. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Date: Aug 01, 2012 06:21 pm Title: Jokes... Part III
#3 Was bad but funny all of them were funny. The only song that would make sense would be Crank That but i guess you could try Call me maybe or Friday. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of
Date: Apr 29, 2012 08:34 pm Title: Yay! More Jokes!
I feel a little bit stupid now. JK. Ha Ha Ha. xD
Date: Apr 29, 2012 08:12 pm Title: Sorry For Moonwalking!
Haha i always love the "hee hee" parts haha
Girl you funny
Date: Apr 29, 2012 07:35 pm Title: Yay! More Jokes!
OMG, You had me at the tongue thing. Wow lol I feel stupid for doing that. I was doing it for a while too then I read when you said put your tongue back in your mouth, lmao. That was actually funny :D
Date: Apr 27, 2012 04:26 pm Title: Sorry For Moonwalking!
Hahaha!!! :D
I like this! I like both to be honest! I can't choose one. Haha!
Date: Apr 14, 2012 08:54 pm Title: I Have Some Jokes...
Author's Response:
lol! I told the genie joke to kids in my class and our teacher was wondering why we were laughing so hard and my friend was like "Kourteny has a joke!" "Oh you do? Why don't you share it?" "Um... I do't think so..." "C'MON KOURTENY! SHARE IT!" the rest of my class yelled. In the end the etacher made me share my joke and she got mad at me because it was inappropriote. Yea. Good thing I didn't tell them the bird joke that day. I'd probably be in detention.
Date: Apr 14, 2012 04:02 pm Title: I Have Some Jokes...
So for the first joke, the man wanted a 12 inch penis, right?
The second joke, LMFAO!!!! I heard that one before
Author's Response:
Haha, lol, yup! He sure did!
Date: Apr 12, 2012 09:52 pm Title: I'm MJ And I Know It!
........ ....... um..... HILARIOUS..... specially bout prince LMFAO
Author's Response:
haha lol I knew someone would like the Prince comment. I'm hoping that no super obsessed Prince fans come along and hate on this :( cuz it's just a joke lol
Date: Apr 12, 2012 05:32 pm Title: I'm MJ And I Know It!
OMG I can't stop laughing!! xDDD
I love it!
And I'm glad you're back!! :D
Author's Response:
:D I'm glad you like it!
I'm glad my computer stopped being an idiot too lol! I wasn't able to review on anything and I didn't get to review on your 'My friend, Mercy' story which I LOVE so much!
Date: Apr 12, 2012 02:04 pm Title: I'm MJ And I Know It!
Author's Response:
haha lol my reaction too! I wrote it and I was like 'omj I can't believe I just wrote that' In gym class they played Sexy and I know it and I sang my MJ version and they were all like "WTF bro?"
Date: Apr 12, 2012 04:40 am Title: I'm MJ And I Know It!
Ur welcome!!!!! U made Sexy And I Know It even better
Author's Response:
:DD Haha thank you! I thought that too lol!
I still can't thank you enough for all of your help!
Date: Apr 12, 2012 03:51 am Title: I'm MJ And I Know It!
Omg, lmfao!
"It's MJ with the big ass ‘fro"
"I've got Mike JR in my pants and the girls they wanna blow it,
Blow it,
Blow it,"
Ok i just died, ahaha. This really made me LOL and i loved it!!
10+ :)
Author's Response:
Haha thank you so much!