Reviews For The Other Side
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Reviewer: Butterflies Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 11, 2010 08:36 am Title: Chapter 1

LOVE your story!!! Michael should date Aanchal if he really loves her but she had a good point saying she could loose him at any moment since she doesn't belong to his world. I am curious though, when she speaks about it, her world doesn't seem so different from Michael's??... Anyway keep up the great work ;)

Author's Response:

:) thank you, I am really happy that you like it :)

Her world really isn't much different from Michael... it's kinda like a different dimension :)

Reviewer: Andrea Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 11, 2010 03:16 am Title: Chapter 1

Hahahaha...The study was very intense I see :P

Reviewer: Andrea Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 11, 2010 02:04 am Title: Chapter 2

Hey, I am so glad to see this up here :) It's such a lovely story. It deserves all the publicity it can get :P

Love ya'!

Author's Response:

I finally thought of a summary... right in the middle of studying :P

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