Date: Feb 15, 2013 02:42 pm Title: Chapter 47
They better get back together ;(
Continue soon.
Author's Response:
Maybe they will...You'll see
Date: Feb 15, 2013 02:27 pm Title: Chapter 47
Ugh she is stupid! -___-
Author's Response:
Really lol
Date: Feb 15, 2013 12:11 pm Title: Chapter 47
Bad bad Kayliah! I would have never expect this from her.
Poor Michael... after all they've been through, it's gone. He's alone, lost his girlfriend and also his friend/father Quincy...
Is Mikey now gonna go with another girl? O.o
Beautiful chapter, pls continue! <3
Author's Response:
Nobody would have expect this I guess...But a lot of things will maybe explain her cheating in the next chapters...Leaving for New York wasn't a good idea...
Yeah as he said to her, he risked and lost everything for her and now it's all gone, just like this.
Hmm for Michael...Maybe...
Thanks for your review!
Date: Feb 15, 2013 10:17 am Title: Chapter 47
Wow.. I didn't expect that from Kay. I'm done with her. Michael really did love her and he's shown that. All she's done is cry and act like a big ass baby, and cheat on him too? Yeah I'm done with her ass. Trifling heffa.
Author's Response:
Yeah what she did is really horrible because Michael was really crazy about her. But Kayliah's behaviour will be explained a little more in the next chapters...
Date: Feb 12, 2013 06:08 am Title: Chapter 1
this is one of my favourite ever stories on this site I LOVE IT SO MUCH please update soon :-)
Author's Response:
Thank you very much. I hope you'll like it until the end.
Don't hesitate to review sometimes :)
Date: Feb 07, 2013 01:35 pm Title: Chapter 46
I'm glad they didn't break up. Kayliah is so sweet and beautiful and she loves Michael. He won't find a woman to love him the way she does. I hope he remembers that and will remain faithful and good to her. And she'll only be in New York so he can definitely go see her. Quincy will get over it and if he doesn't who cares. Mike and Kay are both adults. And what they have is special.
Author's Response:
You're so true in all you said but you'll see that their love will put to the test with the distance between them and Kayliah's new life in New York...
Even if they love each other, things won't be easy for them...And not because of Michael but you'll see...
Date: Feb 07, 2013 10:31 am Title: Chapter 46
Aww :'( That's so sad! But I'm glad that they've decided to stay together and try to overcome this. I hope that Quincy will realise how much they love each other because they're really the definition of true love. <3 :)
The last sentence wehere it said "It was just a goodbye... a heartbreaking goodbye..." practically brought me to tears! That was so sad but so beautifully written!!
Fantastic chapter. So beautiful. So gorgeous. :)
Author's Response:
Yeah it's very sad but in other way it's good too because they don't break up. They decided to stay together and made some plans for their future...They're the definition of true love...But for how long?
Thank you very much sweety, I'm happy you liked this chapter so much :)
Date: Jan 31, 2013 09:53 pm Title: Chapter 45
Awww :'( Nooo! This is not what I wanted to happen at all! I don't want them to break up </3 !! I hope Quincy realises how much they love each other soon so that they won't have to do that! It's so sad!! :(
I can't wait for the next chapter, I'm desperate to know what's going to happen!!
Author's Response:
Michael and Kayliah will have to take a decision regarding their relationship...As Michael said, now it will be even harder for them to love and see each other. They don't want to break up but with Kayliah's leaving and Quincy who knows and don't accept their love, it will be hard.
I will update next week :)
Date: Jan 31, 2013 11:06 am Title: Chapter 45
Awh...! Mike and Kay for one last time... don't let it be the last time! Please! Quincy, you must accept the fact that your girl loves Michael! ;)
Keep up the good work; can't wait 'till next chapter! <3
Author's Response:
Their last time before her leaving...But they will take a big decision during their date. Quincy won't accept it for now but something will make him think about it a little later.
Thank you, I'll try to keep up the good work until the end:)
Date: Jan 25, 2013 10:00 pm Title: Chapter 44
DAMN!!!!! No Michael...No Quincy.....No Kayliah everything is happened so fast I hope they'll eb alright
Date: Jan 25, 2013 01:43 am Title: Chapter 44
Quincy finally found out!
Gosh, I hope Michael will be okay, and Kayla too.
Can't wait to see how it all goes down :)
Author's Response:
Finally yeah. It was about time.
Next update next week :D
Date: Jan 24, 2013 08:27 pm Title: Chapter 44
*applause and praise for Eltoie* :DD I'm glad they didn't takr this story down, because this is one of my favorite stories. Besides, the age difference isn't major anyway, and like what was mentioned, no sexual interaction until she was 18.
Okay, onto the chapter...
I was hopeful. I thought this was going to be a sweet final moment before she left, and when they were alone I really thought it was going to stay that way! But noooooo! Along came Quincy to ruin everything!
I think he overreacted a bit, but I guess I can't blame him. When one of your closest friends go for your daughter how else can you respond? And to know he took her virginity and this had been going on for about a year could be a major shock! I think if he had let them explain that they love each other both equally and it was a healthy relationship things might have been a bit different.
Now that she's leaving and right after this it's going to make things a lot harder.
Author's Response:
You're sooo right applause and praise for Eltoie :DD. I'm glad too cause I worked hard on this one like on all of my stories. The age difference is indeed not major and nothing happened before she's 18. It's a point I wanted to respect...
About the chapter, it would have been good for them to have a last happy moment together but they were quite careless to kiss each other like this, in the kitchen, even with a closed door. I think Quincy did reacted a little too much but he was in complete shock. His daughter is still his little princess and he felt so betrayed by Michael. He had all his trust in him as he said. Michael tried to explain that their love was real and equally shared but Quincy didn't want to listen.
Our couple will have take a decision before her leaving...What will they decide?...You'll see very soon.
Date: Jan 24, 2013 06:38 pm Title: Chapter 44
I really hope Kay will stand up to her father. She is legally an adult. So she better suck those damn tears up and tell her father where the hell to get off. She and Michael are in a relationship whether his ass likes it or not.
Author's Response:
I'm totally agree but you'll see that it won't be so simple. Moreover, Kayliah is going to New York for 6 months, so what the couple will decide?
Date: Jan 24, 2013 01:11 pm Title: Chapter 44
Ohmygod I hope it's gonna be allright now that Quincy caught them! But he had to find out some day... Can't wait for the next part!
And you're story was about to be deleted because Kayliah wasn't 18 yet? So if you post a story about a girl who's younger than 18, it's gonna be removed?
Author's Response:
Yeah we all hope so but you'll see what will happen to our lovebirds.
Exactly it's the one of the new rules of the board. No incest and no relationship with a girl younger than 18. But Me and amazing Eltoie, we explained the administrators that nothing sexual happened between the characters before Kayliah was 18 and that Kayliah's age was a barrier for Michael to go further with her...In this case, sex wasn't illegual anymore. So they finally kept it on the site :)
Date: Jan 24, 2013 12:48 pm Title: Chapter 44
Wooooow...!!! Quincy the super angry bastard!!! Oh my God, he punched Mikey! I just... wha... he.... and then... OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! I´m here gasping for air of how Quincy found out, but I wouldn´t want it in another way. This was an AMAZING chapter! I totally loved it!
Awh, thank you so much! I´m so glad your story is still on here. Now continue writing and never give up on this story. ;)
Bless you! <3
Author's Response:
Yeah he punched Mickey twice! Even when I wrote it, I was so sorry to do that to Michael lol. Thank you very much, I'm happy this chapter worked. You were all waiting for it since the beginning.
Yeah I'm so glad too :). I'll continue to write this story and other ones that I hope you'll read too!