Date: Feb 07, 2020 08:08 am Title: Chapter 1
Love the way its starting so far. Lol I see the chemistry already
Date: Feb 07, 2020 08:08 am Title: Chapter 1
Love the way its starting so far. Lol I see the chemistry already
Date: Jan 05, 2015 07:55 pm Title: Chapter 18
I don't like his way to protect their secret love by dating with another woman XD yes he's acting like a jerk. But I can't stop reading it thanks for a great story xoxo <3
Date: Jan 05, 2015 04:38 pm Title: Chapter 11
Poor Kayliah :( I feel like I'm Her. Great story dear <3
Date: Jun 09, 2013 01:07 pm Title: Chapter 54 - Last chapter
This was really good. I enjoyed it a lot, thank you for the story!
Date: Apr 16, 2013 04:30 pm Title: Chapter 54 - Last chapter
Such beautiful chapter and ending! Ioved it! :)
Author's Response:
Thank you very much :)
Date: Apr 16, 2013 11:29 am Title: Chapter 54 - Last chapter
I'm in tears...! The story is over and the ending was so beautiful! :')
Dean is adorable. And Michael... just one or two hours more of sleep? Who's the big baby here? XD
Ya know, at the beginning of the chapter, I read about them living together and having a baby, I went like:
Anyway, I really enjoyed this story. Normally I don't really like that lovey-dovey stuff between Mike and a girl, but this story is different. I can't wait for all the ones you have in mind. ;)
This story is AWESOME!!! <3
Author's Response:
Oh I didn't want to make you cry sweetie.I'm sorry. I'm happy you liked the ending.
Dean is tooo cute and yeah, I wonder who's the baby here lol.
It didn't esclated too quickly. We're now in spring 86 so as I said nearly two years after the previous chapter...A lot of things can happened in two years lol.
Thank you very much for liking it and for your support on this story and "Only professional". I hope to see you on my next stories and that you'll like them.
Date: Apr 16, 2013 11:07 am Title: Chapter 54 - Last chapter
Awww! :') This story ended beautifully! It's sad to see it end, but it really was the perfect ending!
You write amazingly!! I loved every chapter of this story! It was absolutely perfect!! :D
Thank you for writing such an awesome story! :)
Author's Response:
Yeah I know I always feel sad to end my stories. Each stories and characters are special and ending are always sad to me.
I'm really happy you liked the ending and that it ended in a way you wanted.
I don't know if my writing or my stories are perfect but thank you very much for your constant support and reviews. I really hope to see you on my futures stories
Love you sweetie :)
Date: Apr 16, 2013 10:33 am Title: Chapter 54 - Last chapter
Beautiful ending!!! So happy for Kay and mike. True love conquers all. They have a beautiful baby and are getting married. That's how it's supposed to be.
Author's Response:
Thank you very much! Love always conquers all. It couldn't end in a different way. Whatever they went through, they loved each other so much from the start, they had to end married with children.
Thank you for your support and your reviews on this story :)
Date: Apr 06, 2013 01:53 am Title: Chapter 53
:) Aww, this was a happy chapter! I'm glad things are really starting to look up :D
And it's ending? :'( This is a really good story and it'll be sad when it's over but I guess all good things come to an end :P
Author's Response:
Yeah their love is now accepted by everybody and they can be happy together.
The end is near yes. I didn't want to do a long story and I explored everything for this story.
Don't be sad.I'll be focused on Only professional and I'll write more stories. I hope you'll keep on reading them :)
Date: Apr 05, 2013 04:37 pm Title: Chapter 53
Awwww finally everyone's happy i just love it!
Author's Response:
Yeah finally. It took some time but now everyone's happy :)
Date: Apr 05, 2013 11:59 am Title: Chapter 53
This chapter was so sweet! I laughed when Quincy said Mike and Kay were noisy...! XD
But whoa? Almost done?! O.o Noooo! I love this story so much! What are you gonna do when you finish this story? Begin a new one or continue with Only Professional? Whatever you do, I'm happy. ;)
Loved the chapter! <3
Author's Response:
Thank you! Yeah I have to do something about the fact they slept together under Quincy's roof lol. So I thought being noisy was a good thing XD.
Yeah almost done. I think I explored all the thing I wanted for this story and to keep it longer won't be that great. I don't know yet...I will for sure keep on writing Only professional, because I love this story...
I will begin another one because I have some ideas but time is lacking sometimes...And I don't know which one I want to write.
Thank you for being so supportive and for loving my stories :)
Date: Apr 05, 2013 09:44 am Title: Chapter 53
Aww this is so sweet!!! They're so happy and in love. The way it's supposed to be. So glad they don't have to hide their love anymore and everybody is accepting of it. They make a beautiful couple, and it's good to see them happy.
Author's Response:
They sure make a beautiful couple. They were meant to be together from the beginning.Their love was so beautiful and true from the moment they began to date.
Now they can be free to love each other and they'll be happier than never.
Date: Mar 30, 2013 11:48 am Title: Chapter 52
Yay! I'm glad that Quincy has come to his senses and the two of them can be together again! And it's so great that Michael has forgiven her and everything is finally back on the right track! I hope it stays this way! This was a happy chapter :DD
That's too bad about your friend though :( That sucks when things don't work out as planned. I'd be sad too :(
Author's Response:
Quincy finally realised that he went a little too far about their relationship. They're together again, happy and it will stay that way :)
Yeah it really sucks sometimes but we'll see each other next time I hope :)
Date: Mar 27, 2013 10:00 am Title: Chapter 52
Yay! They're back together again! And Quincy allowed Michael everything! Yippie!!! :D
Awh girl, the first week after a holiday are always so harsh.. I wanna have 52 weeks of holidays a year. ;)
So sad about your friend! He's gone for a whole year?? Just look forward of seeing him again, it will help you. *hugs*
Awesome chapter! <3
Author's Response:
Well Quincy allowed him to love his daughter but I'm not sure he allowed to do this in her room lol. Michael probably wanted to believe this lol.
Oh me too! 52 weeks of vacations.Just happiness!!
No he will come back in 6 months but at this moment, it will make one year without seeing him. He was an intern for 6 months, to end his studies, in the department where I'm a secretary and we became very friends. He left in november 2012 to return in his country the Senegal where he's now a gynecologist. He has a lot of work that's why he can't come more often...I really miss him but 6 months can quickly go by if I don't think a lot about it :)
Thank you sweetie.