Reviews For Forbidden Love
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Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 12, 2012 06:39 pm Title: Chapter 34

Aw darn I hope nothing comes between them. They've came a long way in this relationship. Good chapter! Continue soon when u can.

Author's Response:

Well I can garantee that nothing will come between them...Some not too bad and some, maybe more...But as you said they've come a long way so we'll see if they'll be able to resist...

I'll try to update soon but I need to write the following chapters and I don't have a lot of free time for this...

Reviewer: YANAgirl07 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 12, 2012 05:46 pm Title: Chapter 34

Oh my God... While reading this chapter I was all happy and I thought this was going to be one of those cute chapters and then all of a sudden HERE COMES QUINCY and ruins the happiness! Wow... I can hardly believe this! Honest! Oh my God... I hope thye do something about it because a month is a long time and Michael's right, Quincy's gunna be totally on them!

Author's Response:

I know this chapter began really well but then Quincy arrived! I didn't want it at the beginning but I thought I needed him to come back in the story.

They're living a forbidden love, hidden from him so sometimes this kind of situations has to happen. It keeps the drama...

About Quincy being on them...Well we'll see...

Reviewer: YANAgirl07 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 12, 2012 05:38 pm Title: Chapter 32

Wow, I'm so stupid! I went to go read the next update and I saw that this chapter didn't have a review and I was like "whoa, I review on every chapter, how is this possible?!" So I checked it out and I realised that I missed it some how! Sorry! :(

Anyway, I loved this chapter. I'm glad Michael's helping her! I think it'll totally strengthen their relationship all the more! Hopefully Kayliha will be able to make a career out of this! :D


Author's Response:

You don't have to be sorry girl. I know you're reviewing everytime so I won't be mad at you if you forgot one chapter lol...And when there's a sexual chapter, the readers often forget to review on the chapter before this one lol.

It will strenght their relationship and will bring something unexpected...

Reviewer: Eltoie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 03, 2012 11:30 am Title: Chapter 33 - Adult chapter

I've been a silent reader for a while... (I know you don't like that) but now I'll just review and I say: This is really an amazing story! I love the relationship between Mike and Kay. Only I wonder how Quincy wil react.... his little princess in love with his best friend. ;)

Please continue! <3

Author's Response:

It's not that I don't like silent readers, it's just that I like to read the opinions of my readers about my work...You're not obliged to review on every chapter, but sometime it's great lol

I'm happy you love my story cause you know that I'm a big fan of yours "Sensitive secrets". For Quincy's reaction, you'll have to wait much more chapters...Others things will happen before that ;)

Reviewer: YANAgirl07 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 01, 2012 09:27 pm Title: Chapter 33 - Adult chapter

Aww! <3 I loved this! It was so sweet and hot! So good! I love love love love this! I'm glad that it worked well and that Michael went slow for her and took it easy, making sure that she was comfortable XD

Author's Response:

Thank you sweety, I'm happy you loved it!

Yeah he took everything slow and she was comfortable, even more than that lol. She had a perfect first time I think lol

Reviewer: NatashaRosee Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 19, 2012 02:52 am Title: Chapter 31

Nice story! I wonder what Quincy will think when he finds out about Michael and his daughter. lol. I really want to find out soon oh and Michael and Kayiah are cute :)

Author's Response:

Thank you!

Well I have my little idea about how he will find out and about how he will react, but nothing really sure for now...My ideas evolve all the time lol.

Yeah they're so cute together :)

Reviewer: YANAgirl07 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 18, 2012 08:16 pm Title: Chapter 31

Aww! I loved this! They're such a cute couple I love it! Haha I loved Michael's reaction when she said it was her first try at cooking XD

I love Michael and Kayliah together <3

Don't worry about the writer's block thing, I'll be waiting here for when it comes to you :)

Author's Response:

Thank you very much sweety :-)...Yeah I loved this part too lol

I'll do my best to write this weekend and update as soon as possible.

Reviewer: YANAgirl07 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 11, 2012 08:44 pm Title: Chapter 30

Aww! <3 I love how sweet Michael is. I really like Brianna too! She's such a great sister to Kay!

I'm happy that Kayliah has realised now that's it's normal and nothing to be embarrassed about! I think everythign will go by smoother the next time ! :D

Author's Response:

Yeah Michael is so sweet...I can't write another Michael than that. I would like to try in a next fanfic but I don't know if I can't write a no cute Michael lol.

Now she totally understood it and she just has to let her fear aside and trust Michael. He proved her she can do it so we'll see next time.

Brianna is great indeed :-)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 11, 2012 09:07 am Title: Chapter 30

Aww they're so cute!!!! Michael really does love her and I think their next time will be much better. 

Author's Response:

Yeah they're so cute!! I will write the chapter of their next time this weekend.

I'll do my best for it :-)

Reviewer: Pradachic718 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 06, 2012 02:52 am Title: Chapter 29 - Adult chapter

Wow they finally made love but it wasn't all that cracked out to be they way she thought. It's true the first times isn't always glorious like everyon thinks. Great chapter and I loved how you kept it real.

Author's Response:

Well they didn't really made it as they stopped before things really happened but yes they already did good things.

Thank you for your review and I'm happy you liked it.I'm glad you enjoyed the real side of it :-)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 05, 2012 09:33 am Title: Chapter 29 - Adult chapter

Oh wow.. A little blood is normal. Your hymen is being broken!!! I knew her ass would cry and act all dramatic tho. But I'm glad Michael finally said he loves her and I believe he does.. But intimacy is part of the relationship and I hope they will try again and succeed. 

Author's Response:

Yeah it's normal but maybe as many girls, she got impressed by this and by the pain. Michael hasn't the smallest size if you see what I mean lol.

Sure he does and everything in this chapter is proving it. And don't worry, they will try very soon. The idea is already planned and it will come in a very few chapters :-)

Reviewer: YANAgirl07 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 05, 2012 09:05 am Title: Chapter 29 - Adult chapter

Omj that definitely wasn't what I expected! :O But I think the fact that they didn't necessarily go to the end might have been good in a way. It proved to Kayliah that Michael doesn't just want her for the sex, but because he really loves her (like he said) <3

Lmao I like how you added that it's not from a personal experience

The wait between updates can be good though, because it just makes me more excited when I see it in the recents! :D

Author's Response:

Yeah I know, I wanted to try different things and their age difference was something that allow me this. At first, I wanted Michael to say he loves her when they were having sex but it could be too expected.

Yeah it was my funny line of the day lol...You'll think I'm kidding but on another website, a girl asked me this in a joke you know. And I was like, they will really think I used my own experience? xD lol

It won't be as long as it was this time anymore.It's just that I got family's stuff last week and I catched a very bad cold to my cousin's wedding this weekend. Now I'm fine and back with my updates! lol

Reviewer: skipper Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2012 06:38 pm Title: Chapter 28

In 2 days hope they have their special day

Author's Response:

You'll see...I can't tell you anything lol

Reviewer: YANAgirl07 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2012 03:29 pm Title: Chapter 28

Ooh I knew she'd get scared about it! I can understand though, I mean, not only will the intimacy changed in their relationship, but so will a lot of things. Like you mentioned, it won't be illegal anymore so they won't have to worry as much.

Lmao! The part with janet reading off the list had me smiling and laughing! I can only imagine how awkward that would be! At least it was Janet though, and they're close so it probably wasn't as awkward as I thought it was. Haha!

So good, one of my faourite stories ever! You write so well! You don't rush through anything and you move at a really good pace! Plus the grammar and stuff is pretty good! I really like this story; a lot! I'll be waiting anxiously for the next update! :D

Author's Response:

Yeah I think it's pretty normal she's scared about this. A lot of things changed after a first time.

I liked to write this part with Janet.In my stories, Janet is always the one to who Michael is the closest with and there are always funny moments like this.

I'm really happy you like this story so much.Thank you very much.About the grammar and stuff, I try to do my best, being french but fortunately it seems to work pretty well lol.

I like to take the things slow sometimes. I know people are waiting for sex scenes and sexy things but I don't write sex scenes for writing a sex scene lol. I think that a story can be good without a lot of sex scenes...But don't worry, that don't mean my story won't contain naughty scenes lol.

Reviewer: whatmorecanigive Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2012 02:18 pm Title: Chapter 28

aww its so cute jow kaliah (finally got the name right )and mike have their siblings to talk too

Author's Response:

Yeah I think it's good, especially for this kind of things lol...

No you didn't get the name, it's KAYLIAH sweety lol...You just forgot a letter lol

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