Date: Sep 02, 2015 07:32 am Title: Chapter 1
Omg omg omg!!! What was he like??? What did he say to you? Was he as sexy in person?? What was his voice like? You literally have no idea how LUCKY you are!!

Date: Mar 27, 2012 01:06 pm Title: Chapter 1
Wow omg! :)) Lol i wish more than anything i had a time machineeee... Agh. Anyways what happened to your mj and whitney story?? I was catching up the other day and now its gone D:
Author's Response: Haha! It was BIZARRE! Oh, I deleted it because some said I was kinda rushing it so now I'm doing it over it again. So sorry! Forgive me.:)
Date: Mar 26, 2012 07:51 pm Title: Chapter 1
Really u met him :) that's cool
Author's Response: Yeah, I didn't expect to meet the king of pop ever in my life, and thanks for reviewing!:)