Date: Aug 23, 2012 06:46 pm Title: Chapter 44
aaahhh man please continue, can't wait for the next chpter !!! :)))
Author's Response: New chapter! Enjoy! And thanks for the review <3
Date: Aug 23, 2012 06:46 pm Title: Chapter 44
Get to her Mike! And quick!
Author's Response: New chapter !! Enjoy! <3
Date: Aug 23, 2012 06:31 pm Title: Chapter 44
Yay, you've done a chapter in MJ's perspective! Lol, Michael wasn't takin' shit from anyone this time. He was serious. I wonder if Denzel knew about his father's... bad habit, I guess it'd be called. I hope Michael finds her soon. Great chapter, as always!
Author's Response: Haha I know, I thought i would go in his head and be in his perceptive for once! New chapter Hun! Enjoy and don't forget to review!
Date: Aug 19, 2012 10:51 am Title: Chapter 43
Oh my freaking gawd! So like what if this Penis guy was the one wo had planned this audition/movie scene all along as a trap to get ahold of Cassie! Like there is no possible way that everyone could suddenly disappear like that and not hear her screams unless it was planned! This is messedupdotcom! UGH!
Author's Response: Lol I always love your comments, but I updated. Enjoy and I agree, it's messedupdotcom to the MAX! Glad your liking the story <3 And she was in the building while everyone was on the beach. So it was hard for anyone to hear her. The waves of the beach, people talking etc... Ill try to be more thorough within my chapters !
Date: Aug 16, 2012 09:13 am Title: Chapter 43
Omgggggggg. This is crazy but i cant help but laugh at the way she has to address him as penis....
This is so unfair what she is going through!
Author's Response: Lol reading your review made me realize that it was funny when I re-read it lol
Date: Aug 11, 2012 12:42 am Title: Chapter 43
I thought penis was the Director, then I thought it was Denzel
Author's Response: You thought wrong Missy lol Thabks for the review, new update!
Date: Aug 10, 2012 09:51 pm Title: Chapter 43
WOW i read this in one day from chapter 1 and i can honestly say that this took me on a roller coaster of emotions. I cryed while reading most of the chapters. I never thought i would break down reading a chapter but i did and the chapter where Cassie was washing off Michael's makeup i think it was chapter 41 and when Cassie found Michael drugged and drunk and i dont like Lisa in this story at all becaues she was not their for Michael and now this chapter. I hope Michael will be able to save Cassie. This would make a great Lifetime Movie Network movie lol just kidding :P. But this is a great story and i dont know why i never started reading this when you first posted it. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: Awwww thank you<3 I'm glad I captured you into the story, that's what I was truly aiming for. I'm glad I got a new fan of my story :) your the best babe! Enjoy the new update muahz!
Date: Aug 10, 2012 04:42 pm Title: Chapter 43
woowww that was soo good, update please ASAP !!! lol ;) poor cassie, michael WHERE R U?!!!!
Author's Response: Thank you so much and I updated! Yay!! :)
Date: Aug 09, 2012 09:42 pm Title: Chapter 43
Wait a minute?! Penis is an old crusty ass man?! Grossssssssssss!
Author's Response: LmfaO haha very gross if I do say so myself. I agree lo new update, enjoy!
Date: Aug 09, 2012 09:17 pm Title: Chapter 43
Oh hell no! Penis has found Cassie?! Omg someone has to save her! I hope he won't hurt her!!!! And Lisa's coming back? Smh! Things were going so well. Oh boy. This isn't good. Not one bit. I hope Michael won't even entertain Lisa anymore. And Cassie needs to find a way to get away from Penis and get to the police!
Author's Response: Yeah Lisa is going to come back into the picture, I actually forgot about her for a Minute there haha enjoy the new update muahz!
Date: Aug 08, 2012 02:30 pm Title: Chapter 42
Author's Response: Thank you! New chapter Hun <3
Muahz! Mesa1991
Date: Aug 07, 2012 08:34 am Title: Chapter 42
Uh oh! She's about to meet Momma K. I hope everything goes well with that. But Katherine is a sweet woman so I'l pretty sure that it will. Mike knows he wasn't right for leaving Cassie all hot and bothered like that lol. Can't wait for the next update ^_^
Author's Response: Yup, mama k ! Hopefully it goes well for her! And yup, my ass would be pissed if he left me hot and bothered haha lol new update, enjoy! And thanks for the review Muahz! Mesa1991
Date: Aug 07, 2012 08:25 am Title: Chapter 41
Thank you for the shoutout :-) and you're so welcome for the reviews. I really love the fact that Mike is opening up to Cassie and becoming more comfortable with himself. That's the only way that their relationship is going to work. I'm so proud of him lol That part about him talking about his ass had me grinning like an idiot lol His muscle butt lol Anyway, great chapter honey.
Author's Response: The guy does have a nice ass lol glad to like that part and your welcome for the shout out! It was well deserved on my part after all of those wonder reviews I got from you <3 new update Hun <3 muahz! Mesa1991 And yup, I'm glad there opening up again! (:
Date: Aug 05, 2012 07:55 pm Title: Chapter 42
I am sooooo happy to see things working out for them, the way Michael has acted in the last few chapters OMG super cute. I love these two
Author's Response: Lol thank you (: glad to like these two <3 Muahz! Mesa1991 new update check it out and thanks for the review !
Date: Aug 05, 2012 04:15 pm Title: Chapter 42
I wonder how he's gonna introduce her to his Mother. His girlfriend, his friend, his soon to be girlfriend? Hopefully this upcoming date will help them continue forward a little more. Great chapter!
Author's Response: You will have to read to find out lol thanks for the review, new update!
Muahz! Mesa1991