Date: Apr 27, 2012 05:08 am Title: Chapter 18
So he doesn't want her to have to be involved in his world for a relationship, but he doesn't mind her gettting involved if they are fuck buddies. What an ass, lol. Great writing!
Author's Response: Yeah.... Sadly lol enjoy the new chapter :) and thanks for the review. Fuck buddies = future heartbreak.
Date: Apr 26, 2012 06:31 am Title: Chapter 18
yeah! great update!
Author's Response: Thanks!!!!(:
Date: Apr 25, 2012 08:56 pm Title: Chapter 18
Wow.. Cassie is setting herself up for failure. She needs to keep her cookies on lockdown until he commits to a real relationship. All she's gonna do is get herself hurt even more. Sex ain't worth a broken heart and thats what she's gonna end up with. Smh! Dumb move Cassie. Totally dumb. Smh at Michael. You wanna protect her from your world but still get your dick wet? Nah son. Couldn't and wouldn't be me.
Author's Response: Lol I love how you call them both dumb haha. Thanks for the review and it wouldnt be me either lol
Date: Apr 25, 2012 07:17 pm Title: Chapter 18
People that have sex, that say that they love each other, that aren't allowed to see other people aren't friends with benefits...I believe that's called a relationship. These two are efunny that way though lol can;t wait for more!
Author's Response: Yes I Certaintly agree Thanks for the review and read the new chapter :)
Date: Apr 25, 2012 03:14 pm Title: Chapter 1
Please!Just PLEASE,do an update!!I'm dying here gurl!!!
Author's Response: Lol. I updated, so you don't need to die haha
Date: Apr 25, 2012 12:40 pm Title: Chapter 17
Oh, god!!!! I can't breath...
Please, continue!
Author's Response: Hopefully you caught your breath a new chapter Is here lol enjoy and thanks for the review
Date: Apr 25, 2012 08:04 am Title: Chapter 17
Smh the nerve of him!!!! Michael does not own her and Cassie needs to make that known!!! I can't believe him! She better not have sex with him! To hell with him.
Author's Response: Lol. Yup, he deffinetly don't deserve her but you will see what happens in the new chapter, enjoy and thanks for the review :)
Date: Apr 25, 2012 06:19 am Title: Chapter 17
OMG. That was awesome. I'm loving your story. At least he found her. Hopefully it's not too late to apologize. Lots of love.
Author's Response: Thank you that means a lot! And thanks for the review oh! And enjoy the new chapter :)
Date: Apr 25, 2012 05:27 am Title: Chapter 17
Ahhhhhh! That's HOT! Lol please continue!
Author's Response: Lol thanks you! :) and thanks for the tries Hun <3 (:
Date: Apr 25, 2012 04:25 am Title: Chapter 17
ahhhhhhhh *jumping around like a maniac* that was AWESOME please update i love this story poor shawn he prolly wanted a autograph and why should michael care he didnt care and he dont so she needs to move on anyways update update update
Author's Response: Thank you! Your the best! Thanks for the review ! Enjoy the new chapter
Date: Apr 25, 2012 03:02 am Title: Chapter 17
So...they will make out in his limo.She CANT DO THAT!
Author's Response: Haha that's funny lol you will find out what they do when you read the new chapter, hope you enjoy it! And thanks forth review :)
Date: Apr 25, 2012 12:34 am Title: Chapter 17
I swear I have a stupid grin on my face lol
This is what I am talking about "what does it look like I'm doing? see this is Sean who I just met and I'm going to fuck him. I know you shouldn't be shocked by this, seeing you think I'm a whore".
Loved it, It was like slapping him, and this I bet tought Mike the lesson he needed!! But I'm glad to see she didn't actutally sleep with Sean...
I swear my heart stoped when I read this, He took a hold of my arm again and whispered harshly in my ear,"Your body is mine!". With that he forced me into the limo.
Author's Response: I'm glad you like the ending ! (: ! Haha th grin on your face haha. I'm honored you love it! ;) Your the best! Enjoy the new chapter
Date: Apr 25, 2012 12:25 am Title: Chapter 17
Oh, yes...He missed her and he missed her much. Seeing her with another man probably taught him a lesson! Well deserved, I might add! You shouldn't have dumped her in the first place. :-) His blood was boiling with jealously! lol Too bad! I wish, I could already read the next chapter. Love it! :-D
Author's Response: I think that did taught him a lesson, enjoy the new chapter!
Date: Apr 24, 2012 10:12 pm Title: Chapter 17
I think Michael missed her as much as she missed him :-)
Author's Response: I think so too! Enjoy the new chapter and thanks for the review
Date: Apr 24, 2012 06:30 am Title: Chapter 16
great but sad chapter!! .. hope Michael is gonna change is mind!:)
Author's Response: I know:( it is sad but hey... A love story always has a sad part before a happy part comes along