Reviews For Sex Operator
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Reviewer: mjloverforever Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 14, 2012 04:30 pm Title: Chapter 31

Another Chapter Plllleeeeeeeeeeeasssssssssseeeeeee!!!

Author's Response: LmfaO. A new chapter is up, enjoy and thanks for the review

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 14, 2012 12:02 am Title: Chapter 30

It doesn't need to be with Michael. If its sex she needs, there are plenty of fine men in the Dominican republic. Been and seen it for myself. Lol. Seriously I feel badly for Cassie cuz it seems like she is really being a sucker for love, but like she told Jennifer.. Michael has to love himself and allow himself to love and be loved from others. She needs to just move on with her life, get some new meat. There are seriously some fine men where she's going. 

Reviewer: MJsGirl345 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 08, 2012 01:38 pm Title: Chapter 29

Omg what a chapter!!! I love the way how this was written, keep up the good work... Can't wait for the next chapter!! <33

Author's Response: Thank you! :)

Reviewer: DaizyfreeMJ Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 06, 2012 08:17 am Title: Chapter 28

That was a good chapter, not only intriguing but the way it was written was very good. I loved the dramatics in it, and it wasn't corny thank God.

Author's Response: Lol thank you! That means a lot! :) !

Reviewer: Dreamer Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 05, 2012 10:39 pm Title: Chapter 29

Another chapter, please! Like right now!

Author's Response: Updated! Enjoy! Writing another chapter and should be another update later today, thanks for the review :)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 05, 2012 09:46 pm Title: Chapter 29

As bad as she feels for him, I still don't think she should talk to him. It's clear that they can't be friends, her feelings get involved every single time. It's hard to not get intoxicated in that man. And with all his drama going on, the last thing he needs is her crying about not loving her and etc. that's why it's best she keeps her distance from him. It'll be good for both their sakes. And this Penis person needs to be reported to the police for stalking! I really hope he won't ever find her. 

Author's Response: Yeah... Penis... The stalker, ew! Thanks for the review! And enjoy the new chapter :)

Reviewer: mjloverforever Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 05, 2012 09:34 pm Title: Chapter 29


Author's Response: Sorry I couldn't update like I plan, but I updated today so enjoy it! And thanks for the review

Reviewer: KekeJackson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 05, 2012 08:58 pm Title: Chapter 29

NO...and heck yes!!!!!! This is goood!!!!!!

Author's Response: Thank you and thanks for the review :)

Reviewer: AlexisJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 05, 2012 08:58 pm Title: Chapter 29

Yes to all. I really think they need each other right now but they are both too hard headed to admit it. Great chapter doll. Lots of love.

Author's Response: Thank you <3

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 05, 2012 03:59 pm Title: Chapter 28

Wow.. Dominican Republic. The charges, and that damn Elvis in a wig. This is gonna be interesting! I'm glad Cassie has decided to move on with her life and she should. By all means she should keep her distance from Michael. The bed he's made, he must lie in it. Cassie is beautiful, young, and about to be a movie star. She'll have a new man in no time. Michael is gonna have to see the error of his ways and thinking all by himself. Cassie is gonna have to ignore him and give him the cold shoulder. It's the only way. 

Author's Response: I love your review! We will see what happens between these two !! Thanks for your very inspiring review hun <3

Reviewer: BadPYT Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 05, 2012 03:02 pm Title: Chapter 28

:O No, Cassie! You have to be there to comfort him if you love him! He needs you! I hope she drops her grudge and becomes the woman that her man needs. Update soon!

Author's Response: Its updated! Enjoy the new chapter, more to come !

Reviewer: mjloverforever Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 05, 2012 02:48 pm Title: Chapter 28

update now!!!! lol I love this!!

Author's Response: It's updated! Enjoy the new chapter. (:

Reviewer: DaizyfreeMJ Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 02, 2012 08:01 am Title: Chapter 27


Author's Response: Lol yes thy have to, Michael has to love himself before he loves another the way Cassie wants to be loved! Thanks for the review lol

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 02, 2012 01:13 am Title: Chapter 27

Smh Cassie just needs to move on with her life. Michael is full of shit. The pith parties he throws for himself are behind old. You can't cry about loneliness and no one understanding you when you had a woman by your side who tried to alleviate that and then some. He's so used to being a damn victim he doesn't realize when he's won. Smh. Cassie don't need to be his friend, especially now that he's hangin with that dry faced Elvis in a wig lookin ho Lisa. Just go far, far away Cassie and don't look back. She a pretty, I'm sure she'll meet another man. I just bet as soon as she does, Michael's wishy washy ass will want to come back. 

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 01, 2012 08:21 pm Title: Chapter 27

Damn that's hard core drama!! Wow :'(

Author's Response: Lol yup, it sure is haha

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