Date: Apr 12, 2011 02:37 am Title: Prelude
This is really good one of the best fan fictions i've read in a very long long time. (I'm a bit of a picky reader.) Good imagination and creativity I hope that you can finish this good stories for me are hard to find. . .
Date: Apr 12, 2011 02:37 am Title: Prelude
This is really good one of the best fan fictions i've read in a very long long time. (I'm a bit of a picky reader.) Good imagination and creativity I hope that you can finish this good stories for me are hard to find. . .
Date: Apr 12, 2011 02:34 am Title: Prelude
This is really good one of the best fan fictions i've read in a very long long time. (I'm a bit of a picky reader.) Good imagination and creativity I hope that you can finish this good stories for me are hard to find. . .
Date: Apr 10, 2011 04:43 pm Title: Chapter 18
write more chapters
Date: Mar 04, 2011 05:14 am Title: Chapter 18
wowwwiee that was some cilff hanger good to have you back :))
Date: Mar 04, 2011 04:30 am Title: Chapter 18
DUDDDDEEEE You cant stooopp here... omg... I love this story.
I wish you'd right longer chapters but I Stilll Love this story... Please continue!!!
Date: Mar 04, 2011 04:01 am Title: Prelude
Damn if you didnt just describe what I felt! Powerful Start!
Date: Jan 01, 2011 02:36 am Title: Chapter 14
this is really good please continue writing! ill love u forever if u do! lol plz!
Author's Response:
I'm sorry guys! I've been away for the holidays! I will post more ASAP!
Date: Dec 03, 2010 06:24 pm Title: Chapter 14
OMG you HAVE to update this!!!!!! I wanna know what's gonna happen arghh!
Date: Oct 17, 2010 07:22 am Title: Prelude
this story is really awesome it's very mysterious and has left me wanting more,i especially love how she's wearing a lady gaga t-shirt and nobody has an idea who she is :)
Date: Oct 17, 2010 07:02 am Title: Prelude
this story is really awesome it's very mysterious and has left me wanting more,i especially love how she's wearing a lady gaga t-shirt and nobody has an idea who she is :)
Author's Response:
thanks... I'm glad you like it so far... I love Lady Gaga, and definitely thought the t-shirt would really show 2009 style standing out in the 70's and 80's... I love mystery... some of this story is even still a mystery to me... but I will hopefully be posting more very soon!
Date: Oct 13, 2010 02:27 am Title: Chapter 11
WOW SO VERY GOOD, i really love how this is coming out!! Very interesting..Keep up the good work!!
Author's Response:
thanks! I'm really glad you like it! Will post more soon!
Date: Oct 10, 2010 08:19 pm Title: Prelude
No problem just so anxious it plays into my deepest wish a creation of a time machine. Take your time. Hope to see the new work very soon!
Author's Response:
I understand. I'm like that with stories on here too. I have some more posted, I just hope I can keep delivering! Enjoy!
Date: Oct 07, 2010 08:53 pm Title: Prelude
OMG, I made into the review. Okay. I've thought about this every sense he died. Why can t we have time travel so I too can save him from June 25th 2009. I REALLY love this story. Hurry with he next chapters!
I too loved when little Michael was stunned at you at his J5 concert. I can see older Michael looking very confused and intrigued at the studio flming that tragic pepsi commercial. Yeah you have to be very careful with time travel it can alter things severly.Michael's events good or bad in life has made him beautiful and sensitive man that he became.
Author's Response:
I'm really glad you are enjoying this story. I've felt the same way, about going back in time, and if nothing else, being there to comfort him during his hard times. I do realize that certain events in Michael's life had a lot to do with the man he became. So, even though I'm trying to post stories quickly, I am trying to think things through, just to make sure Michael is still Michael in the end. I do plan to post again shortly, I just hope you continue enjoying this, and I thank you so much for the feedback!
Date: Oct 06, 2010 01:23 am Title: Chapter 9
OMG Monica tried so hard... but failed! I wish he was able to listen to her.
But now he knows something is up with her since her premonition came through. Even though Monica couldn't save Michael from the Pepsi accident (and I assume his original addiction to pain killers), maybe she can save him from the trial?
I know she would WANT to save him from the 1993 Chandler incident, but if she did, HIStory wouldn't have come out... so...
Author's Response:
That's true.. I am trying to be realistic about what can change and what cannot... I don't want to alter HIStory too much... but I don't think Monica has failed just yet... not entirely... I'll have more up soon!