Date: May 28, 2012 06:16 pm Title: Shooting Arrow
I love it, I love it, I love it. This is a fantastic story. Can't wait for the next update ! :)<3
Author's Response:
Thanks so much, I actually just put the next one up! Hope you enjoy and thanks for reviewing!

Date: May 28, 2012 01:47 pm Title: Shooting Arrow
No Tito! Well we knew things couldn't stay good for long. Keep up the good work.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much! I got to keep things alternating for an interesting story. Glad you still like it!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much! I got to keep things alternating for an interesting story. Glad you still like it!

Date: May 22, 2012 11:06 pm Title: Happiness...And Trouble to Come
Nuh-uh girl, you and your cliffhangers! You always got me biting my nails. I love this story and I'm always looking forward to your updates. As always, beautiful job. :)<3
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing, I'm glad you like it! I do like cliffhangers, they just end so well. Well, thanks again!

Date: May 18, 2012 10:46 am Title: Darla
I'm still here and still loving this story. I love the essemble set up with all of the brothers having their own issues and demons. All six cut from the same cloth, but with a wide variety of stitching patterns. It would also be cool to find out some more about our two new additions. Anyways, keep up the good work.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing!! I will expand on everyone soon, including our two extras, I'm so happy you like it. I really wanted to stress that everyone was different, and I wanted everyone to have their moment in the story, it'll all come into play later too. But again, thanks!

Date: May 17, 2012 08:44 pm Title: Darla
I'm still here and loving this story babe. So glad they have someone else to help them, I just hope nothing goes wrong. As always, great chapter. :)

Date: May 13, 2012 09:13 pm Title: Danger on the Plains
Nooo, you can't just leave it there !! Lool I love this story so much. You had me crying when Jermaine was being so awful to Michael. Please continue, I can't last with this cliffhanger ! <3
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing and I'm glad you like it. I'm sorry you cried, I'd hoped it wasn't too sad, but I guess I'm glad you're really feeling everything that's going on. Thanks again and I hope you'll stick around!

Date: May 06, 2012 08:14 pm Title: A History and Fortunes Told
This is getting more and more interesting. I am still here and still enjoying it. Keep up the good work.
Author's Response:
Thanks! Glad you like it!

Date: May 03, 2012 06:00 pm Title: A History and Fortunes Told
I can't tell you how much I enjoy this story and I'm not even into adventure texts. I would like to hear more from Michael though.
Author's Response:
Hey, thanks for reviewing! I really appreciate it. And thanks too for the suggestion, I'm open to trying to incorporate more of a voice for Michael. I'll see if I can't do that for the next chapter. Thanks for reading and I hope you'll stay to see more!
Date: Apr 30, 2012 04:44 pm Title: Something Much, Much Worse
This story is incredible, and you really don't have as much reviews as you deserve. But I'm here to tell you that this is so unlike all the other stories on here that I've read and I love it, and please don't stop. I love this story so much and it always has me on the edge of my seat. WELL DONE! :) <3
Author's Response:
Oh, thanks so much!! I'm really glad you like it, that's the real fun in writing it. I'm working on the next chapter now, so I hope you'll stick around to read and, again, thanks!

Date: Apr 24, 2012 03:58 am Title: Tobias
Go Michael and Toby! Mike's skinnyness paid off. Again, I am loving this. Keep up the good work.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing!! Sorry I'm responding so late, I'm working on another chapter now. Hope you'll stick around!

Date: Apr 16, 2012 05:04 am Title: The Black Ink Sea
I am still here and still loving this. These guys just cannot catch a break, can they? I cannot believe people are sleeping on this story. Anyways, keep up the good work.
Author's Response:
Thanks! And no, it sure doesn't seem like it's getting any easier does it? Well, it's a good challenge and I like to keep things rolling. Thanks for reading and I hope you'll stick around!

Date: Apr 09, 2012 05:22 am Title: The Journey Begins
Loving this. There's nothing like a good adventure story. The charlie Michael moment was so touching. Keep up the good work.
Author's Response:
Thanks, I'm glad you like it. I agree, a good adventure story really is great, it's one of my favorite genre's. Thanks for reviewing and I hope you'll stick around!

Date: Apr 05, 2012 06:36 am Title: The Kennedy's
This was amazing please update soon. i love your writing and how much you show through it .i am adding this to my favorites :)
more soon please!!!!!!!!!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much, I really appreciate the complement!! I'm super glad you're liking it and I hope you'll stay to read the rest!

Date: Apr 01, 2012 06:48 pm Title: The Kennedy's
I love this. For some reason, I have been having issues reviewing stories on this site. I have been wanting to see something with all the brothers in it. Then you throw in the action and suspense. Keep the good work.
Author's Response:
Thanks! I was also looking around for something with everyone in it, that's why I started this one. I really want this to be something where each of them gets a little attention and spotlight. Thanks for reviewing and I'm glad you like it!
Date: Mar 24, 2012 03:58 pm Title: Where Are They?
Ah hah, so you are fond of leaving your readers hanging huh? Not cool, missy, not cool at all. XD
Seriously though this was an amazing update. I'm like Latoya, I've got a bad feeling about what the boys might end up going through like with the creepy gray creatures at the end...good thing they got rescued by mysterious arrow man/figure.
Looking forward to another update ^_^
Author's Response:
Thanks for responding, sorry I didn't respond back sooner. I am rather fond of a good cliffhanger, keeps the energy high you know? Glad you're liking it!