Date: Jul 12, 2014 09:14 pm Title: Day 12
Things just got a little freaky
Date: Jul 12, 2014 09:02 pm Title: Day 5
I love bad girls club
Date: Jul 12, 2014 08:46 pm Title: Day 4
I feel bad her sister died
Date: Jul 12, 2014 08:44 pm Title: Who are you!?
Yay they're gonna start over

Date: Jul 12, 2014 08:35 pm Title: Rules!! (Just a Fill in)
I like these rules
Date: Jul 09, 2013 10:58 pm Title: Day 12
amazing story...im hooked

Date: Jul 08, 2013 07:31 pm Title: Day 12
Date: Jul 07, 2013 02:03 am Title: Day 12
Happy you're back too. I love this story.
I think it's Mia who will give up to temptation first. She created the rules but no one can't resist to Michael lol.
I updated Only professionnal if you're still interested :)

Date: Jul 06, 2013 09:34 am Title: Day 12
I've been waiting for this story to continue. I LOVE this! Please continue. I want to see who gives in first. I think its Michael. :)
Author's Response:
*starts fan girling* You love it?! Ahhhhhhh! Lol let me stop. I'm sorry for the long wait i have been lazy and lost faith in it but now I'm trying to bring it back and right now I'm gaining some faith in it.
Date: Jul 06, 2013 08:52 am Title: Day 12
Glad you're back with this.
Author's Response:
Me too :-)

Date: May 12, 2013 08:36 pm Title: Day 5
(clears throat) Uh hello there? It has been (checks watch) too damn long and I've been kinda expecting an update on like all of your stories. So I was wondering exactly what the hold up was because I meeeeaaannnnnn.......I miss this story and it's been decades.....
Author's Response:
HAHA!!! I am soooo sorry but i had school and studying, it has been hectic. But now school is out so i'm updating ALL of my stories..sorry for the wait and i LOVE you by the way
Date: May 02, 2013 06:10 am Title: Day 5
great story so far. please continue
Author's Response:
Why thank you

Date: Apr 28, 2013 09:05 pm Title: Day 5
Love whenever you update this darling.
Author's Response:
OMG! Thank you so much darling..you know ima go! Go! GO!

Date: Apr 28, 2013 09:04 pm Title: Day 5
I love this story please continue!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much!!! And i absolutely love..YOU!