Reviews For Lost and Found
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Reviewer: MJrulzBiebersuxs Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 29, 2012 11:52 pm Title: Chapter 12: Yes, I Really Am

I love this story. Its really good and i hope u update it really soon. Lots Of Love

Author's Response: I am so glad that you enjoy this story. We may update it 2nite. Thanks 4 the ove and don't stop reviewing!

Reviewer: Xaviersdaman Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 06, 2012 08:54 pm Title: Chapter 10: Got to Get out of Here

:) I love this story! You girls got me hooked instantly! This is great!

On one of the earlier chapters, you wrote in the chapter notes that 'this is your first co-written story together'. I find that hard to believe. It's so well written! You girls sure work great together!

Love your work! :)

Author's Response:

Haha! Thanks for the comliments and although you may think we've worked together before, we haven't. As much as you can't believe it, it's true, this is our first co-written story together. PiperJackson4eva is such a great partner BTW! Haha, just thought I'd add that.

Thanks for the reivew!


Reviewer: Jrmspfingston Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 15, 2012 07:34 pm Title: Chapter 4: Friends?

Yea they made up and are trying. great update can't wait for the rest :)

Author's Response:

Yeah they are!

Reviewer: briarae92 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 13, 2012 06:03 pm Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

Love it!

Author's Response: Thanks. Keep reviewing

Reviewer: Jrmspfingston Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 13, 2012 04:20 pm Title: Chapter 3: He's right

Oh that's just sad but i a way it is normal hope they can get along soon. Excited for the next chapter :)

Author's Response:

Thanks 4 reviewing

Reviewer: Jrmspfingston Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 10, 2012 07:58 pm Title: Chapter 2: Day One With My New Friend

Good start so far. But I have to ask when you say she forgets her memory is it like a 50 first date kind of memory or she just has to remember everything again? can't wait for the next chapter :)

Author's Response:

She has to remember everything again. I love 50 First Date!!!! Thanks 4 reviewing!

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