Reviews For Can I have your number?
Reviewer: SmellyApplehead Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 03, 2012 01:01 am Title: I've Got It!
Date: Apr 03, 2012 01:01 am Title: I've Got It!
Where are you, YANAgirl07 ?!? T__T
I've been waiting for too long. She better continue her story, "ghost" or kidding
Author's Response:
Reviewer: michaeljoejacksonLUV Signed 

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Date: Feb 12, 2012 09:58 am Title: Marry Me
Author's Response:

Date: Feb 12, 2012 09:58 am Title: Marry Me
Oh my gosh, I'm laughing so hard! Such a funny and different story! I loved the way those two did everything to get Michael's attention. It was awesome! :)
Author's Response:
:D Thank you