Date: Sep 11, 2019 12:56 pm Title: The Start Of Something Very Interesting
Please update. This kind of plot is not-known. You've got talent.
Date: Sep 26, 2012 03:01 pm Title: The Start Of Something Very Interesting
I absolutely ADORED the chapter girl!!!!!! You have to update soon!!! YOU HAVE TO!!!!!!!! <3
Author's Response:
Lol!! I will, I will!! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!! :D <3
Date: Sep 08, 2012 09:23 am Title: A Chance?
LoooOOOooOOOOoOOOOoOOOOoOOOooooOOOve this! I will admit, even though Eminem did do some nasty stuff to Michael, it doesn't eliminate the fact that he's still a pretty damn good rapper, so I was intrigued by this. I'm glad I read it because I absolutely DID NOT regret it!
Great job! :D
Author's Response:
I am SO glad to hear that!! Eminem is a pretty damn good rapper! :D One of my faves despite some things. :) I shall update again soon!! :D
Thanks for reading! :)
Date: Sep 08, 2012 06:57 am Title: A Chance?
OMG!!!!! You have me like literally on the edge of my seat!!!!! And I'm sooooooooo glad you finally updated! I was DIEING for your next update. Lol. Please! Next chapter soon!! <3
Author's Response:
I will do my best! I promise. :D Let me know if you have any ideas you'd like to share with me, you might see some of them appear. ;) I'm going to get started on the next chapter now. :D
Author's Response:
I will do my best! I promise. :D Let me know if you have any ideas you'd like to share with me, you might see some of them appear. ;) I'm going to get started on the next chapter now. :D
Date: Sep 08, 2012 06:46 am Title: Two Very Different Lives
Okay before I continue on to the next chapter, your story is really OFF THE CHAIN!!!!!! I'm not just saying that, really! And strangely I was watching stuff about Eminem last night and here I come across this story! Like really! I freaking love this story! I don't care if no one else will like it or review, but I know one thing, I sure as hell will! So please update soon! Please!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ And if I could give you a thousand rating trust me I would've already done it. ;)
Author's Response:
Thank you so much!!! I am so glad to hear that!! :D Love to know I have your support!! :D
Date: Sep 08, 2012 06:18 am Title: A Chance?
Great chapter, can't wait for the next chapter :)
Author's Response:
I'm gonna get started on it now! :D
Date: Sep 08, 2012 04:38 am Title: Two Very Different Lives
It's great for the first chapter, I like it. I hope you will continue with this story.
Author's Response:
I will! I plan to do so soon. :)
Date: Feb 02, 2012 09:01 pm Title: Two Very Different Lives
wow i like this so far keep it up.
Author's Response:
Aww thanks! :D We will be sure to do so. :) We're already working on the next chapter! It should be up soon. :)