Date: Aug 18, 2012 03:31 pm Title: Mommy Michael
I have no words for this. Just non-stop laughter. xDDDD
This is probably my absolute favorite of these short stories. xDDD :D
Author's Response:
XD Yay! So glad you liked it!
While I was writing it I was sitting there like, "I hope this doesn't freak people out, having Michael portrayed as a mom giving birth" O.o
Haha obviously I had nothing worry about :)
Stay tuned! I plan on posting up a new one tomorrow morning :)
Date: Aug 18, 2012 03:04 pm Title: Yo Soy Tu Gominola
What a nice story. I really loved this it was so beautiful that i started to cry a little. I was going to take Spanish back in my freshman year but i never took it. Good luck in your spanish class and try not to fall asleep lol. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Date: Aug 17, 2012 07:31 pm Title: Wanna Do Bad Things With You
"I wanna do bad things with you Michael!!
Just saying. ;)"
you sure it's just 'saying'? Cause I want to do the bad things to him too lol ;____; *desperately in love with michael jackson*
Author's Response:
Haha whoa, whoa, whoa! Me first! Me first! You can do bad things to him after I'm finished ;)
Lmao! We all wanna do bad things with Michael.
*desperately making love with Michael Jackson* ;)
Sorry, that was dirty ._.
Haha I love your reviews you know that right? They make me smile! :)
Date: Aug 17, 2012 05:11 pm Title: Wanna Do Bad Things With You
Wow this was very good. I heard True Blood is a really good show but i never saw it. And it was funny when Jada said to Michael that she did not know what was happining on the episode they were watching before they had a lilttle foreplay lol. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response:
Ah, you're too nice to me ;) It was alright haha
It is a good show! :D I like it at least, haha!
Thanks for all of your reviews, I love and appreciate them so much you have no idea!
Date: Aug 17, 2012 04:55 pm Title: Lovely One
Aww this was so cuite. It makes me think about my boyfriend and how special he is to me. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Date: Aug 17, 2012 12:10 am Title: Lovely One
I just wanna say that when I saw this story, and I read it as I was listening musics with my ipod. Then all of sudden my ipod began playing with you by chris brown. Just perfect, you make my heart flutter :)
Author's Response:
XD Aww! What perfect timing! Thank you for the review! Glad to hear you're enjoying these short stories! I've enjoyed each and every one of yours! :D
Chris Brown's a sexy beast o.o
But Michael is like, King of the Sexy Beasts O.O *faints*
Date: Aug 15, 2012 10:10 pm Title: An Icy Adventure
Aww this was to cuite. I bet it would be a fuunny sight to see Michael trying to learn how to ice skate. I wonder if Michael did know how to ice skate??? Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response:
XD Haha that's a good question... I've enver heard of him having ever actually gone ice skating, but I'd assume that he'd at least doen it once! I dunno...
Thank you for the review! :)
Date: Aug 15, 2012 09:46 pm Title: Call Me Maybe
Damn you Carly Rae making a catchy song that will forever be stuck in my head *Starts singing it*. Uhh sorry for freaking out a little lol but this was a good story. And it was funny and cutie. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Date: Aug 15, 2012 08:25 pm Title: An Icy Adventure
Awww! I loved this story!! <3 :D
Date: Aug 08, 2012 07:08 pm Title: In The Closet
Date: Aug 02, 2012 05:13 am Title: To Pierce Or Not To Pierce?
I love it love it love it. Excuse me, it's getting HOT in here ...... *british style*
Date: Aug 01, 2012 10:31 pm Title: To Pierce Or Not To Pierce?
Would it be ok if I made a story. I have to think of one though. So I'll have to get a piercing before I go to Heaven and marry Michael, huh? Lol. Sorry, I skipped the sex part. I stopped at, "Soon enough, he's undoing my bra with his mouth..." Yeah. I'm a weird, Christian, cowardly virgin. Haha. The wrong site for me.
Author's Response:
Oh yeah! Go right ahead and make one! Haha dont be sorry for skipping the sex part! That's totally fine! Haha! Lmao you're not weird! :D We can be cowardly virgins together haha! XD
Date: Aug 01, 2012 08:35 pm Title: To Pierce Or Not To Pierce?
Wow this was a good story. I like what Julie tweeted about her lip piercings. Why should anyone care if someone has a lip piercing. And i like how Michael said it doesnt matter if you leave them in or you dont i will still love you. And that is how it should be with in a relationship. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Date: Aug 01, 2012 04:39 pm Title: You Raise Me Up
i literally cried at the end of this one
Date: Jul 28, 2012 09:11 pm Title: Kokoro
Read this and I cried.
Listened to the song. And I cried.