Date: Mar 26, 2012 12:13 pm Title: Chapter 11 - The Angry King....
Oh I thought she was serious when she wanted a divorce. I'm glad everything is fine.....for now atleast.
Author's Response:
for now at least :) thx hun
Date: Mar 26, 2012 11:57 am Title: Chapter 11 - The Angry King....
Great update even though Michael screamed at Alyssa and arguing with Anna. Can't wait for more! I know you probably know but just wanted to let you know it has been removed from Comj!
Author's Response:
Michael is dealing thru a lot, the resposibility of being a king, losing his father. This si too much for him. He just needs to learn how to balance it out so it don't control him. THX hun.
Date: Mar 22, 2012 06:28 am Title: Chapter 10 - The Man That Got In The Way....
Definiutely don't like that Billy. Can't stand anybody that messes with Michael and Anna!~ Please more soon!
Author's Response:
Billy is bad news, that's for sure. Thx hun xoxo
Date: Mar 22, 2012 06:20 am Title: Chapter 9 - The distance between us....
Oh boy trouble in paradise is starting. Absolutely love the sequel can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
thanks honey. I'm hoping to have more soon :)
Date: Mar 21, 2012 06:22 pm Title: Chapter 10 - The Man That Got In The Way....
Oh God. I hope Michael and Annalisa make up!! Billy needs to stay away.
Author's Response:
I agree. Billy is bad news. Thx hun xoxo
Date: Mar 11, 2012 10:02 pm Title: Chapter 9 - The distance between us....
You SEE!!!!!! I told you, I told you she was gonna get Tried of this new..... King Michael. I hope that Michael learn his lesson before they take his lady away. I love Anna, so I know she will know what to do :) Yet Michael need to remember the he met back at the motel and how he can't change who she is. She might change a few think for the sake of being his wife but like you said, she is a free bird and that's why he fell inlove with her. She is adventurous, not afraid of what comes at her, wild in her own way, free and dangerous, he needs to remember that.
Am I leaving a review or talking to "King Michael"? O_o
Lving the sequel hon, your writing is amazing as always!! XoxoX
Btw Sorry if the reviews are a bit annoying, I hope you dont take it as if I'm telling what should happen or what to write, I don't talk about what I read with anyone so I just rant on here.. If Anything let me know and I'll just review in the chapter and that's it.
Author's Response:
Your reviews/rants are never annoying and don't you dare stop!! I need and I love reading exactly what people think about the chapter, it helps me write the next one and continue with the story. Thanks honey.
Date: Mar 11, 2012 12:36 pm Title: Chapter 9 - The distance between us....
uh oh mike better do someting before ann chooses to leave
Author's Response:
As we learned in the original story, Michael is a bit stubborn so I do too hope he does something before he loses her. thx hun xoxo
Date: Mar 11, 2012 12:21 pm Title: Chapter 9 - The distance between us....
I love this story!! It's really good!! I understand Michael wants to protect his family but Annalissa and Alyssa can't stay and inside and be trapped. They need fresh air!
Author's Response:
Thanks hun and I agree with you. They say if you hold on too tight to love, it usually runs away from you. You need to let it breath. I hope Michael realizes that sooner than later. xoxo
Date: Mar 11, 2012 11:43 am Title: Chapter 8 - The past could haunt you....
Billy thinks he slick! Is that Emilio Estavez as Billy.?
Author's Response:
LOL Yes it is. He played Billy, the Kid, a real outlaw in the movies Young Guns 1 and 2.
Date: Mar 11, 2012 01:37 am Title: Chapter 7 - The Warning (Part 2)....
GIIIIIRL very sexy sex scene lol Its just sad that They had to well Michael had to go from one pain in the butt to another, but i hope he can work this out without anyone getting hurt
Author's Response:
LMAO I'm glad you liked it. I hope so too xoxo
Date: Mar 11, 2012 01:07 am Title: Chapter 8 - The past could haunt you....
Michael is so sexy when he gets defensive when someone tries to mess with this Wife & kid.. Damn he finally caught up to her... For some reason i feel like Annalissa is getting tiered of Michael and His job. Maybe this time they will finally run away and escape together. Billy would grow up and be the next king...
Naw but I do hope things don't get cold and distant between Annalissa & Michael.
Author's Response:
Michael is so sexy doing anything LOL....Annalissa is a free bird. She might have royal blood in her but she was not brought up a princess so this is a big change for her and Michael is not realizing that. Billy as the next king?...not likely but then again who knows!! lol
Thx hun xoxo
Date: Mar 08, 2012 09:51 am Title: Chapter 8 - The past could haunt you....
The past is definitely going to come back and bite Michael in the butt I am scared. Billy meeting Annalissa is going to cause trouble like nobody's business and Michael is definitely not going to be happy. Can't wait for more love it as always!
Author's Response:
The past always comes back at least once...Billy is trouble...I'm afraid for them as well. But Michael is strong. He saved Annalissa before, maybe he could do it again. xoxo
Date: Mar 02, 2012 05:07 pm Title: Chapter 7 - The Warning (Part 2)....
Oh I love your updates these two are so great and love baby Alyssam Please more soon!
Author's Response:
thx susan...I love baby Alyssa too :)
Date: Mar 02, 2012 03:43 pm Title: Chapter 7 - The Warning (Part 2)....
I pray nothing happens to Michael! That would kill Anna and no little girl should grow up without a daddy.
Author's Response:
I agree and his daughter is still too young. Thx hun
Date: Feb 25, 2012 03:00 pm Title: Chapter 6 - The Warning (Part 1)....
I am here and loving every word you type. I just love the special family time between Michael, Anna, and Alyssa please more soon!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much hun xoxo