Date: May 21, 2012 09:07 pm Title: Chapter 22 - The Lady In My Life....
Sadly I think the worst happened death, breaks up.. But I hope I'm wrong! Other than that I don't know what else.. Now about understanding her and seeing her the way you do.. I kinda think I see her that way.. You do a great job writing her out in a way to get the picture of what type of person she is..
I am loving this story and all of your stories lol Much love and thanks!
Author's Response:
I guess we have to wait and see. Thank you, I'm glad you feel that I do a great job. I try to do what I can to help the reader understand.
Date: May 21, 2012 06:24 pm Title: Chapter 23 - Schuyler's Diary....
Wow, I really hope it isn't what it seems. I would love to be wrong. Anyway great chapter doll. Lots of love.
Author's Response:
we have to wait and see. Thanks, hun
Date: May 21, 2012 05:02 pm Title: Chapter 23 - Schuyler's Diary....
Oh noo!! Where is she.? I hope the feeling Im having is wrong.!!
Author's Response:
we will find out soon enough :)
Date: May 21, 2012 03:31 pm Title: Chapter 23 - Schuyler's Diary....
OMG!!! Do we get to find out if Schy is alive or not???
Author's Response:
of course you time :)
Date: May 21, 2012 01:39 pm Title: Chapter 23 - Schuyler's Diary....
OMJ OMJ SHE DIED :) (before I read the last part) --> :( ----> :'( ----> D: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *tear tear* so is this the end of the story??? :OOOOOO
Love it much
Author's Response:
we haven't reached the end of the story so don't worry. And in time we will find about Schuyler :)
Date: May 21, 2012 01:09 pm Title: Chapter 23 - Schuyler's Diary....
You love to tease don't you! This tells us a little more about her and her life. Love it as always please more soon!
Author's Response:
hahaha sorry but you will find out soon
Date: May 11, 2012 06:12 pm Title: Chapter 22 - The Lady In My Life....
Great update Schyler and Joseph I don't know about that conversation know there is more to it. Thanks can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
you know with all my stories, there is more to it than what the eye sees ;)
Date: May 10, 2012 09:34 pm Title: Chapter 22 - The Lady In My Life....
I believe Schuylee is alive. Love this.
Author's Response:
:) we'll see
Date: May 10, 2012 10:03 am Title: Chapter 21 - Electric Chapel....
* tear tear* this was amazing. BRAYVO BRAYVO BRAYVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO XD :')
Author's Response:
wow! I'm glad you liked it :) thank you!!! :D
Date: May 05, 2012 02:01 pm Title: Chapter 21 - Electric Chapel....
Loved it girl but I have a creepy feeling about this can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
a creepy feeling? :/ why is that? haha
Date: May 03, 2012 09:50 pm Title: Chapter 21 - Electric Chapel....
Awwww they're getting married!! First a baby and now a marriage.?! This is soo great!!
Author's Response:
I know right?, little by little their dreams are coming true :) thx hun
Date: Apr 27, 2012 05:36 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Darkest Secrets (Part 2)....
Boy you knocked me off my feet on that one was not expecting that. Need more soon love it!
Author's Response:
haha it seems that surprised everyone. XD
Date: Apr 27, 2012 12:20 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Darkest Secrets (Part 2)....
OMG this is so amazing. she didn't even think she would live to have babies. now she and mike are gonna have one. AHHHHH!! im so ecited. this story is so heart warming. he is gonna be so ecited. but will she?
Author's Response:
LMAO that gif had me dying!!!! XD
Schuyler never thought she would get pregnant but anything is possible if you believe in it :) thx hun
Date: Apr 27, 2012 12:02 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Darkest Secrets (Part 2)....
Mark is bad news and Schuy is right to be concerned about him. But I know that Mike will protect her. Yay!!! She is pregnant! I know that he is so happy. Hopefully, she will be happy about the baby too XD
Author's Response:
Mark, who knows what the real deal is with im and yes, MJ will protect her and YAY!! she's pregnant lol thx sis
Date: Apr 27, 2012 06:21 am Title: Chapter 20 - Darkest Secrets (Part 2)....
I so didn't see that coming at all. I'm shocked but excited! I hope it's not a false alarm. Once again, please update soon! I'm dying to know everyone's reaction, especially Joseph!
Author's Response:
did I surprise you? haha that's chapter up :)