Date: Apr 02, 2015 02:17 pm Title: Chapter 41 - The Lies, The Games, The Mistrust (Part 1)....
That sweater picture is one of my favorite pictures of him
Date: Apr 01, 2015 06:22 pm Title: Chapter 33 - Stubborn and In Love, That's what we are....
He kind of looks like an older George Clooney
Date: Mar 31, 2015 01:19 pm Title: Chapter 14 - What a feeling (Part 1)....
Date: Mar 31, 2015 10:10 am Title: Chapter 12 - Another Part Of Me....
This is so heartbreaking seeing both of them hurt so much :(
Date: Mar 30, 2015 10:41 am Title: Chapter 3 - So We Meet Again....
damn that is yet another amazing picture....loving the story :)
Date: Mar 30, 2015 10:05 am Title: Chapter 2 - A Life Changing Decision....
ohhhh poor michael :(
Date: Mar 30, 2015 09:46 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Thriller Night (Part 1)....
i love that bottom picture....sooo cute :)
Date: Oct 12, 2014 05:46 pm Title: EPILOGUE: In Michael's Words
I took the time to re-read this story & I loved every minute of it :) you should do a sequel I love everything about Michael's and Schuyler's relationship and little Ryne. Awesome job :)
Author's Response:
aww that is very sweet of you
thank you so much for your support
i might just do that when i feel inspired to write again
i had fun writing Schuyler and Michael and of course little Ryne
much love
Date: May 26, 2014 07:06 pm Title: EPILOGUE: In Michael's Words
You know I loved it still one of my favorites and I miss them to still hoping you plan on doing a sequel to this whenever you decide to come back from your break that would be awesome. :-)
Author's Response:
thank you so much and i am so glad you enjoyed it and maybe one day i will do a sequel but i want it to be amazing and lately i have been slacking with my writing but until then i am enjoying reading some fan fics from other great writers and finishing my other open stories. thanks again.
Date: May 24, 2014 11:59 am Title: AUTHOR'S NOTE
omg i loved those to stories
btw are you publishing them
cause if you do you can get in trouble as it has mj's name in it
Author's Response:
thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed them
And of course not!! I don't sell any stories nor do I plan to.
These are the only copies printed and I am the only person who owns them. I just wanted a keepsake of them.
Date: Mar 12, 2014 05:05 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Thriller Night (Part 1)....
I love your story so much! I have a question though. How did you make the picture on the front?
Author's Response:
thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed it.
I use photoshop to create all my pictures and gifs :)
Date: Jan 25, 2014 05:29 pm Title: AUTHOR'S NOTE
Wow that's really amazing how you máde them into books they look like real novals I love it. :)
Author's Response:
I wanted to treat myself and then I found a place that would do them for me, I just couldn't resist lol Thank you so much! xoxo
Date: Jan 25, 2014 03:32 pm Title: AUTHOR'S NOTE
I wish I culd have the books. I love your stories.
Author's Response:
aawww that is very sweet of you to say. Thank you so much! xoxo
Date: Nov 16, 2013 09:16 am Title: Chapter 65 - The End!
OMG!!! I'm in tears, I can't believe this story is over! Now all we are left with is crap (lol sorry but is true) thank God Waiting for you and the time traveler are still active cause you are one of the few GOOD writers in this website left, so at least I could continue to read your other stories.
Thank you so much for writing this wonderful story. You made us cry, scream in anger and laugh in happiness. We all fell in love with Schuyler because of you.
I hope you do a sequel. xoxo
Author's Response:
well, damn that's mean lol, I won't comment on the other stories but thank you for your sweet compliment and for reading this story and I'll see you on my other stories. I really appreciated all the support. Much love. :) xoxo
Date: Nov 04, 2013 05:39 am Title: Chapter 65 - The End!
and when you made Schuy slap Tatum, my spirits flipped and started doing the harlem shake.
thank you for not pulling a Shonda Rhimes on me and killing anybody (I have to admit knowing thiswas this last chapter my ass was clapping in anticipation of it.I was hoping you didnt kill her)
and that shout out tho, thank you a.Youre a wonderful writer had me all in my emotions on the trains, had peoplelooking at me all weird and stuff. Please come up with another story soon butfor now I just gonna read the others.
*still harlem shaking*
Author's Response:
OHHHH That Patti gif, is like is moving right through me and now I feel *BEE GEES' VOICE*: I FEEL LIKE DANCING!!! I WANNA DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY!
lol, I told you it will all be good but no did you believe me? no, you decided to threat my life! tsk tsk shame on you
Now you know this couldn't end without Schuy slapping Tatum, she's been dying to do that for a long time.
You deserved the shout out, I really did enjoy reading your reviews. THANK YOU for taking the time to read to this story. I hope to see you on my other stories.
Much love!! xoxo