Date: Sep 10, 2012 11:29 am Title: Chapter 39 - Marriage is hard but I love you too much to give you up....
I love a jealous sky.
Author's Response:
haha so do I
Date: Sep 10, 2012 11:28 am Title: Chapter 38 - Tell me I'm not dreaming....
Psh I didn't even know, I had to re-read the end lol Ohhh I thought you would make this all a dream Michael was having of ( her giving birth and staying alive,the baby, her returning) everything was a dream that when he work up She 1 handnt returned or 2 he work up at the hospital and she had died or not given birth yet.
Date: Sep 09, 2012 08:22 pm Title: Chapter 39 - Marriage is hard but I love you too much to give you up....
That was so sweet of you to give her a shout out on her b-day. Mike and Schuy are so cute w/Ryne. And I don't trust Tatum either. Somethin is tellin me that she is gonna try somethin w/Mike. Great update, girl XD
Author's Response:
awww yes I try to be as sweet as I can be XD..yes, they are great parents and we'll see about Tatum, thx Smokey
Date: Sep 05, 2012 01:08 pm Title: Chapter 38 - Tell me I'm not dreaming....
The last two chapters were completely awesome! So glad she and the baby are alright. Just can't get enough of them thanks so much! Can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
I'm glad you liked them. Thank you Susan for the constant support :)
Date: Sep 04, 2012 09:26 pm Title: Chapter 38 - Tell me I'm not dreaming....
YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!
Author's Response:
Huh? I can't what? :/
Date: Sep 04, 2012 03:10 pm Title: Chapter 38 - Tell me I'm not dreaming....
This was a sweet chapter. :3
Author's Response:
thank you :)
Date: Sep 04, 2012 02:14 pm Title: Chapter 38 - Tell me I'm not dreaming....
This chapter is so beautfiul *wipes tears* Sorry, I can be a big crybaby sometimes lol. Do you know he wrote Somebody Put Your Hand Out? Barbara's little boy is so adorable. Moves to read more XD
Author's Response:
thx Smokey :) and aww it's ok, I understand and yes I did, is such a beautiful song and yes he is, her son is cute, he's 14 now though :/
Date: Sep 04, 2012 01:56 pm Title: Chapter 37 - Someone put your hand out...I'll be your serenading ryne!
She is alive! I'm so happy! I didn't want her to die. And the baby is beautiful. And this song is beautiful *wipes tears* Maybe Mike and Schuy will make it as a couple now XD
Date: Sep 04, 2012 01:50 pm Title: Chapter 36 - Schuyler's Sacrifice / Michael's Fear....
She did try to tell him. But he didn't really give her a chance. And then , she went into labor. I think that was the hardest decision that she had make. And I admire for it. She is so strong. She loves Mike so much that she would die just to give him a son. I hope that its not too late and the doctors can save her life.
Date: Sep 04, 2012 01:43 pm Title: Chapter 35 - Schuyler and Michael meet again / Baby on the way....
The baby is comin!!! Yay!!! I really want Mike and Schuy to work out their problems. Like I said, they are really cute together. Barbara is really pretty. Does she still act or model? And the video of Mikey ____________________ #DEAD XD
Date: Sep 04, 2012 01:22 pm Title: Chapter 34 - Schuyler finds her past / Tatum gets too close....
Do you think that he really liked to read romance novels? I don't trust Tatum. Lol I say that a lot, don't I? Yuri Mori is Schuy's father. Wooowww...I wonder what will happen now XD
Author's Response:
His library had all types of books so you may never know. I think he loved to read anything so if it was entertaining and had romance in it, why not? XD and lol when another woman comes along, is ok not to trust them especially when you are dating Michael Jackson and yes :) Yuyi is Schuy's dad :) Thx Smokey for the support :)
Date: Sep 04, 2012 01:14 pm Title: Chapter 33 - Stubborn and In Love, That's what we are....
The meeting w/her father looks like its going pretty well. I really hope that Mike can get past his pain and anger. I loved the video for the concert. The bong is so cool. i watched the video twice lol. Her father is very handsome for his age lol XD
Author's Response:
"Her father is very handsome for his age lol XD" <----LMAO!!! Oh Smokey!! smdh XD
Date: Sep 04, 2012 12:07 pm Title: Chapter 32 - Unspoken Words....
O_O Is he really done w/her? I really hope not.I think that they are so cute together. They just need to learn to work together and compromise XD
Date: Sep 04, 2012 11:53 am Title: Chapter 31 - I hate that I love you....
Woooww...i can't believe that he put a block on the acct. And I can't believe that she went to Japan anyway. I wonder what will happen now XD
Date: Sep 04, 2012 11:38 am Title: Chapter 30 - Sometimes I don't feel the same way as you feel....
Maybe he is smothering her a little bit. But I can kind of understand her POV too. Oh man, what a mess XD