Date: Feb 05, 2021 07:57 am Title: Chapter 4 - Not What I Expected....
What is she hidding
Date: Feb 05, 2021 07:11 am Title: Chapter 2 - A Life Changing Decision....
Love this shit
Date: Nov 21, 2017 03:13 am Title: Chapter 45 - Tell 'em that is Human Nature....
Oh no. She's already losing hair. :(
I hope everything's alright.
Date: Nov 21, 2017 01:05 am Title: Chapter 27 - An Unfortunate Accident....
The first part was so funny.
The second and third not so much. I feel so sad for him when the burn happened. So much of what went wrong in his life started because of that burn. I'm happy that she's there for him for this.
I'm already hating Karen. :(
Date: Nov 21, 2017 12:57 am Title: Chapter 26 - Angel Of Mine....
That was such a nice moment. :)
Thank God Michael was able to talk her down from going to Japan.
Date: Nov 21, 2017 12:43 am Title: Chapter 24 - Thriller....
Oh no. Mark is here. What could be possibly want?
Thriller is out. Yehey!
I feel sorry for her not knowing whether she's going to survive giving birth to their child.
Peaches and Majesty what nice names for a child. haha. Don't forget Jermaine named his son. Jermajesty or something. hahahaha.
Date: Nov 20, 2017 10:40 pm Title: Chapter 17 - Family Day (Part 1)....
You need to change your pictures I can't see any of them. It spoils the story.
Anyways, Michael was a savage with that contract. Love that he didn't mention her until he signed it. haha.
Date: Nov 20, 2017 08:28 pm Title: Chapter 6 - A Trip to Disney World....
Ah. Love... :)
Date: Nov 20, 2017 08:12 pm Title: Chapter 5 - Not What I Expected (Part 2)....
I have to say this chapter took me on a roller coaster.
Michael acting flirty with one of the girls just so she could take Prince away from Schuyler was funny, and then on top of that he kidnaps her. haha.
Now I understand it why she's been acting that way. This reminds me a little of A walk to remember.

Date: Nov 17, 2016 08:24 am Title: Chapter 4 - Not What I Expected....
i think dangerous and thriller are tied for my favorite eras😂 although all of his eras are amazing. i love this!! great job

Date: Oct 07, 2016 07:54 pm Title: Chapter 3 - So We Meet Again....
My favorite thriller era moment would have to be the beat it mv. It's such a great video!
Amazing chapter btw, I know I'm so late but I'm glad your story is so successful! You deserve it

Date: Oct 07, 2016 07:39 pm Title: Chapter 2 - A Life Changing Decision....
Aww, the story about the woman almost made me cry! This is so well written and I can't wait to read the rest of your story!
Date: Jun 15, 2016 03:44 pm Title: AUTHOR'S NOTE
This is the best book I've ever read I cried I laughed it was just amazing I support you 100% and I hope in the future you make more of these amazing stories . I am also a big Mj fan I never grew up with him because I'm only 14 but I've loved him since the age of 5 and I just love everything about this story . I hope you respond to me it's ok if you don't but just know you are truly my favorite Mj author and I've also read the time traveler twice lol I love that book .

Date: Apr 06, 2015 05:05 pm Title: EPILOGUE: In Michael's Words
So beautiful!!
Date: Apr 03, 2015 03:25 pm Title: Chapter 50 - Someday I Will Understand....
This story is so breathtakingly beautiful