Date: Jul 16, 2012 03:00 pm Title: Chapter 121
Date: Jul 09, 2012 09:53 am Title: Chapter 120
:) ♥♥ This chapter was perfect as usual dear heart! The way you write is so perfect and realistic lol. I always find myself crying or tearing up or something when I read this story lol. These characters are perfect and I love how close they all are.
It's great that they all had such fun together. Is perfect, and awww Natty :) Glad she knows she's always loved, she and her baby! Aww and she's naming him Alex! And I love the Alex/Kayla thing going on. I definitely agreed with Kayla's points. She totally read Nat and Jessie, but she deserves her fun.
It's perfect that everyone's happy and that Alex's feelings about Jessica are settled :-) Everyone's lives are just perfect at this moment. Forever loving this story xoxoxoxoxo
Date: Jul 02, 2012 03:36 pm Title: Chapter 120
This was a beautiful chapter! I love how they all just bond. And Jess did have a fling going on with Alex? I kinda figured that they may have had a little history in more ways than one. Anyway, this was really sweet. I can't wait for more. :-)
Date: Jun 22, 2012 09:20 am Title: Chapter 119
Ok.. So, I just wanted to say that I just finished reading all the chapters AND I LOVED ALL OF THEM!
This story is amazing. I love the long chapters filled with interesting dialogue and events; I keep on wanting more and more!
I can't wait for another update! :)
Date: Jun 15, 2012 10:26 pm Title: Chapter 34
You're killing me with this story.....made me cry thinking of him being so vulnerable with someone for the first time....laying himself bare, what an incredibly intimate moment....your description of their first moment together is so beautiful....I love your story.
Date: Jun 11, 2012 10:31 am Title: Chapter 119
:) ♥♥ Oh my gosh!! I lover this chapter, so much!! It was great!
Lol, Alex, what he doesn't know is that Kayla is through with her boyfriend. It's great the way the two of them clicked. And they're right about Michael and Jessica. MJ & Jessie are alike in more ways than one.
And I absolutely enoyed Michael's bonding with Nat. It was so refreshing ^_^
But the best part is that everybody knows they're expecting! Apparently, everybody already knew! Lol, that's golden! Lovin' it dear heart! xoxoxoxoxo ♥♥
Date: Jun 11, 2012 01:39 am Title: Chapter 119
Hahaha, dang Jessie's mom! That was a schock to us all. I had a heart attack when I saw you updated, I look forward to this story. I check every hour everyday. When you update, it's the highlight to my day. I'm in love with this stoy. Another beautiful chapter. <33
Date: Jun 08, 2012 11:28 pm Title: Chapter 119
Aww that was beautiful. I wasn't expecting that at the end lol I just knew for sure that none of them knew and Nat sure played it off well. :-) Can't wait for more <3
Date: Jun 08, 2012 09:16 pm Title: Chapter 119
lol that was cute how they told them they knew. i was shocked myself i was like dang. love this story so much its fantastic
Date: May 29, 2012 03:24 pm Title: Chapter 117
O.o How I managed to miss this chapter, I have no idea!
Ah, I read chapter 118 first and loved every minute of it, but reading this one as well, just absolutely made my day ten times greater! Oh my gosh, the way she told him she loved him was perfect! It was a great moment. And I'm totally, definitely loving the Alex/Kayla going on. It's great. I'm so happy that Jessie has all her close ones with her on family day, with Michael's family! So fun!
Always lovin' it dear heart xoxoxoxo ♥♥
Date: May 29, 2012 02:57 pm Title: Chapter 118
:) ♥♥ I loved every single word of this chapter, as I do with all of them lol.
It was just absolutely great! Natalie telling Jackie she loves him? Ah, made my day ^_^ And I also love the way Alex fit in with the family, and being reunited with Jessie and Nat. And he's hitting it off with Kayla too!
I can't wait for Michael and Jessica's happiness to tell the family about their baby either. I know they definitely can't wait. Michael and Jessica are indeed cute together; cute enough for me to name my kids after ;)
But my favorite part of this chapter was the moment between Michael and Nat. It was beautiful, so amazing to read. Just aw, the bond they'd shared at that moment was perfect. I loved when he offered to go with her when Jackie wouldn't, and the way he spoke to his nephew. It was so sweet. It seriously made me cry, lol.
You've got such an amazing way with words, dear heart, which is why this story is still and always will be my favorite. Peace, Love, Glitter Glove ♥♥
Author's Response: Thank you so much for your comment love! And of course as always I hope that little Michael and Jessica are doing well! <3 <3 <3 Give them kisses for me! I'm honored that my story is your favorite and that you have stuck with me and still read and comment reguarly! You're amazing! xoxoxoxoxoxo
Date: May 22, 2012 11:43 pm Title: Chapter 118
Okay... I gotta give it to you... That was really sweet... AAAWWWW.
I adored the moment Michael had with Natile, and respected the feelings Michael had when they were feeling the baby. It was touching, so it diserves a 9.
Author's Response: LOL! It will be revealed soon!!
Date: May 22, 2012 09:21 pm Title: Chapter 118
Aww Michael is so adorable when he interacts with kids. I can't wait until they tell the family about that baby. And I really can't wait until they have their child *_* Great chapter hun <3
Author's Response: Thank you love! <3
Date: May 22, 2012 02:58 pm Title: Chapter 118
Wow!! This is cute!! Michael was so happy talking to his nephew imagine what he would be like talking to his own baby when Jesse is that big!!
Author's Response: It makes me excited just thinking of it too!
Date: May 22, 2012 12:40 pm Title: Chapter 118
Awwwww! This chapter was beautiful. The whole little kiss thing he did at the end got me. Great update as usual xx
Author's Response: Thank you girl :) And thanks for your awesome comments xxx