Reviews For Stranded
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Reviewer: MJSexyAsHell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 12, 2012 10:51 pm Title: Overboard

If I was Michael, when she said "This is it" I would've sang b34;Here I standb34;

Author's Response:

lol! That would have been hilarious!

Kenya: This is it

MJ: Here I stand!

Loopez: Not for long *pushes off of the plank*

Reviewer: SmellyApplehead Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 12, 2012 03:27 am Title: Seaweed. Yum.

I missed you already ! So glad that you come back ! :D

Author's Response:

:) Dude, when my computer was being an idiot I was rampaging all around the house because I couldn't post anything! So I couldn't say what had happened or review or edit my bio to say something about it or anything! So I was super pissed off! But I fixed it and I'm so glad that everything works now!

Reviewer: SmellyApplehead Signed starstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2012 08:40 pm Title: Overboard

mike and kenya ! I love you twoooo !!! :* I've been waiting for this story to update. And finally..

Reviewer: SmellyApplehead Signed starstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 06, 2012 04:40 pm Title: Island Michael

Happy vacation AND !!! Update soon hehe :D

Author's Response:

Haha thank you! I'll try and update before I leave! :)

Reviewer: SmellyApplehead Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 02, 2012 11:41 pm Title: What did I do now?

Wth ? Pirates ?
Aye aye aye ! I love pirates ! this is make me lol. Keep goin ! :D

Author's Response:

Haha! Didn't expect pirates did you? lol! Yeah, I like pirates too. I freaking love Pirates of the Caribbean! Johnny Depp <3

Reviewer: Deidra Carmichael Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 28, 2012 06:25 pm Title: He was there

I'm so happy you've decided to add into this amazing story! I enjoy reading it and like how you connect "Mike's death" with "Michael's death."

Reviewer: Deidra Carmichael Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 28, 2012 06:14 pm Title: Finally Found

Wow Kenya made it back! Indeed, the question still stands: where was Michael? I love the suspense.

Reviewer: Deidra Carmichael Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 28, 2012 06:08 pm Title: What I do to stay hydrated...

Oh my gosh I was laughing hysterically when Michael thinks of drinking urine to make up for the lack of water! I can't believe Kenya actually drank it. An impressive chapter you have here.

Reviewer: SmellyApplehead Signed starstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 27, 2012 11:21 pm Title: He was there

Continue ASAP, please and thanks xp

Author's Response:

:) I'll definitely do my best!

Reviewer: sheba93 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 26, 2012 09:53 pm Title: Finally Found

Yay! No more drinking pee and eating jaguar!

Reviewer: MJSexyAsHell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 26, 2012 09:25 pm Title: Finally Found


Reviewer: SmellyApplehead Signed starstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 26, 2012 09:12 pm Title: Finally Found

An update !!!!! Yes !
Update soon, please ! Can't wait :D

Author's Response:

Haha! Yeah... sorry about the wait for this update! I went up to my cabin on Thursday and there sn't an internet connection there so I wasn't able to update it. I'll update as soon as I can!

Reviewer: sheba93 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2012 04:06 am Title: What I do to stay hydrated...

EWWWW! Nasty!

Reviewer: Deidra Carmichael Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 18, 2012 05:46 am Title: I Hate Sharks

Whoa-- a shark attack! This chapter is so intense.

Author's Response:

:) Thank you so much for all of your lovely reviews! And thanks for the tips with the new stories. :)

Theres more to come and it's just gunna get better!

Reviewer: Deidra Carmichael Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 18, 2012 05:39 am Title: Goodbye Island

I can't believe I've reached the end! I am completely captivated and it feels as if I was actually experiencing Kenya's adventure with Michael. Keep up the fabulous writing,


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