Reviews For Keep It A Secret
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Reviewer: Lizzie Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 08, 2012 12:58 pm Title: Chapter 2

I don´t know if it is intended, but here is a good splash of humor in it ! I love that....Can´t stop grinning. That sentence made me laugh :" Don't fall for the charm, the pouting, pleading, sweet sensual voice..the sexy young tender..." Yes, she contemplates it, but she is also startled about her feelings for him ! The conversation between Diana and Susan was so funny...a conversation between two love - experienced women, so funny to read !

Ok next chapter following...

Reviewer: Lizzie Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 06, 2012 01:41 pm Title: Chapter 1

Wow, I´m just at the beginning ( telephone call ) and i love yor story, because it is so interesting. It really could have happened between MJ and DR like this. Your Michael is so in character, i have a brought smile on my face while reading this. I´m pretty sure that there was something between Michael and Diana, she is so sexy and mysterious...i´m really curios ! Please keep going !


Author's Response:

Thank u so much Lizzie <3 Really appreciate the comment and happy that you like this story so far!!. :-)

Reviewer: Mesa1991 Signed starstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 04, 2012 06:54 pm Title: Chapter 7

Love it :)

Author's Response:

thank u!

Reviewer: captaineo73 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 30, 2012 09:16 am Title: Chapter 6

this is really good so far, i liked the part where diana thought michael was snooping through her stuff, and it was just he was looking for her! lol! can't wait to see what happens next, will diana return his feelings? can't wait to find out!

Author's Response:

Thank u :)

Reviewer: jnjlove Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 27, 2012 06:33 pm Title: Chapter 1

I really love this story!! Ive always been interested in their relationship! I lyk thing of him being the young stud of a cougar lol please keep going ma'am :)

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 27, 2012 03:43 pm Title: Chapter 6

i've been keeping up with every chapter and i like should have over 20 views by now i see other auther's that just puts there stories up in one day and gets 30 views so quick..but i understand how you feel..some readers just don't take the time read a really intresting story..i lucky even get 2 or 3 views lolz but keep it up..

Author's Response:

Thanks <3

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 16, 2012 03:24 pm Title: Chapter 3

this is really good i hope u update soon.

Reviewer: belovd2000 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 15, 2012 04:12 pm Title: Chapter 3

Very good beginning...sounds like you may have been there back in the day.  LOL!  Looking forward to what happens between them.

Author's Response:

"sounds like you may have been there back in the day."    < :) LOL love ur comment thank u! ^_^

Reviewer: patma Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 15, 2012 06:10 am Title: Chapter 1

I love this story!

I really believe that between Michael and Diana there was something.

So thanks for having started this FF.
A hug.

Reviewer: mikespyt Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 14, 2012 11:52 pm Title: Chapter 2

This story makes me smile. Can't wait for more. :)

Author's Response:

Thank u! :)

Reviewer: briarae92 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 14, 2012 07:55 pm Title: Chapter 2

Oh my goodness, I'm hooked right now:) Please continue <33

Author's Response:

Thank u! Thats great too know :) more chapters soon!

Reviewer: Kenya Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 14, 2012 06:45 pm Title: Chapter 2

Susan lmao shes right though

Author's Response:

she is isnt she ;) that u for the reply <3

Reviewer: mikespyt Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 14, 2012 05:13 pm Title: Chapter 1

I love this! :) Can't wait to read what happens next. Please post the other chapters.

Reviewer: Kenya Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 14, 2012 04:25 pm Title: Chapter 1

Yesss finally a story about Diana I've been waiting for one update soon

Reviewer: briarae92 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 14, 2012 03:38 pm Title: Chapter 1

Please continue:) <333

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