Date: Feb 03, 2012 07:22 pm Title: A Wasted Life?
That was a good :)
Date: Jan 31, 2012 01:07 pm Title: Detonate
Omg so good :)
Date: Jan 30, 2012 03:14 am Title: This is Going to end Badly...
Oh K it's good
Date: Jan 29, 2012 03:24 pm Title: The Shooting
omg she shot Michael ... ughhhhhhhhh but anyway it was good
Date: Jan 29, 2012 12:08 am Title: Repeat Mission One
Omg she gonna kill michael oh well
Date: Jan 28, 2012 11:55 am Title: The Coin is Spinning...
Omg !!!Michael run !!!!!
Date: Jan 28, 2012 10:06 am Title: Back Home
Wow !
Date: Jan 26, 2012 10:20 pm Title: Bloody Horror
Aghck!! Why'd you stop there?! Continue PLLEEAASSEE!
Date: Jan 26, 2012 09:02 pm Title: Bloody Horror
Wow I hope Michael its okay
Date: Jan 25, 2012 05:46 am Title: Surprise!
Yes I got your message I check it yesterday and I reply to it so just go to your email and U will see it :D
Date: Jan 25, 2012 05:21 am Title: Surprise!
Did Michael get smack ? How the hell is Michael going to get Ivy
Date: Jan 23, 2012 04:15 am Title: Disaster Date
Awwww that's soo cute
Author's Response:
:) Thanx! Hey! Didja get my message?
Date: Jan 22, 2012 04:57 pm Title: Caleb
awwww so cute :) okay serious we have to do a story together what should the name be ???
Author's Response:
Alright! I contacted you so that we could chat about this without having to review a bunch of times. I can't wait to start the story! :D
Date: Jan 22, 2012 08:39 am Title: Betrayal
Wow ......
Date: Jan 21, 2012 09:30 am Title: Change Me
OMG! im serious you got talent for real. I love your story we should write a story together sometime lol :)
Author's Response:
Thank you so much! And that would be so cool! I've never co-written before but I'd love to do it! Yeah we totally should write something together! I'm all for it! :D