Date: Oct 20, 2010 03:31 am Title: Are We or Aren't We?
I feel weird......I can't put it into words.......first this MJ getting again with Mel and then bringing Jordie to neverland and totally left Mel by herself while playing around somewhere with Jordie ....and then Mel TV interview that MJ reacted negatively.......Is he seeing other girls as well? Who is he getting in trouble with by Mel's interview......then seeing each other again in Hayvenhurst.....agreeing to be friends but they made love afterwards? And when asked they are just friends?
I'm just so sick and tired of MJ's games.....he's so insensitive and sort of just using Mel. I just hope he'll quit playing games with her....coz Mel just loves him so......and I think he had forgotten who she really is......she was the mother of his BELOVED AND PRECIOUS BELLA.......and why is he treating her like this....
I can't stand Mel being played by MJ all the time.....if he can't be serious with her....she better move on with her life and marry someone else that truly love, care and respect her.....she needs a real MAN........
Author's Response:
Whose the other woman? That is revealed fairly quickly and soon. And for the first time in the whole story,I can say that Michael is kind of giving her the run around. This is due (And it's explained later) because of he still harbors some anger at her for leaving him and the relationship the way she did. He loves her and wants to be with her, but he's afarid that she's going to hurt him again so he pushes her away. Which actually fits into Michael's real character.
He wasn't perfect and from what various resources and conversations have told me, i've gotten the notion that being with him can be confusing at times and you didn't always know where you stood, even if you were completely adored.
I hope that clears some of the confusion up. This story is hard to write because it doesn't paint Michael in the perfect image that he was portrayed, it showcases all sides of his character, it's the many wonderful sides of Michael lol.
And yes, in the story they do go on to be with other people, but it's a 22 year relationship and Michelle is there for EVERYTHING that happened from 1987 and on....So there relationship never truly ends until 2009.
Date: Oct 16, 2010 05:43 pm Title: Are We or Aren't We?
???so are they getting back together or not????

Date: Oct 12, 2010 08:26 pm Title: The Meeting
oh wow that was so good! I love it!
Author's Response:
Thanks. I'm glad to hear it :)
Author's Response:
Thanks. I'm glad to hear it :)
Date: Oct 09, 2010 01:54 pm Title: PART TWO
So things are looking up....what happens next? can't wait to read more.

Date: Oct 05, 2010 02:00 am Title: Prologue to Part Two
love it!!!
Date: Sep 21, 2010 08:29 pm Title: Our Biggest Nightmare
Oh, Wow!!!! I cried on this one.
I hope it gets better!
Author's Response:
Yeah I know. I hated writing it, but it needed to happen for the direction of the story.
Date: Sep 15, 2010 05:19 am Title: Gone
OMG! It can't did it happen she has a nurse tending to her 24/7......This is too much.....too soon.... It's gonna hit MJ pretty damn hard.... So so sad and heart wrenching.....

Date: Sep 15, 2010 12:29 am Title: Gone
:( michael is going to be so crushed. im about to cry! please, please update soon!!!!!!
Date: Sep 14, 2010 08:42 pm Title: Once In A Lifetime Opportunity
hey...thanks for the I kinda get's just like MJ just doesn't or has his different ways of showing his love...that even Mel sometimes misunderstood him as well......
About Tatiana ..... if he didn't had an affair with Tatiana ....what were those talks that tatiana had with Mel? A product of her imaginations? And that time wherein MJ had asked Mel to accompany him before his opening concert that he had something to tell her...and onced he noticed tatiana he had those silly grins and totally forgot what he was supposed to tell Mel?
Author's Response:
Now in regards to the Tatiyana thing, its a little tricky to explain. The story is told from Michelle's point of view so its told from what she is personally seeing and feeling. In her mind, his actions showcased that he was cheating and Tatiyana hinted at it. Basically tthere was an attraction there on both ends and maybe he was emotionally attracted but physically nothing ever happened. He never touched her.
It's a little hard because the story is based on true events. I've created a story that centers all around real things that happened and made it a love story. So the Tatiyana thing had to be in there. Hope that makes since :)
Date: Sep 14, 2010 03:23 am Title: Bella
Thanks so much for the update.....I'm sorry to sound kinda bad or off in my comment.....It's funny but I'm really getting quite affected in the way things are working out with MJ, Mel and now Bella.
I'm really not feeling so comfortable with the way MJ is treating seems to him...she's just his baby Mama only ...and he's not treating her like his wife or they are a couple.......he's a jerk to think of Bella's welfare only...when Mel was the one in pain had a long labor delivering Bella....And I hate it when he was asked if he likes to stay with his girlfriend after giving birth...." "She's grown. She'll be fine." how can he be such a jerk and insensitive....can't blame Mel to feel like that towards depression is the worst kind....Mommy's need some pampering as well .....sad to say I had a friend who had jumped off a building because of post-partum depression...she felt that everybody had forgotten about her because of the baby....her death could have been avoided if her husband and her family were just sensitive to her moods and her believe depression is such a big deal and should be dealt with....
If MJ keeps treating Mel like this....I would prefer Mel to be without MJ if she's gonna be treated like this.....She deserves so much more .......especially from putting up a lot of shit for MJ....she needs to be love, cherish and respected as well.....the way MJ is treating her all these years isn't LOVE......he's just using her for his convenience without any consideration of her feelings .......
Author's Response:
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. You're right, it's a very serious condition that is often underestimated.
Now, I want to clear up some of the confusion. Michael loves Michelle. He truly adores her. It may seem backwards but thats why he does some of the things he does-he doesn't want to lose her. It may seem like he takes her granted and doesn't think of her warfare at all, but he does. He does care about her. Like for instance, when he asked her on tour back in Chapter Four, that was becuase he didn'tw ant to be away from her. In Chapter 8-10, when she begins to get some recongition he gets upset and tries to shield her because he's afarid the Buisness(The entertainment industry) is going to come in between their relationship and cause issues, as it eventually did.
Now with the whole Tatiyana and Prince thing that was just a lot of misunderstandings. Neither of them cheated. Irregardless, they broke up. Now when he came back and paid for her Grandmother's funeral that was him showcasing his love again. He didn't have to do that, especially since he had thought that she had aborted his child-but he loved her. Mj's a good guy and he cares for her, he's just got a lot going on lol.
For the next few chapters, you may really not like him. For the FIRST time, she becomes unimportant to him. Only, because he's always wanted a child so bad and he finally has it. Bella is like his world, she is the thing he's wanted all his life so he figures 'Michelle can go behind the scenes for awhile and let me just enjoy this moment in my life'. He still cares for her, but he now has Bella on his mind.

Date: Sep 14, 2010 01:05 am Title: Bella
very good love it....
Author's Response:
I'm glad you do. :)
Date: Sep 09, 2010 10:58 am Title: The Pregnancy
OMG! MJ is just overexcited to be a father......I'm happy that they did get back together .....more please....thanks!
Author's Response:
Yeah, its his dream come true! It's a new beginning for them. I will be updating soon. Thanks for your review.
Date: Sep 07, 2010 10:10 pm Title: The Pregnancy
Yaaay you updated and they are back together!! I hate the fact that Michelle's grandmother died though.. she was great to her but I guess she needed Mickey a little bit more and fate granted her wish in an unexepected way. And now they have a little girl!! So great, it's like a new beginning and the opportunity to start better... can't wait for the next chap!!
Author's Response:
Yup they're back together. :) And they have a little baby girl, so he got his baby after all! It's a new beginning, but there's always something that pulls them back. Stay tuned, i will be updating soon.

Date: Sep 06, 2010 10:31 pm Title: The Pregnancy
The story just keeps getting better and better. I was hooked from chapter, actually your story is the reason why I signed up to the website so I could get the updates. I am dying to find out what happens with Michael, Michelle and Bella.
Author's Response:
Thanks! I'm really glad that you're enjoying the story. Trust me, I have a whole lot more coming. This is just Part One. I've already started writing Part Four, but i will be updating soon :)
Date: Sep 06, 2010 07:04 pm Title: Once In A Lifetime Opportunity
hell yea we want you to continue ! :)
Author's Response:
Lol okay then, I will be updating soon :)