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Reviewer: Lenetta16 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 26, 2013 05:20 am Title: Dream Come True?

When she was basically talking about how much of an unconventional marriage it was, I was over here like "oh girl...", lmao because from what I've seen with his marriages to LMP and Debbie, they were far from conventional looooool. I feel like things will get more difficult for Michelle *sigh*. But we shall see lol

Reviewer: Lenetta16 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 26, 2013 05:08 am Title: Let The Problems Begin....

I got a kick out of their little arguments but then at the end awwwwwwwww :(( he really didn't want her to leave. It'll be interesting to see how everything goes lol

Author's Response: Lol. The arguments are the best part to write!

Reviewer: Lenetta16 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 26, 2013 04:54 am Title: The Tour

Oooooooooh boy looool omfg. Me an MJ would've had a problem. That was sooooo shady of him and some of his staff are so damn rude lol. I was cheering when Michelle decided not to go see him. I would've done the same shit tbh. It's petty but what he was doing was also petty lol

Reviewer: Lenetta16 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 26, 2013 04:35 am Title: Getting Serious

Ah, I see there are some difficulties already lmao. Michael seemed very difficult at times lol but still very sweet. And man... I don't like being told what to do either lol. In fact, I hate it xD nice chapter btw

Reviewer: Lenetta16 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 26, 2013 03:57 am Title: Baby Be Mine

Aww :( I understand why she felt remorse. When you believe in something so strongly and then suddenly you do something against that belief... It could really hurt you. But I'm glad to see that she decided to talk to MJ about it. And I'm also glad that he was so understaning about it :)

Reviewer: Lenetta16 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 26, 2013 03:39 am Title: Friends

Holy crap! This is getting really good! And may I just add that although I never got the chance to meet Michael, what this chick is describing in her feelings toward MJ, I can relate to on so many levels. How she says at one point she liked his songs and thought he was very talented but never followed up on him in the news. That's how I was before I became a fan of his. If I never would've became a fan, I wouldn't really pay that much attention to him tbqh. I wouldn't fangirl or anything lol. But now that I've seen the Magic of MJ, I'm a bit of a stan. And I started to slowly fall for him, from the good things about his personality that I read about from other people and himself. And eve though I only have my posters, yes, his eyes are very intimidating lol.

Author's Response: I totally understand, just curious, because i'm always curious about this question, when the "love" and "intrigue" happen for you (for Michael). For me, i was always a fan but i didn't apperciate him until the mid '90's.

Reviewer: Lenetta16 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 26, 2013 03:01 am Title: Once In A Lifetime Opportunity

I'm excited and a little frightened to be starting this fic, from the things I've been told lol. But this is so interesting already and I can't wait to read the rest! *takes deep breath*.

I'm ready lmfao. Well written chapter, btw :)

Author's Response:

Author's Response: Thanks! I've seen you been reading away lately, and i'm going to respond to all of the reviews you've written. From what i've gathered, you have been enjoying the story; which makes me very happy! But i am curious, what have you been told about this story that's got you excited yet frightened? lol That scares me.

Reviewer: webwench Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 23, 2013 02:53 pm Title: Author's Note

Well Gigi, I apologize in advance for the length of this review.

First off, thank you for taking the time to share with us your stories and thoughts, it is very kind of you and you really have a fantastic gift.

Second, I've pretty much read most stories on this website and a lot of them have had me an emotional mess at times. Yours yours I had to sign up for. I had to sign up just so I could tell you I've luckily had a few days off and read this constantly, completely forgetting how to do anything else but read your story. I'm not sure what I was expecting when I first started reading, but boy oh boy did it get me. I couldn't even tell you why exactly, it's hard to pinpoint exactly why your story connected with me the way it has. If I was to hazard a guess, I would perhaps say...the realness. Strange choice of words for a fictional story you might say; I'll do my best to elaborate. What I mean is, while I enjoy a lot of stories here, and this website has got a few extremely talented writers, I felt yours. Really felt the....possibility? Michael's been with me for a long time now, we've 'met' during his glorious Thriller days and myself, like all of you, was hopelessly hooked, never to leave his side. It was all sweetly innocent back then, but by the time BAD came around during my teens it's safe to say he had me. All of me. And while throughout the years he was rekindled in me hope in mankind with his beautifully unique heart, I'm under no illusions. Yes he is an icon (tense intended). Yes he is the greatest entertainer of all time. An undeniable genius and the most kind, pure hearted person I've come across - or never come across. But he is also a man, and as such not perfect by definition. There is no doubt in my mind he has flaws....we all do. We've pushed him high up on a sparkly pedestal and expected him to fit in afterwards. We've thrown him into orbit and awaited normality. This absurdity often gets overlooked by some quick to judge but it is, sadly, Human Nature. It has pained him deeply I'm certain, yet his resilience to this tragedy will forever astound me. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is you depicted his character in a way I could easily have accepted as reality, to the point I often found myself wondering just how much of this is truly fictional. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I believe Michael to be as mean in real life as he is in this story - because let's face it, I've thought about slapping some sense into him on more than one occasion. What I am saying is I wouldn't have been surprised or shocked if he was, nor would I admonish him for it. I'm not entirely sure whether It was me that plunged into both their worlds or the other way around, but I was most certainly there every step of the way regardless. My heart both rose and shattered with every make-up and break-up, every kiss and loving gaze and every hasty decision and angered comment. I have been holding a shaky breath ever since 'Return', stupidly missing your 'Michael will not die in this story' note on one of the chapters. Therefore the closer it got to that dreaded date the more I prayed but couldn't help mentally bracing myself for the worst. I genuinely had no clue and because of the 'real feel' I mentioned earlier it could have gone either way as far as I knew. And Gigi let me tell you, there is no telling just how many kittens and puppies would have found their demise should you have chosen to go with a different finale. I apologize if that comment offended anyone by the way, I've never really been very funny.

I can already tell this will also be the first story out them all - and there's been a lot - that I will most definitely re-read. Also I've just noticed you've got Michael's version up and running now; I really cannot wait to start reading but Gigi I'm begging you, please don't break my heart lol

PS: You are truly blessed. I can only imagine what it would have been like to share this man's personal space and breathe his air. Tragically ironic, I would have seen him in person (!) for the first time at the 'This Is It' shows as my then partner was contracted for the staging and backstage passes had already been cleared. To say I was excited is a severe understatement. Devastated is another.. Still, even though we've never met personally, somehow I feel I know his heart. It defies logic and clutches to emotions but to make that connection with people......That is his greatest gift of all.

Author's Response: First off- Wow. Your review has got to be, one of, if not the best review that I have ever read on this site. The amount of time, and thought that you put into this review makes if something truly special and a delight to read. You addressed so much in your review that I want to take the time to give it due justice. So let me dig in! :) I have to start it off by saying thank you. In my professional life, I don't write, so it has been a joy and a great relief that people have taken to this story and loved it the way that they have. When I began writing the story I didn't write it with the intent on sharing it, it was mainly a way of grieving. As i've stated before on the site, i've known Michael and was blessed to be allowed in his prescene more than once. Due to that, I guess you could say the writing came easily to me. The process started with me wanting to write my own personal account of our friendship, but, being conflicted without having Michael's permission- thus Michael: Magic, Madness, the Untold story was born. A fictional story interwined with real events and situations. You mentioned how the story had a realness tone to it, which i'm very proud of. I feel that for any writer who is attempting to tackle an MJ Fan Fic, it is difficult because here is a man who the world virtually knew every detail, but really knew nothing at all. He was such an enigma, who kept so much of his true self hidden that I don't think one person could ever say they knew the totality of his character; that knew him fully inside and out. And then there was the Michelle Brooks aspect. I felt since you had one character, who you virtually could know everything about, it was only fair that you had that in his romantic counterpart. I created a family for Michelle, and friends, and likes/dislikes, habits etc…I wanted her to feel just as real as Michael and for her to be relatable. After all, she is real. She's a slice of the different women that made up of his life, there's me, exes, other friends. About 65% of the situations happened in some form or another. So I’m glad the ‘realness’ was shown through. Now on to the man! You mentioned that Michael’s been with you since the Thriller years. Like yourself, by then, I was already mesmerized. There was something about him, that no one to this day has accurately been able to convey. To put it simply, he truly was like no other male on the planet. To have such a unique blend of talent, genius, gentility, and just love for people and the world in general. As you stated we put him on a pedestal, but honestly, there was no other place I think fit for him. He separated himself from the masses and made it hard for others to compare. Though it did have its downfalls. The things he had to deal with in his short time on earth would have ended most people, but through it all, he remained resilient and never let it change him. He was such a unique and blessed individual and he understood this. The last time we spoke was in a short ten minute conversation in May of 2009. We were both rushing, committed to other things, but he had called to check on my daughter and though I kept trying to ask about his show, he wanted to know about what we were doing, what we had going on. He didn't want to discuss himself. That spoke volumes about his character. He just genuinely cared. He was truly nice, which is something you just don't find anymore. He was too pure for this world, and though his death about totally destroyed me, and still does in a lot of ways...i'm happy that he can finally rest and not be succumbed to foolishness any longer. Thanks for your review, God Bless.

Reviewer: mare Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Aug 14, 2013 01:32 am Title: Paris Jackson's Birthday

ugh, michelle is messing every fucking thing up !!! lol 

Reviewer: ZigZag Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 13, 2013 05:00 pm Title: Michael: His Version

Looking forward to this!!

Author's Response: Michael: His Version, Part One is now up and posted. Please head over and let me know what you think! Let me know if you love it...hate it...Thanks!

Reviewer: loveAG Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2013 07:51 pm Title: Michael: His Version

OMG, I'm so excited. XD

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you're excited. :) Michael: His Version, Part One is now posted so head over and check it out! Let me know your thoughts! Thanks again.

Reviewer: Dreamer Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2013 01:30 am Title: Michael: His Version

I can't even express in words how excited I am about this right now!!! 

I can't wait for it to begin. <3

Author's Response: Michael: His Version, Part One is posted now!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the first story. Please let me know what you think!!!! Thanks!

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2013 08:58 pm Title: Michael: His Version

This soooo exciting!! I love this story so very mucho lol very happy to see that this story coming back to life, but under a new light.  Always one of the best reads on here. Getting ready for this trip!

Author's Response: Thanks so much. I apperciate that. It was my favorite story to write so far. I have posted Michael: His Version, Part One so go ahead and check it out! Let me know what you think. I'm curious to see what you loved or hated. Thanks!

Reviewer: giveintothefire Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2013 07:16 pm Title: Michael: His Version

OH MY GOSH!!!! I can't wait for more!!!! This story made me angry, happy, sad and everything else lol I'm so excited to see/read what happens from Michael's point of view *_*

Author's Response: Michael: His Version, Part One is now posted! Please let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy this story just as much as the original!!!

Reviewer: ZigZag Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 02, 2012 08:40 pm Title: The Conversation

So far, this is probably my favorite chapter. I'm new to this story, but it's amazing in every sense of the word. You're a fantastic writer !!

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