Date: Jul 01, 2021 07:30 am Title: Chapter 2 - Only You and Me
Man I wish this was real :(

Date: May 13, 2012 04:50 am Title: Chapter 4 - Love at First Sight
Gosh....that was so romantic! I want to be Andrea right now!
Author's Response:

Date: May 13, 2012 04:23 am Title: Chapter 3 - Flashback
Oh, poor Andrea! I hope she finds peace of mind near Michael.

Date: May 13, 2012 02:31 am Title: Chapter 2 - Only You and Me
I can feel their loneliness and need for comfort. Well written, very good!

Date: May 09, 2012 11:22 pm Title: Chapter 1 - First Day of the Rest of My Life
Just want to say this: THANK YOU for this story! I am a beLIEver and I have a few stories on the subject, I was just a bit shy to publish here not to hurt people's feelings, but now that I discovered your story I will get the guts to put up mine, too. Again, thank you, can't wait to read more from this!
Date: Jan 25, 2011 10:12 am Title: Chapter 69 - Wedding Night
Lovely....simply amazing.....thanks again for updating.....can't wait how you play out the concert in London......
Date: Jan 25, 2011 05:51 am Title: Chapter 69 - Wedding Night
Thank you for the update....i thought you totally had given up on this.......hope to read more updates from now on.....
Author's Response:
Neah, I didn't. I just had a lot of family problems and I guess those put me in a block. But I'm recovering :D
Thanks for your continuous support *hugs*
Date: Nov 23, 2010 06:33 pm Title: Chapter 68 - Mine
This was such a beautiful chapter....
Author's Response:
Awww...thanks so much. I appreciate the feedback so much. Hugs!
Date: Oct 07, 2010 06:18 pm Title: Chapter 1 - First Day of the Rest of My Life
Oh, I'm sure that it'll be incredible! <3 and Yeah, I signed up, haha, 'cause I had to get in on this thing here, too!
Author's Response:
Be welcomed my dear :P
Date: Oct 06, 2010 08:18 pm Title: Chapter 1 - First Day of the Rest of My Life
;D All I have to say is... I hope you write a sequel! And I finally signed up for this website! Haha!
Love, Hailey <3
Author's Response:
Oh hello Hailey! :D
Nice to see ya here. As for the story, I don't know about a sequel but I already have a new story going on in my head, so I guess after finishing this one I will start work on this new story that is stuck in my head now :)
Love you
Date: Sep 29, 2010 11:17 pm Title: Chapter 64 - Love by Grace
Good Job! Please update soon...
Author's Response:
Hey there! Thx so much for taking the time to read my story. I promise I will update soon. Hugs!
Date: Sep 28, 2010 09:50 am Title: Chapter 64 - Love by Grace
Thanks for the update! Now at least she had cleared her doubts by confronting Ruska herself...Hope Andrea and Mj can have their wedding finally....and live happily ever after?
Author's Response:
Hehehe...thx dear for the nice comment as always. Yeah. I guess that they can finally have the big WEDINNG :D
Date: Sep 16, 2010 01:21 pm Title: Chapter 62 - ...and Found
Oh.... I think ...Andrea is returning to Neverland......oh what an amazing woman that Aanchal...Andrea must have met her at the airport for a reason.....fate had intervened?
Date: Sep 15, 2010 07:45 pm Title: Chapter 61 - Lost
What's gonna happen now....? I didn't expect this to happen.....but after what Andrea had been's the most sensible thing to do for him at this point....imagine she almost got married with him and in just a couple of days before the wedding MJ had some doubts and find himself with another woman? How can she ever live with that and still be with his side?
She had lost herself to MJ.....totally dedicated herself in loving him...he sucked her life away from her...and yet her love was not enough for him...
I hope she'll find herself again and be able to accept and appreciate herself once again.....
Hope MJ give her time and space though ...and please may he not fuck up again....let him make up his mind.....let him know and realize that he cant say I love you to one woman and say it to another woman again....please for the love of GOD let him stop fooling around for a change and stop thinking only of himself...reconsider others feelings as well...and to stop hurting and appreciate the woman who really loves him and been there for him all through out his ordeal....and the woman who he had promised to love and cherished forever and ever....
Author's Response:
Hi Sannah dear! How have you been?
I am so happy you still read my story :D I've been kinda busy lately and I couldn't update sooner. But now I hope I will get enough time to figure out how Michael could get Andrea back. It's true, he was a little selfish and doubting their relationship was a bad thing to do but still, he didn't mess up too badly. He realized just in time that he loves only her. And about the lies he told her, it was only because he was too affarid to lose her.
Anyway...I am sure love will win. It always does ;)
Thanks again for commenting always. I love when I receive feedback.
Take care!

Date: Sep 04, 2010 08:22 pm Title: Chapter 60 - Insatiable
Damn that man is inbelievable, so irresistible... really!!! I loved when they found each other again, they were about to marry for God's sake! And then....uugh Mike you need a good spanking LMAO I mean yeah he overreacted and was so mad at her when she "cheated" with Dan and now that it's him..she just has to forget it all? He forgave her because he understood he took it all the wrong way but it's not a misunderstanding in his case... he admitted it himself to her. Poor Andrea... I don't know how they'll work out all this. And poor Mike, I would say, cause authors seem to be so hard on him, making him cheat and fool around with girls all the time hahaha! Please update soon ;)