Date: Sep 04, 2010 06:53 pm Title: Chapter 60 - Insatiable
So sad ......Mj was such a big FOOL! He's so stupid how could he cheats on Andrea a few days before the wedding? I just knew it the minute that woman Ruska enters the picture.....Andrea's instinct was correct....there were something going on between them.... Doubting Andrea and hurting her feelings over Ruska......a few days before the wedding?
Now....the wedding was cancelled....what's left for them? T'was hard for Andrea to stay behind in Neverland after what had happened.... Is make sex enough to erase all the doubts and heartaches? Can Andrea fully trust her again? I really doubt that....
Date: Aug 31, 2010 10:49 am Title: Chapter 1 - First Day of the Rest of My Life
At put some smiles in their faces and has return...and Andrea became MJ's woman at happy for them.....I can't wait for the wedding and for the children to see how happy are MJ and andrea this time.....thanks for the update!
Author's Response:
I am happy you liked it. Hugs dear!

Date: Aug 30, 2010 04:42 pm Title: Chapter 53 - Diary of a Lost Soul
OMG you make me cry along with Mike all this chapter!!! Ans the others.. This is so sad and emotional...but i'm happy he's found her diary and come to his senses at last. I can't wait to see them together again, how he'll make it up to her... please update soon!!!
Author's Response:
Ohhh God, I appreciate so much your feedback. I am so happy that you can really feel the emotions and feelings of Michael. I will update soon :D Hugs

Date: Aug 30, 2010 04:15 am Title: Chapter 53 - Diary of a Lost Soul
OH MY GOD! What a fantastic update! You really did turned me upside down emotionally made me cry like a river for MJ not listening to Andrea's explanation and yet he took her back to and still treats her coldy/warmly in a matter of minutes. Cali... And just then when Andrea almost gave up....calling him and crying again knowing he'll not come home for her and still gives her a cold shoulder....but before he closes down the phone he heard the magic word...."If you would only know Michael, if you would only know how much I love you and only you.”.....he left for home.....only to find Andrea's journal ...and the last thing posted there....."
“I have to run away, I can’t take this anymore. It’s all my fault but I can’t do this anymore. He is so cold and different; I can’t even recognize him anymore. Where is the man I fell in love with? Where are you Michael?”.....gosh he cried knowing what a BIG MISTAKE he had for even doubting Andrea......he cried and ran out searching for her.....all along she's just inside Neverland having a carousel ride....
Please update soon...I can't wait for them to get back together....finally be in love, at peace and happy to be with each happily ....and joining him in his rehearsals and everybody can see a different MJ this time with Andrea on his side.....
Date: Aug 29, 2010 09:50 pm Title: Chapter 48 - Misunderstood
Oh please I need an can be DAN be so cruel and ruin everything...he manipulated and lied to her...especially about the ring and didn't make it easier when Mj came....he makes it look like other than what they aren't .....
Can MJ please have the heart to give Andrea a chance to explain...please? He's gonna hurt her to death.....I'm pretty sure if things with MJ will not clear up or at least let her explain her side...she's gonna go down the drain and it will be the end of her.....
Author's Response:
Nobody likes Dan...hahaha!!! Anyway, new updates coming today. Enjoy!
Date: Aug 28, 2010 02:50 pm Title: Chapter 1 - First Day of the Rest of My Life
my favouritist story in the world! It never fails to make me happy and sometimes annoyed, other times sad. But usually I'm just extremely happy when I see an update lol
love ya :*
Author's Response:
Hehehehe...your fav story in the world :D :D :D This made me grin like stupid :D Thanks dear!

Date: Aug 26, 2010 02:36 pm Title: Chapter 48 - Misunderstood
God this chapter breaks my heart... I love your story, wish it was real with Michael still with us out there, somewhere... keep it up!
Author's Response:
Oh thank you so so much for taking the time to read it. I also wish this could be's so heartbreaking not to have him around anymore :(
Date: Aug 25, 2010 08:29 pm Title: Chapter 1 - First Day of the Rest of My Life
Oh you'll definitely hear more of me...I just started reading your fanfic and its pretty interesting....and I truly appreciates it that you keep on updating it frequently.....It's really sad that there are a lot of fanfic that were unfinished...and abandon by the writer...
Author's Response:
Yes, I know. I also started to read some stories here that were abandoned and it's kind of frustrating :D
Anyway, I won't abandon my story. It helped me too much and in the 5 months since I started to write it I grew very fond of it. I will sure finish it.
Thanks again for the feedback. God bless you!
Date: Aug 25, 2010 08:01 am Title: Chapter 44 - Till Death Do Us Part?
New reader is this the end?
Author's Response:
Oh no!!! Definetley not the end, there are a lot more chapters to come.
By the way, thanks a lot for taking the time to read my story, makes me so happy. Hugs!
Date: Aug 24, 2010 08:43 pm Title: Chapter 1 - First Day of the Rest of My Life
thanks for your reply i think you are a very good writer and yes i think i have read some stuff on the mj site some are great bot yours is by far the top pne for me,please continue with this i really love it,can wait fpr more
Date: Aug 23, 2010 10:21 pm Title: Chapter 1 - First Day of the Rest of My Life
wow this is great by the way do you also write on another site?because i think you should they would love it it is at official michael jackson site they also have stories there and i think youres would be a winner.please update soon.
Author's Response:
Hello Michaella! And thank you for taking the time to read my story and for such nice words. And yes, I do post my story on other sites too, on the official Michael Jackson site on the forum and also on deviantart, if you ever heard about this site. It is a great place where people share all kind of arts, writings, poetry, drawings, paintings.
Love and Kisses!
Date: Aug 20, 2010 06:23 am Title: Chapter 28 - Back Home
mane continue wat happend lol update soon.
Author's Response:
I will update soon, I promise. Thx for reading by the way. It makes me so happy. Hugs!