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Reviewer: KekeJackson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 16, 2013 04:00 pm Title: Juan

:/? My reaction. Wow it's going strong I wonder what's the case.

Author's Response:

.... Suspense at it's worst!


Thanks for your review!

Reviewer: Cwooten Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 26, 2013 05:58 pm Title: Step Ya Engagement Game Up.

Loved the update!!

Author's Response:

Thanks love! :D

Reviewer: paris-jane Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Jan 25, 2013 07:42 pm Title: Step Ya Engagement Game Up.

sooooooooooooo sweet and i love the cake pics!!! :)

Author's Response:

Lol, thanks love. :)

Reviewer: cabagepatch1023 Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Jan 25, 2013 07:22 pm Title: Step Ya Engagement Game Up.

happy bealted love:) love the design of the cake it looks yummy.! plz countuine da story soon:)Much Love<3

Author's Response:

Thank you so much. I'm glad you like it and I'll try as soon as possible!

                                                             <3 King Maraj-Jackson

Reviewer: Cwooten Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 28, 2012 03:02 pm Title: Lemme Foreshadow

I hope they have a baby :) such a good chapter!

Author's Response:

I do too ;) Thank you so much

Reviewer: Calichick101 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 28, 2012 02:23 pm Title: Who In The Hell Is This?

Oh the hell you didn't just make a story about mike and nicki? Lol girl me and my boyfriend are having a really tough time right now, I'm mad as hell and ready to kill somebody. Idk maybe it's just my pregnancy hormones getting to me lol but anyways this story made me smile because I love love LOVE nicki Minaj! Thanks for brightening up my day a lil <3

Author's Response:

Lol, this is your first time reading?! I'm sorry you're having a hard time but maybe this'll cheer you up. Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: paris-jane Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 28, 2012 05:52 am Title: Lemme Foreshadow

yeah ur back!!!! and awww they r gonna make babies :)

Author's Response:

!! Yass. Thanks for reviewing

Reviewer: PiperJackson4eva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 30, 2012 08:29 pm Title: The Wedding

Four words: Most flawless wedding ever

Author's Response:

I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO GIVE ME MY 200TH REVIEW. And I want to thank you very much for your loyalty and support.

I'm so happy you enjoyed the wedding because I think that's the longest chapter I've ever written and it really doesn't seem like much.

True love Barb, that's what I like!


Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 27, 2012 06:45 pm Title: Who In The Hell Is This?

I really gotta catch up with Barbie & Peterpan again. I think I feel behind time to catch up :)

Author's Response:

Aww, take your time doll. I'm just glad you're reading!


Reviewer: sheba93 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 29, 2012 06:50 pm Title: Introducingggggg!

Great chapter as usual!

OMG girl, You don't know how guilty I feel for not reviewing as much as I used to. I've lost track of reading and I just caught up. I am so sorry, you don't even know!

I absolutely love this story and would NEVER abandon reading it. I even keep it in my favorites!

Phenomenal job, Barb!

Team Nessa and Mike all day, everyday!

Author's Response:

Thank you very much!

Don't feel guilty, I understand. It only matters that you took the time to review when you could.



Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 29, 2012 03:30 pm Title: Introducingggggg!

I cant to see what the wedding will be like. Love this story.

Author's Response:

Lol, I can't wait for you to see. Thank you very much.


Reviewer: PiperJackson4eva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2012 08:52 am Title: Normality

Awesome! We got to hear about the wedding. I forgot that! Poor Paris. That's how long I stay up. Lol. 

Author's Response:


Thanks for your review!


Reviewer: paris-jane Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 08, 2012 05:40 pm Title: Trinidad & Tobago IV


Author's Response:

Lol! :D

Reviewer: KekeJackson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 08, 2012 04:59 pm Title: Trinidad & Tobago IV

I miss this!!!!!!! And awwwww!!

Author's Response:

Nicki Minaj

Lol, thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Cwooten Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 02, 2012 11:19 pm Title: Who In The Hell Is This?

Please Update!!! I am loving this story :)

Author's Response:

I will update because I love you. :D


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